hillary commented on the word orality
General Language Term
the quality of being oral
being oral
a tendency to favour the spoken rather than the written form of language
September 4, 2009
hillary commented on the word lienholder
lien·hold·er (l"nÆh$lÅdÃr), n. Law.
a person who has a lien on particular property.
August 25, 2009
hillary commented on the word level pegging
equality between two contestants
August 13, 2009
hillary commented on the word luckpenny
a coin kept for luck
a small amount of money returned for luck by a seller to a customer
August 6, 2009
hillary commented on the word lubritorium
Automotive Engineering
chiefly US
a place, as in a service station, for the lubrication of motor vehicles
(Collins; seems doubtful)
August 5, 2009
hillary commented on the word lubriciously
in a lubricious manner! Yeah!
hillary commented on the word low-loader
a road or rail vehicle for heavy loads with a low platform for ease of access
August 3, 2009
hillary commented on the word low-frequency
a radio-frequency band or a frequency lying between 300 and 30 kilohertz
hillary commented on the word loved-up
experiencing feelings of love, through or as if through taking a drug, esp the drug ecstasy (Collins)
July 28, 2009
hillary commented on the word intoxicatingly
in a way that intoxicates or stimulates excessively
July 7, 2009
hillary commented on the word intestinally
in or with reference to the intestines
July 6, 2009
hillary commented on the word intersexually
to make or occupy a space between
space between or among things
July 1, 2009
hillary commented on the word interservice
involving or taking place between different branches of the military
hillary commented on the word interrogatories
written questions asked by one party to a suit, to which the other party has to give written answers under oath
June 30, 2009
hillary commented on the word interpretability
the quality of being interpretable; meaningfulness
June 26, 2009
hillary commented on the word guide price
mainly Brit; price at which sth can be expected to sell (as at auction). See cites.
June 22, 2009
hillary commented on the word grumbly
characterized by grumbling
June 11, 2009
hillary commented on the word groupuscule
a small group within a political party or movement
June 8, 2009
hillary commented on the word freakily
in an unusual, unexpected, or strange way
June 2, 2009
hillary commented on the word Kopie
adj subject to fracturing
May 25, 2009
hillary commented on the word palt
CED: a ghostly duplicate of a living person
April 29, 2009
hillary commented on the word doomy
1 despondent or pessimistic
2 depressing, frightening, or chilling
hillary commented on the word paiment
adj, infml: able to use computers
April 28, 2009
hillary commented on the word pageaunt
adv: in a way that promotes compromise
April 27, 2009
hillary commented on the word compositely
adv: by, from, or in separate parts
April 24, 2009
hillary commented on the word componential
dealing with or consisting of components
hillary commented on the word completer
1. one who completes
2. nonst comparative of complete adj.
April 23, 2009
hillary commented on the word complementarily
in a complementary way
hillary commented on the word delegitimization
the process of removing legal status from something
April 13, 2009
hillary commented on the word deindex
Collins: to cause to become no longer index-linked (Econ)
April 10, 2009
hillary commented on the word degradability
the quality of being degradable
April 9, 2009
hillary commented on the word deformer
seems to have a specialized meaning in computer graphics:
hillary commented on the word deflocculate
RHUD: Physical Chem.
to reduce from a flocculent state by dispersing the flocculated particles.
April 8, 2009
hillary commented on the word deflationist
1. adj: promoting or tending to cause deflation
2. n: one who favors the use of deflation as an economic tool.
(Hey, why can't I write defs?)
Also seems to have some meaning in philosophy. See Google book search.
Comments by hillary
hillary commented on the word orality
General Language Term
the quality of being oral
being oral
a tendency to favour the spoken rather than the written form of language
September 4, 2009
hillary commented on the word lienholder
lien·hold·er (l"nÆh$lÅdÃr), n. Law.
a person who has a lien on particular property.
August 25, 2009
hillary commented on the word level pegging
equality between two contestants
August 13, 2009
hillary commented on the word luckpenny
General Language Term
a coin kept for luck
a small amount of money returned for luck by a seller to a customer
August 6, 2009
hillary commented on the word lubritorium
Automotive Engineering
chiefly US
a place, as in a service station, for the lubrication of motor vehicles
(Collins; seems doubtful)
August 5, 2009
hillary commented on the word lubriciously
in a lubricious manner! Yeah!
August 5, 2009
hillary commented on the word low-loader
a road or rail vehicle for heavy loads with a low platform for ease of access
August 3, 2009
hillary commented on the word low-frequency
a radio-frequency band or a frequency lying between 300 and 30 kilohertz
August 3, 2009
hillary commented on the word loved-up
experiencing feelings of love, through or as if through taking a drug, esp the drug ecstasy (Collins)
July 28, 2009
hillary commented on the word intoxicatingly
in a way that intoxicates or stimulates excessively
July 7, 2009
hillary commented on the word intestinally
in or with reference to the intestines
July 6, 2009
hillary commented on the word intersexually
to make or occupy a space between
space between or among things
July 1, 2009
hillary commented on the word interservice
involving or taking place between different branches of the military
July 1, 2009
hillary commented on the word interrogatories
written questions asked by one party to a suit, to which the other party has to give written answers under oath
June 30, 2009
hillary commented on the word interpretability
the quality of being interpretable; meaningfulness
June 26, 2009
hillary commented on the word guide price
mainly Brit; price at which sth can be expected to sell (as at auction). See cites.
June 22, 2009
hillary commented on the word grumbly
characterized by grumbling
June 11, 2009
hillary commented on the word groupuscule
a small group within a political party or movement
June 8, 2009
hillary commented on the word freakily
in an unusual, unexpected, or strange way
June 2, 2009
hillary commented on the word Kopie
adj subject to fracturing
May 25, 2009
hillary commented on the word palt
CED: a ghostly duplicate of a living person
April 29, 2009
hillary commented on the word palt
CED: a ghostly duplicate of a living person
April 29, 2009
hillary commented on the word doomy
1 despondent or pessimistic
2 depressing, frightening, or chilling
April 29, 2009
hillary commented on the word paiment
adj, infml: able to use computers
April 28, 2009
hillary commented on the word pageaunt
adv: in a way that promotes compromise
April 27, 2009
hillary commented on the word compositely
adv: by, from, or in separate parts
April 24, 2009
hillary commented on the word componential
dealing with or consisting of components
April 24, 2009
hillary commented on the word completer
1. one who completes
2. nonst comparative of complete adj.
April 23, 2009
hillary commented on the word complementarily
in a complementary way
April 23, 2009
hillary commented on the word delegitimization
the process of removing legal status from something
April 13, 2009
hillary commented on the word deindex
Collins: to cause to become no longer index-linked (Econ)
April 10, 2009
hillary commented on the word degradability
the quality of being degradable
April 9, 2009
hillary commented on the word deformer
seems to have a specialized meaning in computer graphics:
April 9, 2009
hillary commented on the word deflocculate
RHUD: Physical Chem.
to reduce from a flocculent state by dispersing the flocculated particles.
April 8, 2009
hillary commented on the word deflationist
1. adj: promoting or tending to cause deflation
2. n: one who favors the use of deflation as an economic tool.
(Hey, why can't I write defs?)
Also seems to have some meaning in philosophy. See Google book search.
April 8, 2009