ErnestBafflewit commented on the word notable
Never fear, bilby. A charming rogue such as yourself can always find a hospitable.
December 5, 2018
ErnestBafflewit commented on the word zambomba
It is an entertaining image: bilby at home of an evening, tugging on his zambomba and making clucking noises.
December 4, 2018
ErnestBafflewit commented on the word assassinlessnessesiciousness
As they say in the Highlands: a good boak will set you right.
May 25, 2018
n. An simple pleasure taken in a plurality of contexts in which assassins are absent.
n. A suspiciously inauspicious obsession with successive sibilant syllables.
Comments by ernestbafflewit
ErnestBafflewit commented on the word notable
Never fear, bilby. A charming rogue such as yourself can always find a hospitable.
December 5, 2018
ErnestBafflewit commented on the word zambomba
It is an entertaining image: bilby at home of an evening, tugging on his zambomba and making clucking noises.
December 4, 2018
ErnestBafflewit commented on the word assassinlessnessesiciousness
As they say in the Highlands: a good boak will set you right.
May 25, 2018
ErnestBafflewit commented on the word assassinlessnessesiciousness
n. An simple pleasure taken in a plurality of contexts in which assassins are absent.
n. A suspiciously inauspicious obsession with successive sibilant syllables.
May 25, 2018