kafkaesque commented on the word perspicacious
The Simpsons (episode 2F19)
Lisa: Relax? I can't relax! Nor can I yield, relent, or -- Only two synonyms? Oh my God: I'm losing my perspicacity!
Homer: Well, it's always in the last place you look.
January 20, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word sartorial
Goes great with tonsorial. Also, ketchup.
kafkaesque commented on the word tautology
'a tautology is a tautology' is a tautology
January 19, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word burgle
"They Came to Burgle Carnegie Hall" was a great film.
January 15, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word terpsichore
I am one who delights in all manifestations of the Terpsichorean muse!
January 14, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word eudaimonic
January 12, 2007
Comments by kafkaesque
kafkaesque commented on the word perspicacious
The Simpsons (episode 2F19)
Lisa: Relax? I can't relax! Nor can I yield, relent, or -- Only two synonyms? Oh my God: I'm losing my perspicacity!
Homer: Well, it's always in the last place you look.
January 20, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word sartorial
Goes great with tonsorial. Also, ketchup.
January 20, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word tautology
'a tautology is a tautology' is a tautology
January 19, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word burgle
"They Came to Burgle Carnegie Hall" was a great film.
January 15, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word terpsichore
I am one who delights in all manifestations of the Terpsichorean muse!
January 14, 2007
kafkaesque commented on the word eudaimonic
January 12, 2007