idyll commented on the list idyll-s-words
"...Virginians in that decade were actually relaxing their black codes that governed the slaves' lives, forming anti-slavery societies and manumitting their slaves by the thousands." -- Gordon S. Wood article in the NYRB, June 28th, 2007
August 29, 2007
idyll commented on the word minatory
The heavy gilding of the spines, seen through the fine gilt grilled of the carved and gilded bookcases, created a mood of minatory opulence.
December 27, 2006
Comments by idyll
idyll commented on the list idyll-s-words
"...Virginians in that decade were actually relaxing their black codes that governed the slaves' lives, forming anti-slavery societies and manumitting their slaves by the thousands." -- Gordon S. Wood article in the NYRB, June 28th, 2007
August 29, 2007
idyll commented on the word minatory
The heavy gilding of the spines, seen through the fine gilt grilled of the carved and gilded bookcases, created a mood of minatory opulence.
December 27, 2006