A confused little shrug, the "gle" affixed to the end to add both a further now of anxiousness (or perplexity), and to note that such a shrug is often follow by a cutesie expression, or an attempt to hug someone.
'tis a careful reversal of a "huggle", more platonic, with almost no romantic connotations. A snuggling cuddle, for those who didn't already work it out.
Comments by kaelaroth
kaelaroth commented on the word shruggles
The plural of shruggle, but also an embellishment upon it, the added "s" sometimes implying that one is extra-confused/perplexed/adorable.
March 23, 2009
kaelaroth commented on the word shruggle
A confused little shrug, the "gle" affixed to the end to add both a further now of anxiousness (or perplexity), and to note that such a shrug is often follow by a cutesie expression, or an attempt to hug someone.
March 23, 2009
kaelaroth commented on the word snuddle
'tis a careful reversal of a "huggle", more platonic, with almost no romantic connotations. A snuggling cuddle, for those who didn't already work it out.
March 23, 2009