JTroyer commented on the word akimbo
"He frowns at me for a moment, arms akimbo." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word addled
"Anyway, I'm not really addled." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word deferential
"His face assumes a deferential expression..." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word moot
"...realizing the point is in serious danger of becoming moot-" Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word valise
"They take my valise and herd me toward their running car." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word mottled
"-in the mottled patterns of their battered torso..." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word menagerie
"Jacob-it's the menagerie." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word languorous
"...smoothing her skirt with languorous fingers." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word metastatic
"Metastatic, the doctor said." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word pneumatic
"A third nurse, a pneumatic black girl in pale pink..." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
JTroyer commented on the word vermillion
"He was lost in in a wash of ruby and vermillion..." The Shack and WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word loons
"The wild, haunting cry of a loon echoeing across the lake..." The Shack by WM Paul
JTroyer commented on the word pylon
"Most of the dock had sunk and only a few of the larger pylons and attached sections were still standing." The Shack by WM Paul
JTroyer commented on the word prow
"Sarayu was sitting in the prow, lokking at him." The Shack by WM Paul
JTroyer commented on the word uppity
"My, but aren't you getting uppity an' all?" The Shack by WM Paul
JTroyer commented on the word scythe
"She handed him a shovel, rake, scythe, and a pair of gloves..." The Shack by WM Paul
JTroyer commented on the word eddying
"...she wafted about like an eddying wind..." The Shack by WM Paul
JTroyer commented on the word conversely
"Conversely, I'd call evil something that causes me pain..." The Shack by WM Paul
JTroyer commented on the word autonomy
"For any created being, autonomy is lunacy." The Shack by WM Paul
JTroyer commented on the word fractal
"From above it's fractal." The Shack by WM Paul.
September 29, 2010
Comments by jtroyer
JTroyer commented on the word akimbo
"He frowns at me for a moment, arms akimbo." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word addled
"Anyway, I'm not really addled." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word deferential
"His face assumes a deferential expression..." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word moot
"...realizing the point is in serious danger of becoming moot-" Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word valise
"They take my valise and herd me toward their running car." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word mottled
"-in the mottled patterns of their battered torso..." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word menagerie
"Jacob-it's the menagerie." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word languorous
"...smoothing her skirt with languorous fingers." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word metastatic
"Metastatic, the doctor said." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word pneumatic
"A third nurse, a pneumatic black girl in pale pink..." Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
October 17, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word vermillion
"He was lost in in a wash of ruby and vermillion..." The Shack and WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word loons
"The wild, haunting cry of a loon echoeing across the lake..." The Shack by WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word pylon
"Most of the dock had sunk and only a few of the larger pylons and attached sections were still standing." The Shack by WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word prow
"Sarayu was sitting in the prow, lokking at him." The Shack by WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word uppity
"My, but aren't you getting uppity an' all?" The Shack by WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word scythe
"She handed him a shovel, rake, scythe, and a pair of gloves..." The Shack by WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word eddying
"...she wafted about like an eddying wind..." The Shack by WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word conversely
"Conversely, I'd call evil something that causes me pain..." The Shack by WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word autonomy
"For any created being, autonomy is lunacy." The Shack by WM Paul
October 1, 2010
JTroyer commented on the word fractal
"From above it's fractal." The Shack by WM Paul.
September 29, 2010