tracting: 1) distributing tracts (pamphlets) 2) the act of going door to door to share your message
The word "tracting" is used frequently in the LDS/Mormon community, to refer to what missionaries do when they go door to door looking for people to listen to their message.
Comments by jmricks
jmricks commented on the word tracting
tracting: 1) distributing tracts (pamphlets) 2) the act of going door to door to share your message
The word "tracting" is used frequently in the LDS/Mormon community, to refer to what missionaries do when they go door to door looking for people to listen to their message.
March 10, 2010
jmricks commented on the word glaucope
A person with fair hair and blue eyes
September 29, 2009
jmricks commented on the word definitized
We consider a change as definitized after a series of approvals thru technical reviews and contract officer approvals.
September 22, 2009
jmricks commented on the word syzygy
Def: The harmonious alignment of the planets.
September 15, 2009