I began using the word 'inperience' in 1965 following intensive religious studies over a period of years. For me, the word inperience combines the two words 'inspiratonal' and 'experience.' An INspirational exPERIENCE, thus INPERIENCE. For me, the visit of Pope Paul VI to the U.S. in 1965 was an inperience. The greatest inperience I have experienced was the birth of my son Donald in 1966 in miraculous circumstances.
Comments by gonyon
Gonyon commented on the user Gonyon
I began using the word 'inperience' in 1965 following intensive religious studies over a period of years. For me, the word inperience combines the two words 'inspiratonal' and 'experience.' An INspirational exPERIENCE, thus INPERIENCE. For me, the visit of Pope Paul VI to the U.S. in 1965 was an inperience. The greatest inperience I have experienced was the birth of my son Donald in 1966 in miraculous circumstances.
May 25, 2013