I've heard this word describing a middle-aged woman's face. Plantagenet is defined in an old Webster dictionary as the ruling family of England 1154-1399 or any member of this family. I may not have the correct spelling, but the word may mean ageless or like the portrait of one or more of this royal family.Signed,fabulous
beshamel is a type of thickening sauce well-known in French cooking. I saw it listed in a menu miss-spelled as beshemel. I thought by now someone would have asked for a definition. Two tweets, one in French , one in Spanish, came up during my search. Both tweets confirmed my spelling and my basic definition.
Comments by fabulous
fabulous commented on the user fabulous
I wish to correct my second comment: on the use of plantagenous.Please delete fabulous.
September 17, 2016
fabulous commented on the word plantagenous
Plantagenet = the ruling family of ENGLAND (1154-1399) or any member of this family as stated in an older version of a Webster dictionary.
March 27, 2016
fabulous commented on the user fabulous
I've heard this word describing a middle-aged woman's face. Plantagenet is defined in an old Webster dictionary as the ruling family of England 1154-1399 or any member of this family. I may not have the correct spelling, but the word may mean ageless or like the portrait of one or more of this royal family.Signed,fabulous
March 27, 2016
fabulous commented on the word beshamel
beshamel is a type of thickening sauce well-known in French cooking. I saw it listed in a menu miss-spelled as beshemel. I thought by now someone would have asked for a definition. Two tweets, one in French , one in Spanish, came up during my search. Both tweets confirmed my spelling and my basic definition.
Signed, fabulous
November 20, 2011