An interesting, but little used word. My sense, since this is a word I have very seldom encountered, is that it is very much out of style. I can think of no occasions when I would consider using it.
Hawaiian word meaning: immeasurable or spacious heaven. I first became aware of the word in the magazine "Nature, The International Weekly Journal of Science" 4 Sept 2014 edition, p41.
Comments by helmsman60
helmsman60 commented on the word concupiscence
An interesting, but little used word. My sense, since this is a word I have very seldom encountered, is that it is very much out of style. I can think of no occasions when I would consider using it.
April 19, 2016
helmsman60 commented on the word laniakea
Hawaiian word meaning: immeasurable or spacious heaven. I first became aware of the word in the magazine "Nature, The International Weekly Journal of Science" 4 Sept 2014 edition, p41.
January 20, 2016
helmsman60 commented on the list interesting-words--16
A list of interesting words for which I need a clearer understanding to insure I am using them correctly.
January 20, 2016
helmsman60 commented on the user helmsman60
alexz, thanks very much for the info. It is much appreciated. helmsman60
January 14, 2016
helmsman60 commented on the user helmsman60
Could you please tell me how to create a "word list" ? Thank you.
January 13, 2016