JonChristopher11 commented on the word da
As an infant,Nick would consantly point with his index and exclaim 'da', to everything.
March 20, 2012
JonChristopher11 commented on the word monad
He screamed monad! To all. To set the tone and start buisness.
February 14, 2012
JonChristopher11 commented on the word behinde
But yet tho cannont die,I know,
To leave this world behinde,is death,
January 25, 2012
Comments by jonchristopher11
JonChristopher11 commented on the word da
As an infant,Nick would consantly point with his index and exclaim 'da', to everything.
March 20, 2012
JonChristopher11 commented on the word monad
He screamed monad! To all. To set the tone and start buisness.
February 14, 2012
JonChristopher11 commented on the word behinde
But yet tho cannont die,I know,
To leave this world behinde,is death,
January 25, 2012