or the technique of altering the tone color of a single note or musical line by changing from one instrument to another in the middle of a note or line.
My ex-teacher used to write with this S even in the singular (the same for "tendus" and "jetés"). But, may it be as Wikipedia says. Thank you for the tip and for the great resource, John! I'll add plié to this list and delete this one.
Comments by fer_k
fer_k commented on the word beau
June 27, 2008
fer_k commented on the user carolbarone
Gotcha! Adicionei melíflua à minha lista de palavras e vi que mais alguém também tinha a mesma palavra. Só poderia ser a Carol, né.
May 17, 2008
fer_k commented on the word casablanca
It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die!
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.
October 22, 2007
fer_k commented on the user rocksinmypockets
Right, here's your candy. Enjoy it! :D
October 15, 2007
fer_k commented on the word klangfarbenmelodie
or the technique of altering the tone color of a single note or musical line by changing from one instrument to another in the middle of a note or line.
October 10, 2007
fer_k commented on the word cantabile
true enough xD
October 10, 2007
fer_k commented on the word largo
and also the name of my favorite movement of the "Winter", on Vivaldi's The four seasons.
October 10, 2007
fer_k commented on the word parrot
Please sir, a baked dead (it must be dead, indeed) parrot with SPAM, SPAM, potatoes, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, sausage, bacon, SPAM, egg, SPAM and SPAM.
September 30, 2007
fer_k commented on the word swallow
I totally agree with uselessness. Everyone *must* see, at least... Argument clinic.
September 30, 2007
fer_k commented on the word hobgoblin
I can't read this word without remembering Order of the stick.
September 30, 2007
fer_k commented on the word we're doomed!
C-3PO says it everytime in the old trilogy.
September 29, 2007
fer_k commented on the word wirtschaftswunder
I didn't know most of this words are used also in english! Great list.
September 29, 2007
fer_k commented on the word ach so!
german "a-ha!"
September 29, 2007
fer_k commented on the word hoppla!
some kind of german "oops!"
September 29, 2007
fer_k commented on the word 99 bottles of beer on the wall
My favorite. You should see how this song loses its metric - and becomes more nonsense - in portuguese!
September 29, 2007
fer_k commented on the word amazing grace
Church music, nope?
September 29, 2007
fer_k commented on the word pliés
My ex-teacher used to write with this S even in the singular (the same for "tendus" and "jetés"). But, may it be as Wikipedia says. Thank you for the tip and for the great resource, John! I'll add plié to this list and delete this one.
September 29, 2007
fer_k commented on the word flutist
And also fluter, like Samuel Pepys wrote in his diary: "I saw...a picture of a fluter playing on his flute." (!)
September 29, 2007
fer_k commented on the word chat
great idea! Let's see if I can remember all the spellings :)
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word oh!
oh, indeed, sir!
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word parsifal
I wish I was! Wagner is a nice guy but... It's just nicer to imagine:
- What... Is your name?
- Parsifal, leader of the grail brotherhood!
- What... Is your quest?
- I must redeem my knights!
- What... Is your favorite color?
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word parsifal
Parsifal is an old Holy Grail story, mentioned in books by Wolfran von Eschenbach and Chrétien de Troyes. They inspired Wagner to compose the opera.
I think it sounds awesome, too! :D
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word chat
I've learned this word when I was at ballet classes. Pas-de-chat (or "catlike step") was one of my favorite jumps!
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word feuille
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word blême
French: "pale".
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word wörterbuch
the german word to the book where one can discover this word's meaning :)
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word weisheit
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word sterne
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word floß
"float", in German
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word kleine
"little one".
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word klavierspielerin
In German: a female piano player. I particularly like the german female words.
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word träumerin
In German: "dreamer". A female dreamer.
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word kompromissbereitschaft
or "willingness to compromise". Ah, how I love german long words!
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word sonne
"sun", in german.
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word oneiric
purple and dark red word (yes, I think words have colors).
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word automne
autumn sounds beautifully in french!
September 28, 2007
fer_k commented on the word apfel
Or "apple", in German. Sounds better - and more tasteful - than "apple" or "maçã" (in portuguese).
September 28, 2007