This is a person, generally male that Mooches off their mother or parents for far longer than acceptable. Grown men living in their parents basement at thirty five years old. Single adults that still bring their laundry home to their mother. Even better examples of a Mommoochers involve people who actually have lucrative careers and still act in this manner.
Comments by johnkarnay
johnkarnay commented on the word mommoocher
This is a person, generally male that Mooches off their mother or parents for far longer than acceptable. Grown men living in their parents basement at thirty five years old. Single adults that still bring their laundry home to their mother. Even better examples of a Mommoochers involve people who actually have lucrative careers and still act in this manner.
January 4, 2008
johnkarnay commented on the word barnacles
I like more as an exclamation in the way the Sponge Bob uses it... "Oh Barnacle!"
It works great when you have children.
January 4, 2008