goborobo commented on the word flutered
drunk (Irish slang)
June 10, 2009
goborobo commented on the word banjax
Dublin slang - ruin, incapacitate
goborobo commented on the word banjaxed
past participle of banjax - ruin, incapictate
goborobo commented on the word informavore
Comments by goborobo
goborobo commented on the word flutered
drunk (Irish slang)
June 10, 2009
goborobo commented on the word banjax
Dublin slang - ruin, incapacitate
June 10, 2009
goborobo commented on the word banjaxed
past participle of banjax - ruin, incapictate
June 10, 2009
goborobo commented on the word informavore
June 10, 2009