Gobbledegook commented on the word pagonging
In a reality show, particularly the game of Survivor, the act of methodically eliminating a minority group through the voting system.
Named for the first team to do so in the Survivor series, the Pagong tribe, from Survivor: Borneo.
September 18, 2009
Gobbledegook commented on the word confusticate
Annoyed damnation of a person, i.e. "Confound and confusticae you, Bilbo Baggins!"
September 13, 2009
Comments by gobbledegook
Gobbledegook commented on the word pagonging
In a reality show, particularly the game of Survivor, the act of methodically eliminating a minority group through the voting system.
Named for the first team to do so in the Survivor series, the Pagong tribe, from Survivor: Borneo.
September 18, 2009
Gobbledegook commented on the word confusticate
Annoyed damnation of a person, i.e. "Confound and confusticae you, Bilbo Baggins!"
September 13, 2009