gjmurphy commented on the word cherubic
Big bottom girls...
May 31, 2007
gjmurphy commented on the word apnea
The joy of breathlessness.
gjmurphy commented on the word aplomb
Such a straight-backed, leaden word.
gjmurphy commented on the word micturate
Mihi mingendum est!
gjmurphy commented on the word retromingent
Or a cat, I believe. I read a book about books about cats, and seem to recall learning that male domestic cats can micturate backwards, between the legs.
gjmurphy commented on the word isopaleocopria
A pseudo-Greek compound word: iso ("same") + paleo ("old") + copria ("shit").
Comments by gjmurphy
gjmurphy commented on the word cherubic
Big bottom girls...
May 31, 2007
gjmurphy commented on the word apnea
The joy of breathlessness.
May 31, 2007
gjmurphy commented on the word aplomb
Such a straight-backed, leaden word.
May 31, 2007
gjmurphy commented on the word micturate
Mihi mingendum est!
May 31, 2007
gjmurphy commented on the word retromingent
Or a cat, I believe. I read a book about books about cats, and seem to recall learning that male domestic cats can micturate backwards, between the legs.
May 31, 2007
gjmurphy commented on the word isopaleocopria
A pseudo-Greek compound word: iso ("same") + paleo ("old") + copria ("shit").
May 31, 2007