thesbian (thez' bee uhn) - n. 1. a female thespian that prefers to work with other female thespians to male thespians. 2. a female thespian who prefers a sexual relationship with other female thespians.
a suppository is the room in the house for people to specifically go and suppose about anything and everything. they are usually in homes for the extremely wealthy who can afford such luxuries. (yes, i made that definition up, but i like it.)
Col. Mustard ... with the lead pipe ... in the Suppository.
Definition: 1. one who only eats veterans. 2. rather than eating meat from younger sources (veal, calf, etc.) veteranarians only eat meat of maturer sources.
Definition: 1. one who only eats veterans. 2. rather than eating meat from younger sources (veal, calf, etc.) veteranarians only eat meat of maturer sources.
exactly like a metrosexual, except all his stylistic choices are derived from the past. a retrosexual has a fondness for keeping alive relics or antiquaries as a source of individuality.
Comments by humongoloid
humongoloid commented on the word thesbian
thesbian (thez' bee uhn) - n. 1. a female thespian that prefers to work with other female thespians to male thespians. 2. a female thespian who prefers a sexual relationship with other female thespians.
July 27, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word beshemoth
1. a very large fat female human. 2. a very large fat female of any species. also, behermoth.
May 29, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word akimbo
my dad had a phrase for strippers who were 'ta-tas akimbo'.
February 27, 2010
humongoloid commented on the list words-descriptive-of-the-colour-of-the-sea
February 27, 2010
humongoloid commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
rare minx?
February 27, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word suppository
a suppository is the room in the house for people to specifically go and suppose about anything and everything. they are usually in homes for the extremely wealthy who can afford such luxuries. (yes, i made that definition up, but i like it.)
Col. Mustard ... with the lead pipe ... in the Suppository.
February 23, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word successist
1. person who is biased towards successful and/or wealthy persons. 2. one who extols the value of success beyond all other things. (also, successism).
January 20, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word bearthday
awesome. these are great. (resume entry numbering, haha.)
January 20, 2010
humongoloid commented on the list cool-sounding-words
feel free to add anytime. thanks for the comment.
January 20, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word bearthday
1. the day the earth was born. 2. the first day that Earth Day was created.
January 13, 2010
humongoloid commented on the list words-i-made-up-the-definitons-to
lol, a scarfeteria eventually becomes a barfeteria.
January 12, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word sargasm
1. an excessive public reaction to a successful use of sarcasm. 2. an excessive personal satisfaction from a successful use of sarcasm.
January 12, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word correctomundo
flagrant confidence in asserting someone's correctness. also, incorrectomundo.
January 12, 2010
humongoloid commented on the list words-i-made-up-the-definitons-to
i guess i thought that i did that. this was my first try at it.
January 12, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word veteranarian
Definition: 1. one who only eats veterans. 2. rather than eating meat from younger sources (veal, calf, etc.) veteranarians only eat meat of maturer sources.
January 12, 2010
humongoloid commented on the list words-i-made-up-the-definitons-to
Definition: 1. one who only eats veterans. 2. rather than eating meat from younger sources (veal, calf, etc.) veteranarians only eat meat of maturer sources.
January 12, 2010
humongoloid commented on the word utopiate
any source that provides an intense, yet short-lived, sensation of perfect happiness followed by a need to experience it again.
September 23, 2009
humongoloid commented on the word retrosexual
exactly like a metrosexual, except all his stylistic choices are derived from the past. a retrosexual has a fondness for keeping alive relics or antiquaries as a source of individuality.
September 23, 2009