Encyclodictionalmanacapedia encyclo- + diction(ary) + almanac + epenthetic a + pedia, literally "an educational diary that speaks (or delivers) all knowledge," is the abbreviation for Answers.com's super-reference work that includes an encyclopedia, dictionary, almanac, thesaurus, weather report, conversion table, archive, game center, investment guide, currency converter, newscenter and shopping catalog — and more.
Encyclodictionalmanacapedia is a trademark of Answers Corporation.
Comments by doniels
doniels commented on the word policy-maker
Encyclodictionalmanacapedia encyclo- + diction(ary) + almanac + epenthetic a + pedia, literally "an educational diary that speaks (or delivers) all knowledge," is the abbreviation for Answers.com's super-reference work that includes an encyclopedia, dictionary, almanac, thesaurus, weather report, conversion table, archive, game center, investment guide, currency converter, newscenter and shopping catalog — and more.
Encyclodictionalmanacapedia is a trademark of Answers Corporation.
Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/encyclodictionalmanacopedia
July 9, 2009
doniels commented on the word admin@fantasybookspot
A Sefer Torah is a Torah scroll; the 5 books of Moses written on parchment and used by Jews in the synagogue.
July 9, 2009
doniels commented on the word kippa
Kippa is a skullcap that religious Jewish males wear at all times.
July 9, 2009