Bee Sting Theory: To prompt a story telling group of any age, begin by asking the group this question:
"Has anyone here ever been stung by a bee?"
The immediate result will be that everyone in the group -- all ages -- will have a story to tell, either their own sting experience, or someone else's, and all will be compelled to tell their story, and all will listen
Comments by jofedwards238
jofedwards238 commented on the word bee sting theory
Bee Sting Theory: To prompt a story telling group of any age, begin by asking the group this question:
"Has anyone here ever been stung by a bee?"
The immediate result will be that everyone in the group -- all ages -- will have a story to tell, either their own sting experience, or someone else's, and all will be compelled to tell their story, and all will listen
July 27, 2017