hahalitosis commented on the list time-and-history
dynasty, epic, age, period
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the word jibajator
Made up word. Toddler talk for refrigerator.
hahalitosis commented on the list day-and-night
high noon?
hahalitosis commented on the list compass-rose
"left bank"
"Back up"? Do I get extra points for two directions?
"right there"? As in hold it ... (I don't know of a left ...)
"over there" ?
hahalitosis commented on the list reduplicatives
hahalitosis commented on the word vegematronic
The technology associated with motorized vegetables. :)
November 30, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the word frostitute
Lacking a refrigerator?
Comments by hahalitosis
hahalitosis commented on the list time-and-history
dynasty, epic, age, period
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the word jibajator
Made up word. Toddler talk for refrigerator.
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the list day-and-night
high noon?
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the list compass-rose
"left bank"
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the list compass-rose
"Back up"? Do I get extra points for two directions?
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the list compass-rose
"right there"? As in hold it ... (I don't know of a left ...)
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the list compass-rose
"over there" ?
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the list reduplicatives
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the list reduplicatives
December 1, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the word vegematronic
The technology associated with motorized vegetables. :)
November 30, 2007
hahalitosis commented on the word frostitute
Lacking a refrigerator?
November 30, 2007