fiorilloaj commented on the word wikiphobia
wikiphobia: 1. noun. fear of wikipedia.
2. noun. fear of the ability to allow anyone to edit things.
December 30, 2007
fiorilloaj commented on the word choad
choad: 1. noun. a penis with a greater circumference than length.
2. noun. an Indian vernacular word equivalent to 'fuck'
fiorilloaj commented on the word grundel
grundel: noun. the less-than-pleasant area between your junk and anal cavity; taint.
fiorilloaj commented on the word baggadoughnuts
an orphaned word
fiorilloaj commented on the word pimptacular
pimptacular: adj. The condition of being spectacularly pimp.
fiorilloaj commented on the word pimptastic
pimptastic: 1. adjective. the state of being fantasticly pimp
2. adjective. having or pertaining to the use of two or more concubous parnters
fiorilloaj commented on the word sucky
sucky the condition of suck
Comments by fiorilloaj
fiorilloaj commented on the word wikiphobia
wikiphobia: 1. noun. fear of wikipedia.
2. noun. fear of the ability to allow anyone to edit things.
December 30, 2007
fiorilloaj commented on the word choad
choad: 1. noun. a penis with a greater circumference than length.
2. noun. an Indian vernacular word equivalent to 'fuck'
December 30, 2007
fiorilloaj commented on the word grundel
grundel: noun. the less-than-pleasant area between your junk and anal cavity; taint.
December 30, 2007
fiorilloaj commented on the word baggadoughnuts
an orphaned word
December 30, 2007
fiorilloaj commented on the word pimptacular
pimptacular: adj. The condition of being spectacularly pimp.
December 30, 2007
fiorilloaj commented on the word pimptastic
pimptastic: 1. adjective. the state of being fantasticly pimp
2. adjective. having or pertaining to the use of two or more concubous parnters
December 30, 2007
fiorilloaj commented on the word sucky
sucky the condition of suck
December 30, 2007