I'm loving the site as well. I'd love to be able to look up words with a direct click to the Free Dictionary (thefreedictionary.com). I have found it to be much more useful than either M-W or dictionary.com. Plus, it uses only Google text ads.
I looked it up this morning for the same reason. I too love "Come Thou Fount," and always wonder what Ebenezer is doing in there. Today over breakfast I was listening to Sufjan Steven's Christmas EPs, which contain a version of "Come Thou Fount," so I remembered to look it up.
Comments by edwardhenry
edwardhenry commented on the list places-johnny-cash-has-been
I can't help but notice that "everywhere" is not on the list...
Great list!
December 2, 2006
edwardhenry commented on the user john
I'm loving the site as well. I'd love to be able to look up words with a direct click to the Free Dictionary (thefreedictionary.com). I have found it to be much more useful than either M-W or dictionary.com. Plus, it uses only Google text ads.
December 2, 2006
edwardhenry commented on the user edwardhenry
I looked it up this morning for the same reason. I too love "Come Thou Fount," and always wonder what Ebenezer is doing in there. Today over breakfast I was listening to Sufjan Steven's Christmas EPs, which contain a version of "Come Thou Fount," so I remembered to look it up.
November 29, 2006