jennasaisquoi has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 1 list, listed 5 words, written 2 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
jennasaisquoi has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 1 list, listed 5 words, written 2 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments by jennasaisquoi
jennasaisquoi commented on the word seesoo hrss rsseeiss ooos
"Listen: a fourworded wavespeech: seesoo hrss rsseeiss ooos..." -Ulysses
December 17, 2008
jennasaisquoi commented on the word smirch
As You Like It 1.3.105-106:
I'll put myself in poor and mean attire,
And with a kind of umber smirch my face.
The like do you, so shall we pass along,
And never stir assailants.
December 17, 2008