You're missing the usage among fanfiction writers. "Slash" there denotes the category of fanfic that brings characters together as lovers -- common pairings are Snape and Harry in Harry Potter fanfic, Kirk and Spock in Star Trek fanfic, Sheppard and McKay in Stargate: Atlantis fanfic. The term derives, I believe, from the typographical / -- people often write "Snape/Harry" or "K/S," for example.
Slash in this sense is also a verb (to slash Characters A and B). And it appears in compounds such as femslash (slash fic that pairs women; the "default" of slash is male/male pairings).
Comments by jolanta
Jolanta commented on the word slash
You're missing the usage among fanfiction writers. "Slash" there denotes the category of fanfic that brings characters together as lovers -- common pairings are Snape and Harry in Harry Potter fanfic, Kirk and Spock in Star Trek fanfic, Sheppard and McKay in Stargate: Atlantis fanfic. The term derives, I believe, from the typographical / -- people often write "Snape/Harry" or "K/S," for example.
Slash in this sense is also a verb (to slash Characters A and B). And it appears in compounds such as femslash (slash fic that pairs women; the "default" of slash is male/male pairings).
June 8, 2009