Scotch was used as a Verb by Gore Vidal in his novel, Duluth, as, "...scotch the rumor." If memory serves, the author used the word to mean a quashing of the rumor; using the word to mean not a tallying of, but a scratching away at, for purposes of elimination or removal. See: to scotch a rumor.
Comments by freericky
freericky commented on the word scotch
Scotch was used as a Verb by Gore Vidal in his novel, Duluth, as, "...scotch the rumor." If memory serves, the author used the word to mean a quashing of the rumor; using the word to mean not a tallying of, but a scratching away at, for purposes of elimination or removal. See: to scotch a rumor.
October 21, 2009
freericky commented on the word merdivorous
Dung Eating
October 21, 2009
freericky commented on the word umbrae
The darkest part of a shadow, especially the cone-shaped region of full shadow cast by Earth, the Moon, or another body during an eclipse.
October 4, 2008
freericky commented on the word blitzkrieg
July 8, 2008
freericky commented on the word ricky
cocktails, alcohol, lime ricky,
June 23, 2008
freericky commented on the word eroteme
Perhaps... emetore...?
June 22, 2008
freericky commented on the word shaddenfreud
German: guilty pleasure felt over someone else's misfortune
June 18, 2008
freericky commented on the word margaron
Greek: pearl; whence margarine
June 18, 2008
freericky commented on the word mare
a dark region of considerable extent on the surface of the moon; the dark spots we see
June 18, 2008