This word has a relation with the word selfie(a picture taken by the front camera of a mobile phone).Selfigrapher is a person who takes a picture from the front camera of a mobile phone either for themselves or for a group of people. We can have selfigrapher and selfigraphy as the noun. Seligraph, selfigraphed, selfigraphing as the verb forms, selfigraphy as the adjective and selfigraphically as the adverb.
Examples:My cousin is the selfigrapher of this picture. I selfigraph whenever I go to new places. I selfigraphed this picture yesterday. Don't disturb me.I am selfigraphing a picture. His selfigraphy impressed everyone. The selphigraphically taken picture was a topic of discussoin at the party yesternight OR let me take this picture selfigraphically; it would look great.
Comments by haripriya
haripriya commented on the word selfigrapher
This word has a relation with the word selfie(a picture taken by the front camera of a mobile phone).Selfigrapher is a person who takes a picture from the front camera of a mobile phone either for themselves or for a group of people. We can have selfigrapher and selfigraphy as the noun. Seligraph, selfigraphed, selfigraphing as the verb forms, selfigraphy as the adjective and selfigraphically as the adverb.
Examples:My cousin is the selfigrapher of this picture.
I selfigraph whenever I go to new places.
I selfigraphed this picture yesterday.
Don't disturb me.I am selfigraphing a picture.
His selfigraphy impressed everyone.
The selphigraphically taken picture was a topic of discussoin at the party yesternight OR let me take this picture selfigraphically; it would look great.
December 10, 2016