jeliot commented on the word backronym
an acronym constructed from a pre-existing word or words
August 14, 2009
jeliot commented on the word do-ocracy
an organizational structure in which individuals choose roles and tasks for themselves and execute them
jeliot commented on the word adjectify
to make an adjective
jeliot commented on the word burkini
loose-fitting swimsuit that covers the entire body
jeliot commented on the word Hometown
A "Hometown" can be a geographical location which acts as a person's physical and/or emotional dwelling
August 4, 2009
Comments by jeliot
jeliot commented on the word backronym
an acronym constructed from a pre-existing word or words
August 14, 2009
jeliot commented on the word do-ocracy
an organizational structure in which individuals choose roles and tasks for themselves and execute them
August 14, 2009
jeliot commented on the word adjectify
to make an adjective
August 14, 2009
jeliot commented on the word burkini
loose-fitting swimsuit that covers the entire body
August 14, 2009
jeliot commented on the word Hometown
A "Hometown" can be a geographical location which acts as a person's physical and/or emotional dwelling
August 4, 2009