While I wouldn't contest the spelling wing nut, there are a couple of attestations here that are missing the mark. In the one the top of the page, "just because some right wing nut job takes offense" There is a compound adjective right wing, and then the compound noun nut job. There is no wing nut in this example. Same issue with some of the tweets you're picking up. Perhaps that's just a feature of the search engine . . .
Comments by glossophile
Glossophile commented on the word wing nut
While I wouldn't contest the spelling wing nut, there are a couple of attestations here that are missing the mark. In the one the top of the page, "just because some right wing nut job takes offense" There is a compound adjective right wing, and then the compound noun nut job. There is no wing nut in this example. Same issue with some of the tweets you're picking up. Perhaps that's just a feature of the search engine . . .
April 28, 2012