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Comments for hasimaical01
Be careful! The razor is razor-sharp
(The link probably won't work, but frogapplause offers good advice in the pronunciation)
*slashes SPAMMER's throat*
When I was little I loved to watch my Dad shave with his straight razor. He would give me a safety razor with no blade in it and I would sit there wiping the foam off my face. Now I realize that not only is it cool but it gives you the best, smoothest shave possible. Most of my friends haven't even tried straight razor shaving, but once I get them to try it they love it.
Comments by hasimaical01
hasimaical01 commented on the user hasimaical01
When I was little I loved to watch my Dad shave with his straight razor. He would give me a safety razor with no blade in it and I would sit there wiping the foam off my face. Now I realize that not only is it cool but it gives you the best, smoothest shave possible. Most of my friends haven't even tried straight razor shaving, but once I get them to try it they love it.
Dovo Straight Razor
How To Shave With A Straight Razor
December 11, 2009