hereticaneue commented on the word schlonger
Your shlong can be shlonger
September 29, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the word super-pellets
"I don't want to say our super-pellets will make you a macho-man!"
September 24, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the word lunchies
As in, you know, "what's for lunchies?"...
September 23, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the list words-stephenie-meyer-overuses
Chagrin, yeah she does use that a lot lol.
September 17, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the user hernesheir
Thanks for your suggestions to my geology word list! I made the list public so feel free to add words to it. :)
September 16, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the list little-miss-different
Wow, I looked at this list yesterday and could have sworn I saw "tympany" on it. Weird.
September 15, 2009
Nice list.
I once worked with a girl named Tierany (like tyranny). Haha! :)
hereticaneue commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
i LOVE this list and those who have contributed to it. :)
hereticaneue commented on the word imitosis
Andrew Bird surely coined this word with his song of the same name: imitosis.
Comments by hereticaneue
hereticaneue commented on the word schlonger
Your shlong can be shlonger
September 29, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the word super-pellets
"I don't want to say our super-pellets will make you a macho-man!"
September 24, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the word lunchies
As in, you know, "what's for lunchies?"...
September 23, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the list words-stephenie-meyer-overuses
Chagrin, yeah she does use that a lot lol.
September 17, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the user hernesheir
Thanks for your suggestions to my geology word list! I made the list public so feel free to add words to it. :)
September 16, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the list little-miss-different
Wow, I looked at this list yesterday and could have sworn I saw "tympany" on it. Weird.
September 15, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the list little-miss-different
Nice list.
I once worked with a girl named Tierany (like tyranny). Haha! :)
September 15, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the list words-some-people-can-t-pronounce-no-matter-how-often-they-try
i LOVE this list and those who have contributed to it. :)
September 15, 2009
hereticaneue commented on the word imitosis
Andrew Bird surely coined this word with his song of the same name: imitosis.
September 15, 2009