hwehmeyer commented on the word resistentialism
The idea that common inanimate objects can be working against you. E.g., constantly losing one's keys and blaming it on the keys themselves or thinking the traffic lights are conspiring against you.
June 15, 2009
hwehmeyer commented on the word scrumping
Stealing in a playful boyish way - e.g., young boys "scrumping" apples. British.
Comments by hwehmeyer
hwehmeyer commented on the word resistentialism
The idea that common inanimate objects can be working against you. E.g., constantly losing one's keys and blaming it on the keys themselves or thinking the traffic lights are conspiring against you.
June 15, 2009
hwehmeyer commented on the word scrumping
Stealing in a playful boyish way - e.g., young boys "scrumping" apples. British.
June 15, 2009