I used to help my father collect night crawlers when he wanted to go fishing. They are large, pinkie-thick earthworms that come out at night. To catch them, we used a flashlight and attempted to grab them before they found an escape hole. (I'm not the least bit squeamish about such things; though, I must confess... stroking the leathery ears of a bilby gives me the creeps.)
Harrington's Tulsa practice is in a tony part of town, on a row of some of the city's most upscale medical practices. The white-and-green stucco, two-story dental clinic has the doctor's name in fancy letters on the facade.
"HIV test urged for 7,000 Oklahoma dental patients", Justin Juozapavicius, AP, March 28, 2013. link
I found this on the RECENTLY LOVED WORDS list. What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with a burning sack of dog poo left at someone's front door?
"Justice Antonin Scalia said a person has the Fourth Amendment right to be free from the government's gaze inside their home and in the area surrounding it, which is called the curtilage."
"We have enough names and descriptions for women's behavior or relationship status. However, a great disparity exists in the available characterizations for men. Now that all people are slowly being allowed to marry, regardless of sexuality, the timing seems important to introduce an equal playing field -- a counterpart -- for the linguistic application of "spinster" to women. For men, "bachelor" is far too celebratory in its connotation. Therefore, we should begin to embrace, employ, and apply a word more suitable for men, one that is less forgiving than "bachelor" and at least balances "spinster": so what is dished out to the Goose can be dished out to the Gander.
In that, I propose an extension to the definition of "peddler." "Peddler" originates in an era and period of history close to that of "spinster" and similarly evokes a lonely, isolated profession ever less common in contemporary times. It also captures a stereotypical male tendency toward clandestine mobility in their commitments. It can also deliver the same sort of twisted and cloaked jab as does "spinster," both words benign until applied within a cultural context. The male populace can surely benefit from learning what it feels like to have other people use this type of term to describe or scrutinize their relationship status; one that may or may not be what it appears, or why it appears, to be so."
~Adam Foldes, 'Spinster'? What About Peddler;? A Gender Inequality in Terms of Commitment, Huffington Post, December 11, 2011. link
What does subtweeting mean? (I barely care; I just became curious after reading this: “Subtweeting is for weenies. If you have something to say, might as well include the name.”)
“The semaphore is a quicker means of communication than the wig wag; but the wig wag can be used in a prone position under shelter.” ~Military Instructors Manual.
"In her interview, as reported on Radar online, she (Susan Sarandon) also defended her romance with her much-younger boyfriend, ping-pong entrepreneur Jonathan Bricklin."
I don’t know if I’ve already mentioned this, but my uncle is living with us now. He tagged along with my parents to visit me a couple days ago and it was so awk. I don’t know why it doesn’t bother me that I have little to no desire to know my extended family. ~Unknown
I didn't realize that awk stood on its own. I thought it was lazy English, which prompted me to play with this nonsensical variation: "He tagged along with my parents to visit me a couple days ago and it was so razor-billed auk."
"We are a charity that works with children and their self-esteem and relationships with others. Clearly there is a brand values disconnect, we believed, between being involved with Mr. (Mike) Tyson. Certainly the rape conviction was the key thing."
I grew up hearing people being called clodhoppers. I had no idea that the word had anything to do with eels, especially since eels are uncommon in Missouri.
Interesting fact: All eels in Missouri are female.
“Assess whether the infant is a candidate for skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care) — the infant should be medically stable and not have a chest tube or intracardiac line.” --Guidelines for Skin-to-skin Contact
Phage display is a method for the study of protein–protein, protein–peptide, and protein–DNA interactions that uses bacteriophages to connect proteins with the genetic information that encodes them.
Tomato vines are typically pubescent, meaning covered with fine short hairs. These hairs facilitate the vining process, turning into roots wherever the plant is in contact with the ground and moisture, especially if the vine's connection to its original root has been damaged or severed.
To get dooced is to lose one's job because of one's website. The term was coined by blogger Heather B. Armstrong, after she was fired for writing stories about her colleagues on her blog Dooce.com.
Oddly enough, "Bunburying" is the only entry with a definition. The words bilby linked to contain no defintion. (I prefer to list words without capitalization.)
... to these apostates tickets were issued attesting the fact that they had offered sacrifice (sacrificati) or burned incense (thurificati), while others, without actually performing these rites, availed themselves of the venality of the magistrates to purchase certificates attesting their renunciation (libellatici).
... those tedious little "widgets" that offer to show who among your friends has the biggest "movie brain", or allow you to add some obscure psychological barcode profile to your page...
Fr. Patrick Peyton, a soft-spoken Irishman who coined the famous phrase “The family that prays together stays together.” Fr. Peyton believed so fiercely in the power of prayer, and the power of the rosary, that he staged events like that all over the world — in Nairobi, in Madrid, in Bombay. In 1953, a rosary rally in Manila drew a million people.
In 1993, French philosopher Jacques Derrida coined the term “hauntology” in his book, Spectres of Marx. The term was used to describe the presence of ghost-like traces of the past in our culture as we move further into the future.
... include the pairing of each dish in an 11-course meal with a lukewarm flavored water in a lidded grappa glass. One water might be infused with leek and radish, another with jasmine and dried seaweed. Most taste like indecisive teas, commitment-phobic broths or pond runoff. ~source
"Richard Joseph is the John Evans Professor at Northwestern University, in Chicago, Illinois. He said Nigeria suffers from “prebendalism,” a system of governance that he said exists in many other African countries as well.
He coined the term about 30 years ago from the word “prebende” – a term that describes some early European forms of governance, including religious ones. A prebend, he said, is an elected or appointed office in which the officeholder uses its resources for personal needs." ~Jackson Mvunganyi, Voice of America, Oct. 19, 2011. link
Vladimir Lenin is reputed to have coined the phrase "useful idiots" to describe those in the West who acted as apologists for the political brutality and economic failure of Soviet Communism.
"The Wall Street greedheads (the fabulous word "greedhead" was coined by the late John Leonard) may have gotten away with thievery, but darn it, at least in some realms, fairness lives." ~Julia Keller, Chicago Tribune, 2011. link
"In the sporting world, there is something called the "make-up call." Umpires and referees deny it exists, but the idea is that when they blow a call — and the crowd is always happy to point out when this has occurred, employing the time-honored technique of booing, chanting, yelling obscenities or flinging empty beer cans upon the grass or the court — then the folks in the striped shirts make up for the error by indulging in yet another incorrect call." ~Julia Keller, Chicago Tribune, 2011. link
There are at least 190 meanings for AAD. See here. (Examples: Australian Antarctic Division; Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea; Armoured Amphibious Dozer; Advanced Acoustic Decoy; Accidental Autoerotic Death)
Members of the Missouri National Guard brought in trucks with sand and heavy equipment to help with the recovery effort. They built a berm to redirect the current of floodwater so it would make the search effort easier.
Wordies and wordniks are the pollinators of this site. We are the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds that continue to add variety and original content. Pollinators tend to be attracted to “bright colors”. Wordnik now looks black and white to me.
Certain changes have depersonalized the community. For example, removing "first listed by". Madeupical words and phrases have now been stripped of their source.
Shock probation is a sentencing alternative available in most jurisdictions in the United States.
Shock probation involves sentencing a convicted criminal defendant to a short period of time in a correctional facility and then placing him or her on more traditional probation. A typical term of incarceration in a shock probation sentence is 30 days or less.
The purpose for shock probation includes the theory that sending a criminal defendant into the penal system, even for a short period of time, "shocks" the individual. The "shock" works to encourage an offender to adopt a law-abiding lifestyle.
We are not told the prices of tammies or durants, romals or molletons, cades or shalloons, but we are always carefully informed that they may be had at the lowest prices.
Seed saving is a dying art, says Betsy Burton, who with her husband Mike Whipp, owns the Lyons Farmette in Lyons. “It’s been done for thousands of years, but we’re about to lose (the skill),” she says. To help create a new generation of seed savers, the Farmette has offered several classes this year. It also has added a seed library.
Papel Amate is Mexican bark paper, hand-crafted for centuries and still made today. The town of San Pablito in the Sierra Norte of Puebla is famous for making papel amate. It is typical of the Otomi Indians of this region.
Mola is the word for "clothing" in the Kuna language of the Kuna people living off the northern coast of Panama on the San Blas islands. It is the most famous form of art produced in Panama. Each mola is traditionally hand stitched using thousands of tiny stitches and several layers of different material.
Considered the world’s oldest profession, flintknapping dates back more than 2 million years ago when rocks were broken down into sharp tools and arrowheads.
Oh, great. Now I feel like yarb scum. Much love to you, juliefa. If you need any help with this list, Prolagus is a native speaker of Italian. And, yes, WELCOME!!!
It's short-cut symbols and words that I dislike. If it's part of title or business (Noodles & Co.) that's fine, but I dislike seeing it inserted in a sentence just for convenience sake.
"...the most common targets are government agencies and senior managers and executives; the spear phishing of such big game is commonly referred to as “whaling.”
A lumberman's cant-hook having a strong spike at the end.
A stout lever from 5 to 7 feet long, fitted at the larger end with a metal socket and pike, and a curved steel hook which works on a bolt: used in handling logs, especially in driving. A peavey differs from a cant-hook in having a pike instead of a toe-ring and lip at the end.
Meconium is normally stored in the infant's intestines until after birth, but sometimes (often in response to fetal distress) it is expelled into the amniotic fluid prior to birth, or during labor. If the baby then inhales the contaminated fluid, respiratory problems may occur.
When a woman's water breaks, it should be fairly clear. If it's greenish or dark... that's an indication that meconium is present (meconium staining). This requires a doctor's attention.
Comments by frogapplause
frogapplause commented on the word night crawlers
I used to help my father collect night crawlers when he wanted to go fishing. They are large, pinkie-thick earthworms that come out at night. To catch them, we used a flashlight and attempted to grab them before they found an escape hole. (I'm not the least bit squeamish about such things; though, I must confess... stroking the leathery ears of a bilby gives me the creeps.)
April 8, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word nogging
Not blogging (otherwise known as nogging)
April 3, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word crapaganda
Shit with a political agenda for texture.
March 29, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word tony
Harrington's Tulsa practice is in a tony part of town, on a row of some of the city's most upscale medical practices. The white-and-green stucco, two-story dental clinic has the doctor's name in fancy letters on the facade.
"HIV test urged for 7,000 Oklahoma dental patients", Justin Juozapavicius, AP, March 28, 2013. link
March 29, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word firecrap
I found this on the RECENTLY LOVED WORDS list. What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with a burning sack of dog poo left at someone's front door?
March 27, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word bedraggled
@Pro. What a tease. You tell us there is a word in Italian that incorporates both exhaustion and sweat, then you don't share it.
March 27, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word curtilage
"Justice Antonin Scalia said a person has the Fourth Amendment right to be free from the government's gaze inside their home and in the area surrounding it, which is called the curtilage."
March 26, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word oo
Who eats Cheerios on a plate?
March 26, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word necessary
Twitter: Clean poops with no wipe necessary.
March 12, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word hummocky
I like the sound of this word.
March 12, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word snowdrop
A "snowdrop" is a corpse that lies buried or hidden in the snow until the thaw.
--The Guardian World News. Link here
March 12, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word trending words
Bilby scat everywhere. Is there no clean spot for a frog to jump?
March 8, 2013
frogapplause commented on the list identify-the-wordienik
I'm in. Where do we send our word?
March 8, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word one
So, where's the obscure airport code for ONE, hernesheir?? A promise is a promise.
February 26, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word explosive breeding
I really hate it when my ephemeral pools dry up.
February 26, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word felch
February 22, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word thundersnow
I experienced my first thundersnow yesterday. Thunder during a snowstorm?! Strange.
February 22, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word returnism
A giant diamond Britain forced India to hand over in the colonial area that was set in a royal crown will not be returned.
"I certainly don't believe in 'returnism', as it were. I don't think that's sensible."
--"Britain to India: Diamond in royal crown is ours", Reuters, February 20, 2013.
February 22, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word archbishopric
I can't even say it once.
February 18, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word peddler
"We have enough names and descriptions for women's behavior or relationship status. However, a great disparity exists in the available characterizations for men. Now that all people are slowly being allowed to marry, regardless of sexuality, the timing seems important to introduce an equal playing field -- a counterpart -- for the linguistic application of "spinster" to women. For men, "bachelor" is far too celebratory in its connotation. Therefore, we should begin to embrace, employ, and apply a word more suitable for men, one that is less forgiving than "bachelor" and at least balances "spinster": so what is dished out to the Goose can be dished out to the Gander.
In that, I propose an extension to the definition of "peddler." "Peddler" originates in an era and period of history close to that of "spinster" and similarly evokes a lonely, isolated profession ever less common in contemporary times. It also captures a stereotypical male tendency toward clandestine mobility in their commitments. It can also deliver the same sort of twisted and cloaked jab as does "spinster," both words benign until applied within a cultural context. The male populace can surely benefit from learning what it feels like to have other people use this type of term to describe or scrutinize their relationship status; one that may or may not be what it appears, or why it appears, to be so."
~Adam Foldes, 'Spinster'? What About Peddler;? A Gender Inequality in Terms of Commitment, Huffington Post, December 11, 2011. link
February 15, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word endogamy
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
n. Marriage within the tribe: a custom among some savage peoples: opposed to exogamy.
Savage peoples? When was this definition written ... 100 years ago?
January 11, 2013
frogapplause commented on the word frognog
Silly bilby tradition.
December 11, 2012
frogapplause commented on the list hork-du-jour
Cringeworthy words for me include: closure and at the end of the day
"It is our fervent hope that at the end of the day justice will be served, and the victims' families will have closure ."
November 6, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word canebrake
canebrake rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) aka timber rattlesnake.
October 31, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word peterman
n. lowercase A luggage thief who steals from vehicles.
n. lowercase A thief who uses knockout drops as an aid to robbery.
What's a knockout drop?
October 31, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word subtweeting
What does subtweeting mean? (I barely care; I just became curious after reading this: “Subtweeting is for weenies. If you have something to say, might as well include the name.”)
October 31, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word teres▲
Why use an "A" when a symbol will do.
October 31, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word twiddle poop
No definition or examples but plenty of tweets. Go figure.
October 31, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word wig wag
“The semaphore is a quicker means of communication than the wig wag; but the wig wag can be used in a prone position under shelter.” ~Military Instructors Manual.
October 31, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word bilbyhole
"A hole in the ground into which bilbies are thrown in the game of bilby-flinging; also, the game itself." See also chuckhole
October 31, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word guybrarian
If I had a list of truly awful words, this would be on it.
October 31, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word curly fries
▒▐█▀█ █░█ █▀▀▄ █░░ ▀▄░▄▀░░▒▐█▀▀ █▀▀▄ ▀ █▀▀ ▄▀▀
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October 25, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word ping-pong entrepreneur
"In her interview, as reported on Radar online, she (Susan Sarandon) also defended her romance with her much-younger boyfriend, ping-pong entrepreneur Jonathan Bricklin."
via YahooNews, 15 Oct 2012 (ANI)
October 15, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word stithy
A fun word to say.
October 14, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word terms of service
I agree, Pro. I've never read an entire ToS, but I read this one. (I'm actually a little embarrassed that I did it, too.)
Giant Inflatable Hedgehog?! Haha. Good one, Wordnik.
October 8, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word teleology
The doctrine of final causes? The doctrine of adaptation to purpose?
My pea-sized brain can't grasp the meaning of this word. The examples don't help.
October 5, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word porterage
I'm afraid I'll die before I get to use this word.
October 4, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word awk
I don’t know if I’ve already mentioned this, but my uncle is living with us now. He tagged along with my parents to visit me a couple days ago and it was so awk. I don’t know why it doesn’t bother me that I have little to no desire to know my extended family. ~Unknown
I didn't realize that awk stood on its own. I thought it was lazy English, which prompted me to play with this nonsensical variation: "He tagged along with my parents to visit me a couple days ago and it was so razor-billed auk."
October 4, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word square toad
This sounds like a good suspect, too.
October 3, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word brand values disconnect
"We are a charity that works with children and their self-esteem and relationships with others. Clearly there is a brand values disconnect, we believed, between being involved with Mr. (Mike) Tyson. Certainly the rape conviction was the key thing."
October 3, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word ladies
I remember an acquaintance who used the word "sisters" in the same context. Ick. "Join me at ye olde water cooler for a sip, sisters?"
October 2, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word viminal
It's really annoying when Wordnik asks if I really mean the same word only capitalized.
September 24, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word sheilaroo
See jillaroo.
September 24, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word jackaroo
My guess would have been sheilaroo, even though I understand the "Jack" and "Jill" connection.
September 24, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word viminal
pertaining to twigs.
The plantation was then a model of beauty and vigorous health, clothed in a dense viminal mass — Francis George Heath
September 23, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word porco dio
"Pig God". Said to be one of the most blasphemous phrases in Italian. Allegedly used by Silvio Berlusconi in public on more than one occasion.
September 14, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word pigbutt worm
Watch it you... you parasitic blood fluke.
September 14, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word slender snipe eel
You have such a good memory for the lists of others, ruzuzu.
September 14, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word wide Pat
This comment was left on my Frog Applause page the other day. Love it.
"I'm reminded of a funny typo in a family obituary years back.
In the list of surviving family members was the name of a son and “wide Pat”.
Simple typo, “f” and “d” are side by side.
What made it funny is that Pat is about 5 feet tall and nearly as wide.
Pat didn’t think it was so funny."
September 12, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word jiggeh
A jiggeh is a an open-framed backpack made of branches or pliable wood, usually used for holding rice. Origin: Korean.
September 6, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word mollusk doorknob
August 17, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word mollusk
mollusk doorknob.
August 17, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word berserk llama syndrome
... or on one of bilby's magically delicious lists!!
July 20, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word patching
I've never heard patching used in this context:
"Apple picking and pumpkin patching is out because they did it last weekend.”
July 13, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word elver
As young eels attain pigment and begin the journey into freshwater, they are called elvers.
July 13, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word clod
I grew up hearing people being called clodhoppers. I had no idea that the word had anything to do with eels, especially since eels are uncommon in Missouri.
Interesting fact: All eels in Missouri are female.
July 13, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word vulgar marketing sobriquet
See narraglyphic picto-assemblage
June 27, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word narraglyphic picto-assemblage
Word playfully coined by Daniel Clowes. He disliked the term "graphic novel".
"It's a terrible term. They're not novels; most of them are memoirs, in fact. "Graphic" implies an illustrated novel; that's not what it is."
Another term mockingly coined for comic books/graphic novels by Clowes: vulgar marketing sobriquet
Source: Clowes Encounter: An Interview with Daniel Clowes, Mother Jones. link.
June 27, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word blogger
bilby, bilbier, bilbiest
June 25, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word sunflower seed
I'm trying to find the Philly slang word for sunflower seeds. Anyone know? (It's not birdies.)
May 8, 2012
frogapplause commented on the list remarkable-wikipedia-categories
list of peas of Montana
April 9, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word BM
abbr. Burning Man
April 5, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word Bible Spice
Sarah Palin as Bible Spice
(modeled after the nicknames of the Spice Girls: Posh Spice, Scary Spice, Baby Spice, Sporty Spice and Ginger Spice)
April 5, 2012
frogapplause commented on the list lost-for-word
I need help!! I am desperately searching for a word to mean: fear of one's own comic strip characters.
Suggestion so far: autoeffigiaphobia
March 1, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word autoeffigiaphobia
I visited chelster's profile, but there is no place to leave a comment.
February 29, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word autoeffigiaphobia
The word should be general enough to apply to all characters.
February 29, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word autoeffigiaphobia
I need help!! I am desperately searching for a word to mean: fear of one's own comic strip characters.
I am a cartoonist. link
Autoeffigiaphobia has been suggested so far.
Kindly break down your word and explain how it was formed.
I forgot how to get in touch with chelster.
February 29, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word robber
n. In bee-keeping, a boo which takes honey from a strange hive.
A boo?
February 6, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word self-deport
See self-deportation
February 1, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word self-deportation
term coined by Lalo Alcaraz and Esteban Zul.
Entertaining article about the origin of the term and how it's evolved here.
February 1, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word nauseogenic
Nauseogenic carpet in Paris.
January 27, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word Bulgarian sumo wrestlers
Mine, too, Pro!
Makes me wonder, though, if there are any Sardinian sumo wrestlers...
January 23, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word STOP SOPA
Are definitions being blackened out to raise awareness about SOPA?
January 18, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word eikonography
His notes are profusely decorated with a rich array of rood screens, finial crockets, lavatories, aumbries, lecterns, lych sheds, albs, stoups, sedilia, credence tables, pixes, hagioscopes, baudekyns, and squenches. It is evident that he keeps a Bestiary, or record of his experiences in bestiology, otherwise called bestial eikonography...
January 10, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word lepers
Do you mean leopards?
January 10, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word pomatum
"It was a fortnight since my salary had been raised, but so
far I had not a penny saved. The extra money had gone, I couldn't
exactly say how, in sundry "trifling expenditures," such as pomatum, a
scarf-pin, and a steel chain for my waistcoat, all of which it had
seemed no harm to indulge in, especially as they were very cheap, under
my altered circumstances."
~My Friend Smith: A Story of School and City Life, 1882.
January 8, 2012
frogapplause commented on the word kangaroo care
“Assess whether the infant is a candidate for skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care) — the infant should be medically stable and not have a chest tube or intracardiac line.” --Guidelines for Skin-to-skin Contact
December 29, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word the cow plop
Participants buy and choose land they think a cow will "plop" on. (Creative fundraising idea for a school.)
December 28, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word SF
Ho-hum. It's only baseball terminology. I'd hoped it had something to do with a virgin housefly plunging itself into a bowl of soup.
December 28, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word SF
abbr. sacrifice fly
What is a sacrifice fly?
December 28, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word phage display
Phage display is a method for the study of protein–protein, protein–peptide, and protein–DNA interactions that uses bacteriophages to connect proteins with the genetic information that encodes them.
December 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word myoglobin
Thanks for this, ruzuzu.
December 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word feriation
Yeah, reesetee... how lame of you to usen obsolete word just because it's a holiday.
December 26, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word grocery
December 23, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word grocery
I say: I walked to the grosh-ree store to buy some grosh-reez.
December 22, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word comfort food for thought
Hey, this is a sweet tooth fairy!
December 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word porch pirate
--a thief who steals parcels/deliveries from porches.
December 7, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word brail
“Couple of you come aft here and brail up the spanker!”
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, No. 14, December 1858
November 26, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word fuzztroll
did this webapp just successfully fuzz(troll) wapiti? hmmmm.
November 25, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word pubescent tomato vines
Tomato vines are typically pubescent, meaning covered with fine short hairs. These hairs facilitate the vining process, turning into roots wherever the plant is in contact with the ground and moisture, especially if the vine's connection to its original root has been damaged or severed.
— Tomato - Wikipedia.
November 22, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzž
Is F a rare letter in Slovene?
November 14, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word abcčdefghijklmnoprsštuvzž
Slovene Scrabble sets use these 100 tiles:
2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)
1 point: E ×11, A ×10, I ×9, O ×8, N ×7, R ×6, S ×6, J ×4, L ×4, T ×4
2 points: D ×4, V ×4
3 points: K ×3, M ×2, P ×2, U ×2
4 points: B ×2, G ×2, Z ×2
5 points: Č ×1, H ×1
6 points: Š ×1
8 points: C ×1
10 points: F ×1, Ž ×1
November 14, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word mancandle
I started the mandles list: mandles: candles for men
November 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word pandalism
November 10, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word everybody needs toucan stubs
via bad lip reading: Herman Cain. Hilarious. Worth a listen. Other gems: give that woodchuck a tuna melt, and big potato moths.
November 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Attributive form of Xyzy}}.
What does this mean? See change-of-life, sea-lion, jet-engine, knock-knock, abstinence-only. It's listed twice in the last example!!
November 7, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word dooced
To get dooced is to lose one's job because of one's website. The term was coined by blogger Heather B. Armstrong, after she was fired for writing stories about her colleagues on her blog Dooce.com.
November 7, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Beano
Yes. And it's mighty cold here, too!
November 5, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Beano
The over-the-counter product called Beano can help reduce gas brought on by foods such as beans and broccoli.
November 5, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Peano curve
Not to be confused with the Beano curve.
November 5, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word milliner to the clergy of lesser degrees
This is where Soylent Green re-enters the story. The caps of lesser clergy were made from fabric made from people. LESSER CLERGY CAPS IS PEOPLE!
November 1, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Soylent Green is people!
"An investigation proves conclusively that the name (Burritt) was
of French origin. We have shown how the French names
were introduced into Wales at the time of the revocation of
the edict of Nantes. Baret is recorded as one of these names.
. . . These names became hereditary in the eleventh centuries.
At that time the manufacture of caps became a leading oc-
cupation. The work on the Cardinal's caps, the caps of
clergy of lesser degrees, for physicians and students required
skilled workmen; it was a distinctive trade. A picture of
the barrette cap was painted on the sign board and so, in
France, the makers of these caps became to be known as
The Burritt Family in America: descendants of William Burritt of Stratford, Connecticut, 1635-1940.
Not only am I French, but I come from a long line of skilled capmakers!
November 1, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Soylent Green is people!
People who eat people are the luckiest people in the world.
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
October 31, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Bunburying
Oddly enough, "Bunburying" is the only entry with a definition. The words bilby linked to contain no defintion. (I prefer to list words without capitalization.)
October 29, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word thurificati
... to these apostates tickets were issued attesting the fact that they had offered sacrifice (sacrificati) or burned incense (thurificati), while others, without actually performing these rites, availed themselves of the venality of the magistrates to purchase certificates attesting their renunciation (libellatici).
October 29, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Bunburying
Avoiding one's duties and responsibilities by claiming to have appointments to see a fictitious person.
October 29, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word aim illergic 2 shelfish
0/4. Grade: F
October 29, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word psychological barcode
... those tedious little "widgets" that offer to show who among your friends has the biggest "movie brain", or allow you to add some obscure psychological barcode profile to your page...
October 28, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word comments
That place of joysome destination would be teh alsome and not to be sucking.
October 28, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word eating al desko
Eating at one's desk. Variation: dining al desko.
October 26, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word space squirrel
Poor little guy!
October 25, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word dill overkill
Good one, bilby!
October 25, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word apprecation
All of the examples are typos for appreciation.
Yarb Apprecation Day.
October 25, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word hummingbird smuggler
dirty, rotten hummingbird smuggler
October 25, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word obseesed
October 25, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word yuie
Hey, I like this obsolete spelling for ivy. Bring it back!
October 25, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ground squirrel
Study the sionnach so that you may become one with him.
October 24, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word piñata
That sounds wonderful.
October 21, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word pus and constant pain
Here's your brutal example text here.
October 21, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word pus and constant pain
All is well, hernesheir.
October 21, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word pus and constant pain
These ARE actual examples from examples listed via random word searches. I didn't make them up. (I deleted my examples from your list. Sorry.)
October 21, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word castanets
bilby's bandicootic testicles rattled like castanets.
October 20, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word indecisive teas
❥blushing bartlett pear
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word gay is good
Frank Kameny, the gay rights pioneer who coined the slogan “Gay is Good,” died Tuesday on National Coming Out Day at the age of 86. ~source
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word the family that prays together stays together
Fr. Patrick Peyton, a soft-spoken Irishman who coined the famous phrase “The family that prays together stays together.” Fr. Peyton believed so fiercely in the power of prayer, and the power of the rosary, that he staged events like that all over the world — in Nairobi, in Madrid, in Bombay. In 1953, a rosary rally in Manila drew a million people.
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word hauntology
In 1993, French philosopher Jacques Derrida coined the term “hauntology” in his book, Spectres of Marx. The term was used to describe the presence of ghost-like traces of the past in our culture as we move further into the future.
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word indecisive teas
... include the pairing of each dish in an 11-course meal with a lukewarm flavored water in a lidded grappa glass. One water might be infused with leek and radish, another with jasmine and dried seaweed. Most taste like indecisive teas, commitment-phobic broths or pond runoff. ~source
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word prebendalism
"Richard Joseph is the John Evans Professor at Northwestern University, in Chicago, Illinois. He said Nigeria suffers from “prebendalism,” a system of governance that he said exists in many other African countries as well.
He coined the term about 30 years ago from the word “prebende” – a term that describes some early European forms of governance, including religious ones. A prebend, he said, is an elected or appointed office in which the officeholder uses its resources for personal needs." ~Jackson Mvunganyi, Voice of America, Oct. 19, 2011. link
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word useful idiots
Vladimir Lenin is reputed to have coined the phrase "useful idiots" to describe those in the West who acted as apologists for the political brutality and economic failure of Soviet Communism.
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word greedheads
"The Wall Street greedheads (the fabulous word "greedhead" was coined by the late John Leonard) may have gotten away with thievery, but darn it, at least in some realms, fairness lives." ~Julia Keller, Chicago Tribune, 2011. link
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word make-up call
"In the sporting world, there is something called the "make-up call." Umpires and referees deny it exists, but the idea is that when they blow a call — and the crowd is always happy to point out when this has occurred, employing the time-honored technique of booing, chanting, yelling obscenities or flinging empty beer cans upon the grass or the court — then the folks in the striped shirts make up for the error by indulging in yet another incorrect call." ~Julia Keller, Chicago Tribune, 2011. link
October 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word AAD
There are at least 190 meanings for AAD. See here. (Examples: Australian Antarctic Division; Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea; Armoured Amphibious Dozer; Advanced Acoustic Decoy; Accidental Autoerotic Death)
October 18, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Pat the cat
October 18, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word pinnacle of the broad bean world
My canned fava beans say the same thing.
October 17, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Rolig
Well, you are all those things (fun, amusing, comical)!
October 13, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Rolig
Why does THIS photo appear as a visual for "rolig"?!
October 12, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word sestertius
I think bilby has eaten too much fermented fruit and too many tainted insect larvae.
October 12, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word philately
Have I told you philately that I love you?
October 12, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word pewing
This word isn't on any lists.
Pews collectively.
October 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word wiliwili
The erythrina gall wasp decimated Hawaii's wiliwili trees, which bear seeds used to make leis.
October 10, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word perruquier
A marker???
A marker of perukes or wigs.
October 10, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word You blocked my knock-off!
switcheroo of you knocked my block off
October 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word sestertius
Valued at two and a half asses... or 100 bilbies.
A large bronze or (rarely) small silver coin minted during the Roman Republic and Empire, valued at two and a half asses.
October 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word corn
Kindly record how you pronounce "corn", crunchysaviour.
October 1, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word sagger
I got swagger like a sagger with moves like Mick Jagger.
(via twitter)
September 29, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word chimney-money
I refuse to pay my chimney taxes.
September 29, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word check meowt
September 28, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word grasshopperhood
My new favorite word.
September 28, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word schadenfreude
Bilby twins. Double the ears!
September 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word schadenfreude
testing... testing.
September 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word fig-pecker
September 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word extreme squirreling
Haha!!! Love it.
September 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word schadenfreude
My favorite schadenfreude photos
September 26, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word frogfish
September 26, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Scrabble word
September 17, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word Houghtalling
I hate it when people ruin peoples life's.
September 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word incandescently
Put an incandescent sock in it, bilby.
September 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word incandescently
Are you a cartoonist?
September 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word pole coffin
Thank you for this!
September 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word berm
Berm, Baby! Berm!
August 5, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word berm
Members of the Missouri National Guard brought in trucks with sand and heavy equipment to help with the recovery effort. They built a berm to redirect the current of floodwater so it would make the search effort easier.
August 4, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word single-sex Hawaiian geckos and transgender clownfish
July 30, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word new interface
Wordies and wordniks are the pollinators of this site. We are the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds that continue to add variety and original content. Pollinators tend to be attracted to “bright colors”. Wordnik now looks black and white to me.
July 16, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word new interface
Certain changes have depersonalized the community. For example, removing "first listed by". Madeupical words and phrases have now been stripped of their source.
July 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list monovocalic-polyglot
July 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word thunder-house
lightning-house makes more sense.
July 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word kippers
“"adult-kids" said they couldn't afford to buy or rent their own home, others were choosing to become "kippers" - kids in parents 'pockets.”
July 6, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word mangosteens
What do mangosteens taste like?
July 6, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word shock probation
Shock probation is a sentencing alternative available in most jurisdictions in the United States.
Shock probation involves sentencing a convicted criminal defendant to a short period of time in a correctional facility and then placing him or her on more traditional probation. A typical term of incarceration in a shock probation sentence is 30 days or less.
The purpose for shock probation includes the theory that sending a criminal defendant into the penal system, even for a short period of time, "shocks" the individual. The "shock" works to encourage an offender to adopt a law-abiding lifestyle.
July 6, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word tammies
We are not told the prices of tammies or durants, romals or molletons, cades or shalloons, but we are always carefully informed that they may be had at the lowest prices.
July 5, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list complex-emotion--single-word
July 3, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word hopped up
Someone I know once said: "I'm all hopped up on Royal Crown Cola and Werther's Originals."
dontcry has it right. It's funnier when it's all hopped up on.
June 30, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word brazil nut effect
I forgot about this page! Ha.
June 30, 2011
frogapplause commented on the user hernesheir
I suspect that you're the target of a disgruntled cilantrophobe. Reesetee comes to mind.
June 29, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word wellhead
Boy Electrocuted Near Water Hydrant
Electrician Says Water Wellhead Was Energized
June 26, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list remarkable-wikipedia-categories
List of Coupled Cousins.
June 25, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list animals-with-their-own-paper
Something I found out: moose poop smells like willow incense when dried and burned. (Not sure what willow incense smells like!)
June 22, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list animals-with-their-own-paper
Paper links here. If anyone finds another paper source for a different animal, kindly let me know.
June 22, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word bronies
My Little Pony fanboys (bro + ponies).
June 16, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word futter
New word for me.
June 15, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word bookazine
Nope. That's irksome, too.
June 13, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list bees
apple-bee (collecting and storing apples), knitting bee
June 12, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word bookazine
Make up your mind.
June 12, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ynogh
Old spelling for enough. Like it!
June 12, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word barometz
I showed up earlier, but there was nothing but my own echo, so I left. Nice bouncing sheep, sionnach!
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word seed saving
Too bad spamming isn't a dying art.
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list dying-arts
Thanks, yarb!
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the user sionnach
Inspired by your wonderful list change one letter!
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word leaf silhouettes
See examples here.
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word seed saving
Seed saving is a dying art, says Betsy Burton, who with her husband Mike Whipp, owns the Lyons Farmette in Lyons. “It’s been done for thousands of years, but we’re about to lose (the skill),” she says. To help create a new generation of seed savers, the Farmette has offered several classes this year. It also has added a seed library.
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word kanzashi
Kanzashi is a Japanese craft which involves folding pieces of cloth into flower petals, arranging them and making them into ornate hair pieces.
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word popotillo
Popotillo is a kind of straw, which the artist dyes different colors, cuts into small pieces, and arranges to make colorful paintings and sculptures.
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word papel amate
Papel Amate is Mexican bark paper, hand-crafted for centuries and still made today. The town of San Pablito in the Sierra Norte of Puebla is famous for making papel amate. It is typical of the Otomi Indians of this region.
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word mola making
Mola is the word for "clothing" in the Kuna language of the Kuna people living off the northern coast of Panama on the San Blas islands. It is the most famous form of art produced in Panama. Each mola is traditionally hand stitched using thousands of tiny stitches and several layers of different material.
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word flintknapping
Considered the world’s oldest profession, flintknapping dates back more than 2 million years ago when rocks were broken down into sharp tools and arrowheads.
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word uncontroversial nakedness
... is a dying art according to Jemima Lewis:
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word I will require a corncob pipe
June 11, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word We must restore the dignity of this vegetable!
I like to eat baby bilbies, too. (I bite off the ears first.)
June 10, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word We must restore the dignity of this vegetable!
Baby okra is teh alsome.
June 10, 2011
frogapplause commented on the user chantel25
June 10, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list truth-about-lose-belly-fat--get-flat-stomach-are-right-way-to-get-your-body-fit
June 10, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list italian--2
Oh, great. Now I feel like yarb scum. Much love to you, juliefa. If you need any help with this list, Prolagus is a native speaker of Italian. And, yes, WELCOME!!!
June 9, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list italian--2
Italian only has 19 words? Prolagus must be using a lot of fuflun filler*
*nice tongue twister!
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word m͊
denasal (as with a headcold)
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word p\p\p
stutter (reiterated articulation)
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word s͢θ
slurred/sliding articulation
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word s͎
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ǃ¡
a combined alveolar and sublaminal click or "cluck-click".
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ¡
Sublaminal lower alveolar click (sucking tongue)
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ʭ
Bidental percussive (gnashing teeth)
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ʬ
bilabial percussive (smacking lips)
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ʫ
Voiced central-plus-lateral alveolar fricative, ɮ͡z (a lisp)
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ʪ
Voiceless central-plus-lateral alveolar fricative, ɬ͡s (a lisp)
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ʩ
Velopharyngeal fricative (snoring sound; often occurs with a cleft palate)
June 8, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word moist ampersand
See pampersands.
June 6, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word I dislike ampersands
It's short-cut symbols and words that I dislike. If it's part of title or business (Noodles & Co.) that's fine, but I dislike seeing it inserted in a sentence just for convenience sake.
A pampersand is a moist ampersand.
June 6, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list found-in-pairs
crutches, kidneys, knitting needles, tusks... More here.
June 6, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word treechange
June 4, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word whaling
See spear phishing.
June 4, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word spear phishing
"...the most common targets are government agencies and senior managers and executives; the spear phishing of such big game is commonly referred to as “whaling.”
The New York Times,
June 4, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word marechal
A kind of powder used for the hair in the eighteenth century.
June 4, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word cœur
In heraldry, the heart of the shield, otherwise called the center or fesse-point.
June 4, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word treechange
(Australia) A movement of people from cities to the countryside.
June 4, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word memristors
short for memory resistors.
June 4, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word I dislike ampersands
Yes, I dislike ampersands & I avoid using them at every opportunity.
June 2, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word peavey
It's hard to visualize these tools without photos.
June 2, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word moteur
1. A person who is motor-minded (which see).
I understand the motor-minded part. What does "which see" mean? (see definition)
June 2, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word peavey
A lumberman's cant-hook having a strong spike at the end.
A stout lever from 5 to 7 feet long, fitted at the larger end with a metal socket and pike, and a curved steel hook which works on a bolt: used in handling logs, especially in driving. A peavey differs from a cant-hook in having a pike instead of a toe-ring and lip at the end.
June 2, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list wordlist-wordoperation-test--5
Testing! Testing! I would to be a part of this test, too.
June 1, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list things-that-get-way-more-fun-when-you-add-a-p-to-them
brillipant list.
May 30, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word lesser-known proofreading marks
@sionnach. How did you find out about Vlad?
May 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word lesser-known proofreading marks
hork is conspicuously missing from this list.
May 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word lesser-known proofreading marks
z-z-z-z (delete; no one cares)
More here.
May 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word puerarchy
Thanks, rolig!
May 27, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word puerarchy
What is the origin for puer? Meaning?
May 26, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word childrenswear
Found via random search.
Children should not swear!
May 26, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word jackfruit
bilby: dried jackfruit here!
(I've never tasted it fresh or canned, just dried.)
May 24, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word ideat
The (metaphysical?) definition for this word is over my head.
May 24, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word nuchshlepper
A nuchshlepper is someone who tags along behind you—a toady, a hanger-on.
— The Wall Street Journal, “Sharing the Chutzpah” link.
May 24, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list important-concepts-i-learned-from-watching-m-a-s-h
Hawkeye: I've never seen you wear those.
BJ: Oh, I never do. If you wear 'em, they get dirty.
If I keep washing 'em, they stay clean forever.
They're actually just to remind me of better times.
Database of Movie Dialogs.
May 23, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word wordkill
Like roadkill, only wordier.
May 19, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word can you id this wordnik
I hope you weren't waiting behind a bush with thorns.
May 17, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word can you id this wordnik
No, but I can ego and super-ego this wordnik.
May 17, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word whilst
I like that the -t (of whilst, amongst, and amidst) is referred to as a parasitic t.
May 16, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word whilst
Where's an Australian when we need one? They always seem to be around when we don't need them!
May 14, 2011
frogapplause commented on the list pregnant-with-possibilities-including-complications
I agree with you, c_b. I find many of these conditions interesting, too. I'm intrigued by all things medical.
May 14, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word meconium
Meconium is normally stored in the infant's intestines until after birth, but sometimes (often in response to fetal distress) it is expelled into the amniotic fluid prior to birth, or during labor. If the baby then inhales the contaminated fluid, respiratory problems may occur.
See Meconium Aspiration Syndrome".
When a woman's water breaks, it should be fairly clear. If it's greenish or dark... that's an indication that meconium is present (meconium staining). This requires a doctor's attention.
May 14, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word white-anting
Good one, Pro.
May 14, 2011
frogapplause commented on the user whossawhatsit
May 14, 2011
frogapplause commented on the word white-anting
That makes perfect sense. Thanks.
May 14, 2011
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