dt33789 commented on the word swyve
Swyve is a Middle English word meaning 'to copulate with' and there are many references to it in Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' E.G The Teeve's Tale
'For, john, seyde he, als evere moot I thryve,
If that I may, yon wenche wil I swyve.'
January 13, 2011
Comments by dt33789
dt33789 commented on the word swyve
Swyve is a Middle English word meaning 'to copulate with' and there are many references to it in Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' E.G The Teeve's Tale
'For, john, seyde he, als evere moot I thryve,
If that I may, yon wenche wil I swyve.'
January 13, 2011