dehisce |diˈhis|, verb intrans. technical: (of a pod or seed vessel, or of a cut or wound) gape or burst open: after the anther lobes dehisce, the pollen is set free. From a poem by Oni Buchanan.
dehisce |diˈhis|, verb intrans. technical: (of a pod or seed vessel, or of a cut or wound) gape or burst open: after the anther lobes dehisce, the pollen is set free.
It's interesting that current Swedish has "fy" (pronounced the same) with close if not equal meaning, as in the expression "fy fan" (fan being the Devil).
Comments by hugobeng
hugobeng commented on the word fascism
(n) A collaboration between corporate and theocratic power to subvert democracy and exercise authoritarian control.
October 4, 2008
hugobeng commented on the word shiester
Somebody who rips people off or does things that only benefits themselves.
Don't make deals with him, he's a shiester.
October 4, 2008
hugobeng commented on the word dehisce
dehisce |diˈhis|, verb intrans. technical: (of a pod or seed vessel, or of a cut or wound) gape or burst open: after the anther lobes dehisce, the pollen is set free. From a poem by Oni Buchanan.
September 21, 2008
hugobeng commented on the word dehisce
dehisce |diˈhis|, verb intrans. technical: (of a pod or seed vessel, or of a cut or wound) gape or burst open: after the anther lobes dehisce, the pollen is set free.
September 21, 2008
hugobeng commented on the word fie
It's interesting that current Swedish has "fy" (pronounced the same) with close if not equal meaning, as in the expression "fy fan" (fan being the Devil).
September 21, 2008
hugobeng commented on the word illiterate
uncultured or poorly educated: as in unable to distiguish betweeen 'word' and 'phrase,' or 'name'
September 20, 2008
hugobeng commented on the user bilby
Where is anyone going?
September 20, 2008
hugobeng commented on the user chennessy
I ove your blog!
September 19, 2008