Harry Potter is the title of books written by J.K Rowling. There are seven books in this series.
The books are about a normal boy who lives with his uncle and aunt and at the age of eleven finds out that he is a wizard. He goes to a school called Hogwarts and makes close friends, who help him battle Lord Voldemort an evil wizard who had killed thousands (including harry potter's parents) to try and become the greatest wizard.
Comments by iwriteabook
iwriteabook commented on the word harry potter
Harry Potter is the title of books written by J.K Rowling. There are seven books in this series.
The books are about a normal boy who lives with his uncle and aunt and at the age of eleven finds out that he is a wizard. He goes to a school called Hogwarts and makes close friends, who help him battle Lord Voldemort an evil wizard who had killed thousands (including harry potter's parents) to try and become the greatest wizard.
June 11, 2009