Etymology: Literally, “gate-shut panic�? — the feeling that medieval peasants had when the castle gates were closing for an upcoming onslaught by enemies.
I always think about the jejunum when jejune comes up. It's the part of the small intestine sandwiched between the duodenum and ileum. It's probably the least interesting part of the gastrointestinal tract, as nothing really significant happens - which is how I would use the word, to mean uninteresting and insignificant.
emil's Comments
Comments by emil
emil commented on the word rara avis
"rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno" Juvenal's Satires
June 9, 2012
emil commented on the word the art is long, but life is short, opportunity fleeting, experience delusive, judgement difficult
June 4, 2012
emil commented on the word morbos autem non eloquentia, sed remediis curari
but diseases are not to be cured by eloquence, but by remedies. A.C. Celcus
June 4, 2012
emil commented on the word hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
Taceant colloquia. Effugiat risus. Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae.
"Let conversation cease. Let laughter flee. This is the place where death delights to help the living."
Praesente aegroto taceant colloquia, effugiat risus, namque omnia dominatur morbus.
"In the presence of the sick, all conversation should cease, laughter should disappear, because disease reigns over all."
April 4, 2011
emil commented on the list latin-words-for-medical-prescription
oculus dexter (od) - right eye
oculus sinister (os) - left eye
oculi uterque (ou) - both eyes
July 4, 2010
emil commented on the word incidit in scyllam, cupiens vitare charybdim
October 28, 2009
emil commented on the word medicine is learned by the bedside and not in the classroom
william osler
October 27, 2009
emil commented on the word use new drugs quickly, while they still work
armand trousseau
October 27, 2009
emil commented on the word go where the money is
willie sutton.
October 27, 2009
emil commented on the word budgie smuggler
Aussie slang for speedos.
August 1, 2009
emil commented on the word torsades de pointes
"twisting of the points" a characteristic appearance on the electrocardiogram.
August 1, 2009
emil commented on the word ha en rev bak øret
to have an ace up one's sleeve for an underhanded trick, lit. to have a fox behind the ear.
July 15, 2009
emil commented on the word tiré à quatre épingles
dressed to the nines, lit. drawn to four pins
July 15, 2009
emil commented on the word kummerspeck
a German word that literally means “grief bacon�? but refers to the excess weight gained from emotion-related overeating.
July 15, 2009
emil commented on the word se presser le citron
to rack one's brains, lit. to squeeze the lemon
July 15, 2009
emil commented on the word torschlusspanik
Etymology: Literally, “gate-shut panic�? — the feeling that medieval peasants had when the castle gates were closing for an upcoming onslaught by enemies.
July 15, 2009
emil commented on the word knock up
in Australian slang, means "to whip up (a dish)"
July 2, 2009
emil commented on the word jejune
I always think about the jejunum when jejune comes up. It's the part of the small intestine sandwiched between the duodenum and ileum. It's probably the least interesting part of the gastrointestinal tract, as nothing really significant happens - which is how I would use the word, to mean uninteresting and insignificant.
June 24, 2009
emil commented on the word ach so!
more accurately, high german.
June 24, 2009
emil commented on the list latin-words-for-medical-prescription
ante cibum (ac) - before meals
post cibum (pc) - after meals
hora somni (hs) - before bed
quaque die (qd) - daily
quaque hora (qh) - every hour
quaque mane (qm) - every morning
quaque nocte (qn) - every night
bis in die (bid/bd) - twice a day
ter in die (tid) - three times a day
ter die sumendum (tds) - three times a day
quater in die (qid) - four times a day
quater die sumendum (qds) - four times a day
pro re nata (prn) - as need arises, "concerning a matter that has been born"
quantum libet (ql) - as much as pleases
quantum sufficit (qs) - as much as sufficient
nil per os (npo) - nil by mouth
per os (po) - oral
per rectum (pr) - rectal
per vaginam (pv) - vaginal
June 21, 2009