hap_e_wordnik has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 586 lists, listed 7382 words, written 9 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 14 words.
Comments for hap_e_wordnik
Favorite Lists
- Comicana Symbolia
- agro-, agri-
- brachy-, -brach
- chlor-, chloro-
- copro-
- cupr-, cupro-
- cysto-, cyst-
- -facient
- -fuge
- -gony
- idio-
- labio-
- -al
- alex-, alexi-, alexo
- arachn-, arachno-
- -phore
- ard-, ars-
- kerato-, kerat-, cerato-, cerat-
- clin-, -clinal, -cline
- cosmo-, cosm-
- crypto-, crypt-
- eu-
- Gallo-
- gastr-, gastro-
- American Dialect Society Word of the Year Winners
- -gram
- -graphy
- hemi-
- intro-
- -mancy, -mantic
- melano-, melan-
- odonto-, -odon, -odont
- -oma
- onco-
- acro-
- panto-
- pedo-
- alectoro-, alectryo-
- -phil
- Scripps National Spelling Bee Winners
- astro-
- dorsi-, dorso-
- -ectomy
- erythro-, erythr-
- Merriam Webster 2003 Word of the Year Top 10
- icono-, icon-
- -logy, -ology, -logical, -logic
- -lysis, lyso-, lys-
- naso-
- onto-, ont-
- acu-, acul-
- -age
- alti-, alto
- petro-, petr-
- physio-, phys-
- atax-
- -algia, -algy
- cerebro-, cerebr-
- endo-, end-
- hepta-
- ichthyo-, ichthy-
- mis-
- -monger
- ornitho-, ornith-
- oto-, ot-
- pedo-, ped-, paedo-
- pede-, ped-, -pede, -pedal, -pod, -pode, -podous, pod-
- -ance
- -phagy
- -phyte
- antho-, -anth
- -cracy
- cyno-
- deca-, dec-
- -gamous, -gamy
- Merriam Webster 2007 Word of the Year Top 10
- hemo-, haemato-, hemato-, haemo-
- homo-, hom-
- hyper-
- meso-, mes-
- -morph, -morphic, -morphism, morpho-
- -ont, ont-
- a-, an-
- osteo-, oste-
- -ade
- -path
- -phagous, -phage
- -ant
- phono-, phon-, -phony
- -archy
- pisci-, pisc-
- amphi-
- ante-
- bathy-, batho-
- cranio-, crani-
- Animal Sounds
- New Oxford American - 2005 Word of the Year Finalists
- gymno-, gymn-
- gyneco-
- iso-
- kilo-
- lipo-, lip-
- -merous
- milli-
- myco-
- acar-, acari-, acarin-, acaro-
- a-, ad-
- allo-
- arthro-, arthr-
- baro-, bar-, -baric
- circum-
- -drome
- eco-
- encephalo-, encephal-
- -fic, -fication
- -genic
- New Oxford American - 2006 Word of the Year Finalists
- lacto-, lact-
- leuko-, leuk-, leuco-
- mal-
- megalo-, megal-
- necro-
- pan-
- -petal
- pheno-, phen-, -phane
- anti-
- -ar
- phren-, -phrenia, -phrenic
- pneumato-
- chrono-, chron-
- -cide, -cidal
- cine-
- di-
- ferro-, ferr-
- New Oxford American - 2007 Word of the Year Finalists
- geo-, ge-
- -grapher
- hagio-, hagi-
- hiero-, hier-
- inter-
- -lytic, -lyte
- -meter, -metric, -metrical
- adren-, adreno-
- -pathy
- per-
- ambi-, ambo
- -phasia
- philo-, phil-, -phile
- -phobe
- photo-, phot-
- argent-, argenti-, argento-
- auto-, aut-
- centi-
- contra-
- cryo-
- cyto-
- demi-
- -emia, -aemia, -hemia, -haemia
- -faction
- fluvio-
- -graph
- Merriam Webster 2005 Word of the Year Top 10
- histo-, hist-
- holo-, hol-
- iatro-, -iatry, -iatric
- lepto-, lept-
- -logist, -loger
- logo-
- meta-, met-
- oleo-, ole-
- acou-, acoust-
- actino-
- oxy-, ox-
- paleo-, palaeo-
- -plasty, -plast, -plastic
- arch-
- bio-
- broncho-, bronch-
- carcino-
- cardio-, cardi-, -cardia
- -tion
- dendro-, dendr-, -dendron
- exo-
- -graphic
- Merriam Webster 2008 Word of the Year Top 10
- -meister
- oro-
- acet-, aceto-, acetyl-
- -ad
- para-
- andro-, -andry, -androus
- phyllo-, phyll-, -phyllous
- -ary
- chemi-, chemico-, chemo-
- -cratic
- -cyte, cyt-
- deci-
- entero-, enter-
- halo-, hal-
- hetero-, heter-
- homeo-
- intra-
- -latry
- mega-
- myo-, my-
- -nomy
- -oid
- -acean, -aceous
- peri-
- pleo-, pleio-, plio-
- asthen-, astheno
- archaeo-, archeo-
- calli-, cal-
- -cephalic, -cephalous, cephalo-
- clado-, clad-
- dys-
- -ferous, -iferous
- -geny
- micro-, micr-
- neo-
- -an
- phylo-
- audio-, audi-
- bi-
- biblio-
- caco-, cac-, kak-
- chiro-, cheiro-
- cortico-, cortic-
- cyber-
- Surprising Noises
- Merriam Webster 2006 Word of the Year Top 10
- Merriam Webster 2004 Word of the Year Top 10
- hexa-, hex-
- ideo-
- infra-
- kineto-, kinet-, -kinesis
- ligni-, ligno-, lign-
- -mycin
- oo-
- ovi-, ovo-
- -agogue
- ammonio-, ammono
- -ann-, -enn-
- pneumo-, pneum-
- -ess
- arterio-
- -cele, -coele, coel-, celo-
- chromato-, chromat-, chromo-
- -crat
- New Oxford American - 2009 Word of the Year Finalists
- ethno-
- -genous
- geront-, geronto-, gero-, ger-
- gyro-
- hepato-, hepat-
- litho-, lith-, -lith, -lithic, -lite
- macro-, macr-
- neuro-, neur-
- -opsy
- American Dialect Society Most Euphemistic Words
- adip-, adipo
- adjut-, adjuv-
- para-, par-
- angio-
- anthropo-, -anthropic
- apo-
- chrys-, chryso-
- cyano-, cyan-
- dextro-
- epi-, ep-
- New Oxford American - 2008 Word of the Year Finalists
- hydr-, hydro-
- hypno-, hypn-
- -later
- narco-
- oligo-, olig-
- -onym, -onymous, -onymic
- a-, ab-, abs-
- -parous
- penta-
- alveolo-
- anom-, anomo-
- -philia, -phily
- -phobia
- adeno-
- ana-, an-
- aqua-
- -biosis, -biotic
- cata-, cat-, kata-
- dermato, dermat-
- dia-, di-
- ecto-
- eury-
- -fy
- -gate
- glyco-, glyc-
- -gon
- Merriam Webster 2009 Word of the Year Top 10
- -gynous, -gyne
- hypo-, hyp-
- -ism
- -logue, -log
- mero-
- -metry
- nano-
- -opia
- ortho-, orth-
- -able
- aer-, aeri-, aero
- -phone
- -ard, -art
- phyto-
- back-
- -blast
- -rrhea, -rrhoea, rheo-
- centri-, centro-, -centric
- embol-, emboli-, embolo-
- -ette
- extra-, extro-
- auxano-, auxeto-, auxo
- dis-
- -gnomy, -gnosia, -gnosis, -gnostic
- psycho-
- rhodo-, rhod-
- co-
- denti-, dento-
- geno-, gen-
- helio-
- habil-
- rhino-
- de-
- -ese
- radio-, radi-
- -chorea, choreo-
- dactyl-
- -ful
- poly-
- sapro-, sapr-
- counter-
- pseudo-, pseud-
- proto-, prot-
- -bolic, bolo-, -boly
- retro-
- dur-, duro-
- globi-, globo
- be-
- pyro-, pyr-
- chondr-, chondrio-, chondro-
- cilii-, cilio
- crino-, -crine
- en-
- -en
- -forc-, -fort-
- glosso-, -glot, glotto-
- quasi-
- -clud-, -clus-
- -esque
- -cess-, -ced-
- avia-, avio-
- dyna-, dynamo
- ex-
- -er
- -fac-, -fec-, -fic-
- -gen
- -ate
- pre-, prae-
- duodec-, duodecim-, duoden-
- folii-, folio-, -folious
- ptero-, -pter
- cyst-
- ergo-, -ergic, -ergy
- -ery
- coit-
- deuter-, deuto-
- decresc-
- sclero-, -scler-
- -ine
- somato-
- -stasis, -static
- olfacto-
- urano-, uran-
- -tial
- sclero-
- spiro-
- tacho-, tachy-
- theo-, the-
- oculi-, oculo-
- out-
- over-
- -ship
- -lexia, -lexis, -lexy
- -mania
- loco-
- ur-
- sesqui-
- mult-, multi-
- -nik
- -uria
- zygo-
- -proof
- pulmo-, pulmoni-, pulmono
- -saur, sauro-, -saurus
- septi-, septico-
- -hood
- mammi-, mammo-
- medi-, medio-
- somn-
- mort-, morti-
- nota-, noto-
- ob-
- toxi-, toxico-, toxo-, -toxic
- sanct-, sancti-
- lateri-, latero-
- semi-
- myria-
- syn-, sym-, syl-
- taxo-, taxi-, tax-
- tele-, tel-
- -plasm, plasmo-
- hippo-, -hippus
- -lepsia
- Sino-
- topo-, top-
- ultra-
- -urgy, -urge
- pauc-, pauci-
- prim-, primo-, primi
- laeo-, laevo-, levo-
- -mnem-, -mnesia, -mnesis
- stereo-
- onom-, onomato-
- xero-, xer-
- -scope, -scopic, scopo-, -scopy
- -scrib-, -script-
- sema-, -seme, semeio-, semio-
- igni-
- -stat
- steno-
- super-, sur-
- -vorous, -vore
- xylo-, xyl-
- zoo-
- post-
- quart-, quarter-, quarti
- -jact-, -jacula-, -ject-
- lacrim-, lacrimo-
- schizo-, schiz-
- -sect, -section
- -merge, -merse
- nerv-, nervi-, nervo-
- -tropic, trop-
- -pend-, -pens-
- -phthong
- pomi-, pomo-
- -sion
- dict-
- sub- (suc-, suf-, etc.)
- tetra-
- -trix
- xeno-, xen-
- pro-
- rotundi-, rotundo-
- -ibility, -ible, -ibly
- lingui-, linguo
- sero-
- sono-
- tauto-
- quin-
- -ment
- sarco-, sarc-
- mono-
- strati-, strat-
- -tome
- -opsis, opso-
- -ics
- -mastia, masto-
- -mut-
- thermo-, -therm, -thermy
- -trophic
- uro-
- -plast, -plastic, plasto-
- socio-
- -some
- supra-
- trans-
- vermi-
- -ious
- -sali-, salino-
- sangui-, sanguineo-, sanguino-
- mater-, matri-
- spiro-
- orect-, -orexia
- vaso-, vas-
- pithec-, -pithecus
- quadr-
- -ster
- Spices: How Exotic!
- -sphere, spherico-, sphero-
- silvi-
- -strict
- under-
- Pies: Just like Grandma Used to Make Them!
- solen-, soleno
- Herbs: How Fragrant, How Delicious
- -sperm
- Meat Parts: the Cuts, the Innards, and the Leftover Bits - Yum!
- tri-
- Noodles: Slurp 'em up!
- -tron
- -tonic
- Capitonyms, capitonyms
- Pasta! Pasta! Pasta!
- techno-
- spectro-
- Meats: For All the Carnivores out There
- Cocktails: Drink Up. The Night is Young!
- You've Got Guts
- Orphan Words
- x belt
- x up
- x out
- x acid
- x off
- x down
- x in
- x line
- x on
- x man
- x tree
- x day
- x house
- x point
- x grass
- x oil
- x school
- x law
- x over
- x number
- x time
- x paper
- x fever
- x glass
- x box
- x beetle
- x system
- x disease
- x cell
- x back
- x away
- x test
- x room
- x engine
- x effect
- x tube
- x star
- x party
- x plant
- x cake
- x board
- x wheel
- x wave
- x water
- x table
- x money
- x machine
- x light
- x into
- x gun
- x blue
- x about
- x metal
- x court
- x suit
- x mark
- x hand
- x card
- x car
- x through
- x ring
- x jacket
- x gas
- x dog
- x circle
- x iron
- x cap
- x bank
- Sorry, your list was marked as spam
Comments by hap_e_wordnik
hap_e_wordnik commented on the word substitutable
making a comment to test the logging, don't mind me
September 3, 2015
hap_e_wordnik commented on the word solarpunk
'According to Flynn, solarpunk is about a "future with a human face and dirt behind its ears.""Solarpunk: a new movement sees the future in a positive light
September 1, 2015
hap_e_wordnik commented on the word juridicy
"Because of this the estate had to be sold therefore losing its arable juridicy." Hotel Garni Georgenhof
September 1, 2015
hap_e_wordnik commented on the word dyschronism
"The authors introduce two new terms: allochronism to describe the time organization of those SW who evidence internal desynchronization without detectable clinical symptoms, and dyschronism to describe the time organization of those SW who exhibit internal desynchrobization plus the symptoms of SW intolerance or medical illness." Euchronism, allochronism, and dyschronism: is internal desynchronization of human circadian rhythms a sign of illness?
September 1, 2015
hap_e_wordnik commented on the list orphan-words
so many orphans
September 1, 2015
hap_e_wordnik commented on the word Hogwartian
Pronounced hog WAR shun or hog WAR tee yun?
September 1, 2015
hap_e_wordnik commented on the user hap_e_wordnik
more testing
September 1, 2015
hap_e_wordnik commented on the list test-one-more-time
happy test description
July 4, 2015
hap_e_wordnik commented on the word slayeress
Gee, I guess the movie should have been titled "Buffy, the Vampire Slayeress" :-)
March 19, 2010