Comments by kalayzich

  • "Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back." ~ Marcus Aurelius

    February 26, 2025

  • shut your trap

    October 14, 2024

  • wtf you missed yumberry !

    October 10, 2024

  • xanbie

    Blend of Xanax +‎ zombie

    September 25, 2024

  • The 11 new three letter words in scrabble

    any comments?

    September 20, 2024

  • Also the fact the region just pressed a strong law outlawing the practice of bridenapping women and forcing them to marry..

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2010

    September 12, 2024

  • the circle of life has died James Earl Jones

    September 9, 2024

  • Dirty Harry 1971 - Do You Feel Lucky Punk?

    August 19, 2024

  • mangrove has an anagram .....venogram

    August 16, 2024

  • Preview definitions of English bulldog rat


    A dark rat once endemic to Christmas Island (†Rattus nativitatis), now extinct.

    August 15, 2024

  • There are over 1,200 types of noodles commonly consumed in China today

    August 9, 2024

  • -on

    1. Physics a word element used to indicate an elementary particle, as in photon.

    2. Chemistry a word element used to indicate an inert gas, as in radon.

    3. Biochemistry a word element used to indicate a molecular unit, as in codon.

    from ion

    August 7, 2024

  • earshot ,has this acquired a new meaning of late?

    July 15, 2024

  • Scrooge took his melancholy dinner..and beguiled the rest of the evening with his banker's-book.

    C. Dickens, Christmas Carol

    June 26, 2024

  • allemande (Fr.) a courtly baroque dance in which the arms are interlaced.

    almain a courtly dance, aka allemande.

    beguine (Fr.) a dance of French West Indian origin.

    bergamask a rustic dance.

    bergomask a rustic dance.

    bhat a dancer in a Thai troupe > BHATS.

    biguine (Fr.) a dance of French West Indian origin.

    bolero (Spanish) a Spanish dance with sudden pauses and sharp turns.

    boogaloo a kind of dance; (verb) to dance the boogaloo.

    boogey to dance to rock music.

    boogie to dance to rock music.

    boogy to dance to rock music.

    bopper a performer or adherent of bebop.

    boston a waltzlike dance.

    bourree (Fr.) a brisk French dance in triple time.

    branle (Fr.) an old French dance or dance-tune.

    bransle (Fr.) an old French dance or dance-tune.

    brantle (Fr.) an old French dance or dance-tune.

    breakdance an energetic form of dance to rock or disco; (verb) to do a breakdance.

    breakdancer one who does breakdancing.

    breakdancing a type of vigorous dance.

    butoh (Japanese) a style of modern Japanese dance.

    cachucha (Spanish) an Andalusian dance in three-four time, resembling the bolero.

    cakewalk a prancing stage dance with backward tilt; (verb) to do the cakewalk.

    cakewalker one who does the cakewalk.

    canary a songbird found in the Canary Islands; a lively Renaissance courtly dance; (verb) to dance this.

    cancan (Fr.) a French dance.

    cantico (Am. Ind.) to dance as an act of worship.

    canticoy (Am. Ind.) to dance as an act of worship.

    capoeira (Port.) a martial art and dance combination.

    capuera (Port.) a martial art and dance combination.

    carioca (Port.) a dance, a variation of the samba.

    carmagnole (Fr.) a popular song and round dance of the French Revolutionary period.

    ceroc a form of dance combining many styles, including jive and salsa.

    chaconne (Fr.) a Spanish baroque dance in triple time.

    charleston a lively dance that involves kicking; (verb) to dance the charleston.

    choregraph to arrange or compose (a dance, dances, etc).

    choregraphic relating to choregraphy.

    choregraphy the art of symbolically representing dancing.

    choreodrama dance drama performed by a group.

    choreograph to compose the choreography of.

    choreographic relating to choreography.

    choreography the art of symbolically representing dancing.

    choreologist a student of choreology.

    choreology the study of ballets and their history.

    clogdance a dance performed with clogs, the clatter keeping time to the music.

    conga (Spanish) a Latin American dance in which dancers are linked in a single file; (verb) to dance the conga.

    contradance a country dance, esp a French version of the English country dance.

    contredance a country dance, esp a French version of the English country dance.

    contredanse (Fr.) a folk dance in which two lines of couples face each other.

    cooch a sinuous dance.

    coranto (Ital.) an old dance with a gliding step.

    coryphee (Fr.) a leading dancer of a corps de ballet.

    cotillion (Fr.) an elaborate ballroom dance with frequent changes of partner.

    cotillon (Fr.) an elaborate ballroom dance with frequent changes of partner.

    courant an old dance with a gliding step.

    courante (Fr.) an old dance with a gliding step.

    couranto an old dance with a gliding step.

    cracovienne (Polish) a lively Polish dance.

    csardas (Hungarian) a Hungarian dance that increases in speed.

    czardas (Hungarian) a Hungarian dance that increases in speed.

    dance a sequence of steps or rhythmic movements, usually to music (verb) to move rhythmically to music

    danceable capable of being danced.

    dancelike like a dance.

    dancer one that dances.

    dancical a type of dance show in which choreographed performers dance to pop songs.

    fado (Port.) a type of Portuguese folksong or dance.

    fandango (Spanish) a lively Spanish dance performed by a couple.

    farandole (Fr.) a lively Provençal dance in which men and women hold hands.

    farruca (Spanish) a gypsy dance with sudden tempo and mood changes.

    flamenco (Spanish) a Spanish dance style.

    forlana (Ital.) a Venetian dance in 6-4 time.

    foxtrot a ballroom dance to syncopated music; (verb) to dance the foxtrot.

    fris (Hungarian) the quick dance movement of a Hungarian csardas.

    friska (Hungarian) the quick movement of a csardas.

    frug a vigorous dance performed to pop music, popularized in the 1960s; (verb) to perform this dance.

    furlana (Ital.) a Venetian dance in 6-4 time.

    galliard a sprightly Renaissance and Baroque dance.

    gallopade (Fr.) a lively ballroom dance in 2/4 time; a piece of music for this dance; (verb) to dance a gallopade.

    galop (Fr.) a lively double-time dance; (verb) to dance the galop.

    galopade (Fr.) a lively ballroom dance in 2/4 time; a piece of music for this dance.

    gavot (Fr.) a kind of French country dance.

    gavotte (Fr.) a kind of French country dance; (verb) to dance a gavotte.

    german (US) an elaborate dance.

    giga (Ital.) a lively Italian dance.

    gigue (Fr.) a lively Baroque dance in triple time.

    glisse a kind of gliding dance step.

    gopak (Russian) a high-leaping folk-dance from the Ukraine.

    habanera (Spanish) a slow and seductive Cuban dance.

    habanero (Spanish) a hot chili pepper.

    haka (Maori) a ceremonial posture dance accompanied by chanting.

    halling (Norwegian) a Norwegian country dance.

    hamatsa a dance inspired by the spirit of a man-eating monster.

    hey an interjection to attract attention; (noun) a winding country dance; (verb) to dance a hey.

    hoedown (US) a country dance.

    hoofer a professional dancer.

    hoolachan (Gaelic) a Highland reel, esp the reel of Tulloch.

    hoolican (Gaelic) a Highland reel, esp the reel of Tulloch.

    hopak (Russian) a Ukrainian dance.

    hora (Hebrew) an Israeli dance.

    horah (Hebrew) an Israeli dance.

    hornpipe a lively British folk dance.

    hula (Hawaiian) a sinuous Polynesian dance with rhythmic hip movements.

    jitterbug a jazz dance featuring vigorous acrobatic feats; (verb) to dance this.

    jive deceitful (noun) a lively style of jazz music (verb) to dance to jazz or swing music

    jiver one who jives.

    joncanoe a boisterous West Indian dance.

    jota (Spanish) a Spanish dance in triple time.

    juba a Negro rustic dance.

    juke to dance.

    junkanoo a boisterous West Indian dance.

    kantikoy (Am. Ind.) to dance as an act of worship.

    kathak (Sanskrit) a classical dance of India in which brief passages of mime alternate with rapid, rhythmic dance.

    kazachoc (Russian) a Russian folk dance in which high kicks are performed from a squatting position.

    kazachok (Russian) a Russian folk dance.

    kazatski (Russian) a Russian folk dance.

    kazatsky (Russian) a Russian folk dance.

    kazatzka (Russian) a Russian folk dance.

    kolo (Serbo-Croat) a Serbian folk-dance.

    krakowiak (Polish) a lively Polish dance.

    krumper one who does krumping, a kind of dance.

    krumping a type of dancing in which participants, often wearing face paint, dance with one another in a fast and aggressive style mimicking a fight but without any physical contact.

    lambada a rhythmic energetic Latin-American dance.

    lanciers (Fr.) a French dance.

    landler (Ger.) a S. German dance, like a slow waltz.

    lassu (Hungarian) the slow movement of a csardas, a Hungarian dance.

    lavolt (Shakesp.) a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time; (verb) to dance the lavolt.

    lavolta (Shakesp.) a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time; (verb) to dance the lavolta.

    leadman one who leads a dance.

    legong (Indonesian) a Balinese dance.

    limbo a kind of West Indian dance that involves getting under a bar low to the ground; (verb) to perform a limbo dance.

    lindy a dance closely resembling the jitterbug; (verb) to perform the lindy.

    loure (Fr.) an old slow dance in 6-4 time.

    malaguena (Spanish) a Spanish dance performed by a couple, similar to the fandango.

    mambo a Cuban ballroom dance resembling the rumba or cha-cha (verb) to dance the mambo

    marinera (Spanish) a Peruvian folk-dance danced in pairs.

    matachin (Spanish) a masked sword-dancer; the sword-dance itself.

    matachina a female matachin, sword-dancer.

    maxixe (Port.) a Brazilian ballroom dance resembling the two-step.

    mazourka (Polish) a Polish folk dance in moderate triple measure.

    mazurka (Polish) a Polish folk dance in moderate triple measure.

    merengue (Spanish) a Caribbean ballroom dance in which feet are frequently dragged.

    minuet a slow and stately Baroque dance in 3/4 time; (verb) to dance a minuet.

    moonwalker one who performs the moonwalk.

    morisco a morris dance; an arabesk.

    morrice (Obs.) a morris dance.

    morris an English folk dance in which story is enacted by costumed dancers; (verb) to dance the morris.

    mosh a type of dance performed to loud rock music; (verb) to dance in this manner.

    mosher one who moshes, dances to loud rock music.

    musette a dance to a drone bass, originally played by a kind of bagpipes.

    nach (Hindi) an entertainment in India consisting chiefly of dancing by professional dancing girls.

    nauch (Hindi) an entertainment in India consisting chiefly of dancing by professional dancing girls.

    nautch (Hindi) an entertainment in India consisting chiefly of dancing by professional dancing girls.

    nondance something that is not a dance.

    nondancer someone who does not dance.

    orchesis the art of dancing in Greek chorus.

    orchestic relating to dancing.

    orchestics the art of dancing.

    outdance to dance better than.

    pantalon (Fr.) a movement in a quadrille.

    pantalone (Fr.) a movement in a quadrille.

    pasodoble (Spanish) a fast modern ballroom dance.

    paspy (Fr.) a Breton dance resembling a quick minuet.

    passacaglia (Ital.) an old slow Italian or Spanish dance; variations on a theme over a continuously repeated ground bass.

    passamezzo an old dance, a pavan in quick time.

    passemeasure an old dance, a pavan in quicker time.

    passepied (Fr.) a Breton dance resembling a quick minuet.

    pavan a stately English Renaissance court dance.

    pavane (Fr.) a stately English Renaissance court dance.

    paven a stately English Renaissance court dance.

    pavin a stately English Renaissance court dance.

    pericon (Spanish) an Argentinan folk-dance performed by couples dancing in a ring.

    petronella a Scottish country dance.

    pigeonwing a caper or leap in dancing, jumping and clapping feet together.

    pirouetter one who pirouettes.

    polk to dance a polka.

    polka (Czech) a Bohemian dance or the tune for it; (verb) to dance this.

    polonaise (Fr.) a stately Polish dance of moderate tempo.

    polonie (Scots) a child's polonaise, a stately Polish dance of moderate tempo.

    pyrrhicist (Hist.) one who danced the pyrrhic.

    quadrille (Fr.) a square dance for four couples; (verb) to dance the quadrille.

    quadriller one who dances the quadrille.

    quickstep a fast marchlike dance; (verb) to do the quickstep.

    redowa (Czech) a Bohemian dance.

    reel a lively dance of the Scottish Highlands; (verb) to stagger.

    rhumba (Spanish) a kind of dance; (verb) to dance the rhumba.

    rigadoon a lively Baroque period dance.

    rigaudon (Fr.) a lively Baroque period dance.

    romaika (Mod. Gr.) a modern Greek dance.

    ronggeng (Malay) a Malaysian dancing-girl.

    roundel anything circular; a ring-dance.

    roundle anything circular; a ring-dance.

    rueda (Spanish) a Cuban street dance, performed in a circle, featuring many turns and changes of partner.

    rumba (Spanish) a kind of dance; (verb) to dance the rumba.

    salsa (Spanish) a rhythmic Latin-American big-band dance music; a dance performed to this; (verb) to do such a dance.

    saltarello (Ital.) a lively Italian dance.

    samba (Port.) a Brazilian dance; (verb) to dance the samba.

    saraband (Spanish) a stately court dance of the 17th and 18th centuries, resembling the minuet.

    sarabande (Spanish) a stately court dance of the 17th and 18th centuries, resembling the minuet.

    sardana (Catalan) a Catalan dance in a ring formation.

    schottische (Ger.) an old polka-like round dance.

    seguidilla (Spanish) a Spanish folk dance, a Spanish verse form of seven lines.

    shimmy a jazz dance featuring rapid shaking of the body; (verb) to dance the shimmy.

    siciliana (Ital.) a Sicilian dance, resembling the pastorale.

    siciliano (Ital.) a Sicilian dance, resembling the pastorale.

    skank to dance to reggae music, lifting the knees in a rapid jerky movement.

    skanker one who skanks, dances to reggae music.

    slamdance to dance aggressively, bumping into others.

    soukous (Fr.) a form of Central African dance music.

    stepdancer one who does a step dance, a dance involving an effective display of steps by an individual dancer.

    stepdancing doing a step dance.

    stomp a jazz dance featuring heavy stamping of the feet; (verb) to stamp the feet.

    strathspey reel-like Scottish dance of moderate tempo.

    tango a kind of dance (verb) to dance the tango

    tangoist one who dances the tango.

    tangolike like a tango, a kind of dance.

    tarantella (Ital.) a lively, whirling S. Italian dance once thought to be caused by tarantism.

    terpsichoreal of or relating to dancing.

    terpsichorean of or relating to dancing.

    tordion (Fr.) a Renaissance dance similar to but slower than a galliard.

    trenise (Fr.) the fourth movement of a quadrille.

    tripudiary of or pertaining to the tripudium.

    tripudiate to dance for joy; to exult; to stamp.

    tripudium (Lat.) an ancient Roman religious dance in triple time.

    turdion (Fr.) a Renaissance dance similar to but slower than a galliard.

    twerk to thrust the hips up and down from a squatting position.

    twerking the act of thrusting the hips up and down from a squatting position..

    valeta (Spanish) a kind of dance.

    valse (Fr.) a waltz; (verb) to waltz.

    varsovienne (Fr.) a polka-like Polish dance.

    veleta (Spanish) a kind of dance.

    villanella an old rustic dance, accompanied with singing.

    vogue the mode or fashion at any particular time (verb) to perform to pop music a stylized dance

    voguer one who vogues, performs to pop music a stylized dance.

    volta (Ital.) a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time, in which each partner lifts the other clear of the ground in turn.

    waltz a ballroom dance in triple time in which couples spin around as they progress round the room; (verb) to dance this.

    waltzer one who waltzes.

    waltzlike like a waltz.

    zapateado (Spanish) a Latin-American dance with rhythmic tapping of the feet.

    zapateo (Spanish) a Spanish dance.

    ziganka (Russian) a Russian country dance.

    June 25, 2024

  • what does jamfle mean dogdoc?

    June 25, 2024

  • douchebag

    June 18, 2024

  • ridiculous











    potty (British, informal)






    half-baked (informal)







    cockeyed (informal)

    bird-brained (informal)

    cockamamie (slang, mainly US)

    porangi (New Zealand)

    June 1, 2024

  • keeping abreast

    June 1, 2024

  • P.1. to be a huckleberry to (also over) someone's persimmon

    P.2. to pass one's persimmon

    P.3. to shake down (also bring down, rake (up), walk off with) the persimmon(s)

    P.4. the longest pole knocks the persimmon

    P.5. that's (the ripe) persimmon

    P.6. it's no use taking four bites at a persimmon

    May 30, 2024

  • Why did the banana go out with the prune?

    Because he couldn’t find a date.

    Why did the banana have to go to the hair salon?

    Because she had split ends.

    May 28, 2024

  • act of splooting ,surely splootings see sploot noun

    May 17, 2024

  • allis by itself is not there only allis shad ,why?

    May 7, 2024

  • aquarobics has been dropped

    May 6, 2024

  • craftspeople dropped

    May 1, 2024

  • consequentialist (16 letters)

    April 30, 2024

  • ceratopsid (dropped)

    April 29, 2024

  • thuggo and thuggos not in dictionary but is in online dictionary

    April 27, 2024

  • jamon iberico we have jamon as adj and serrano

    April 22, 2024

  • bilby

    /ˈbɪlbi/ (say 'bilbee)

    noun (plural bilbies)

    either of the rabbit-eared bandicoots of the genus Macrotis, of the regions west of the Australian Great Dividing Range: 1. the greater bilby, Macrotis lagotis; dalgite.

    2. Also, SA, pinkie. the lesser bilby, Macrotis leucura, now thought to be extinct; yallara.

    Yuwaalaraay bilbi

    © Pan Macmillan Australia 2024

    April 21, 2024

  • ack interjection used to express alarm or dismay

    aro a person with no romatic feelings toward others- aros

    avi an avatar in social media or online gaming-avis

    baw Scot a ball or testicle- baws

    fam short for family -fams

    fav favorite- favs

    owo interjection slang an expression of surprise used in text messaging and social media

    uwu interjection slang an expression of admiration for something that is considered cute used especially in text messaging and social media

    fap verb fapped fapping faps (we have fap) masturbate

    neg verb to make a disparaging comment negged negging

                    we have neg already

    April 21, 2024

  • ceratopsid has been removed- a dinosaur

    April 21, 2024

  • ack








    April 17, 2024

  • is there a case for the comparative of fleek?

    Digital Etiquette: Everything you wanted to know about › books

    Victoria Turk · 2019


    ... fleekest selfies with just about anyone – friends, followers, strangers, and that weird kid from high school who still likes all your Facebook posts. Online communities date back to the beginning of the internet. It started with things ...

    April 11, 2024

  • narcoeconomies see narco-

    April 9, 2024

  • TATP triacetone triperoxide

    March 26, 2024

  • 17 letters agribusinesswoman /agribusinesswomen

    March 22, 2024

  • atabrin dropped?

    January 14, 2024

  • chemautotroph chemautotrophic out

    January 10, 2024

  • My mum has never been a child

    The child was the mother

    what was mums favourite food?

    she dressed beautifully

    she worked as a cleaner in a hospital in psyche ward

    she is an excellent worker

    she laughed at my fathers jokes

    my dad also swore like a trooper

    i saw him take communion twice in his life

    mum was super patient

    2hr meals

    walked from hospital to home

    deewhy to queenscliff

    had waked from my flat to bloomfield hospital

    paul bloomfield was sage'paediatrician when he was young

    he is on the autistic spectrum high functioning savant in the process aspergers/aspie

    December 3, 2023

  • we have so many stories tony i dont know where to begin infinity of gospels

    December 3, 2023

  • mica mum?


    croatian words

    get a dictionary

    use this number to log into oed dictionary



    love is in charge of the world and it does what it it wants

    love and do what you love

    December 3, 2023

  • like father like son

    the father knows more than the son

    the father was once a son

    the son was a child

    the child was a zygote



    love all sorts rape/passionate/invitro

    maybe the jews knew about invitro why not?

    how young was Mary?

    Joseph ? write the story

    how did joseph address address mary

    how did

    how do you say im going to fuck you good and proper? in hebrew?

    December 3, 2023

  • how does a pedafile address a his victim?

    how does a pedafile talk intimately to his object?

    a pedafile is love

    some change

    others dont

    its all about relationships !

    we are entering ana's paradigm how she sees the world

    you dont impose your understanding on mum thats what i called her not Mother

    when i talk to people about dad i say father

    i superficially judged my dad

    my daddy hurt me

    in the end he blessed me and wished me luck and blessed me

    I dont need a blessing from mum

    my mum is in heaven all the way to heaven is heaven

    my mum in heaven and jesus mum in heaven the Fathers mum in heaven etc

    before the big bang was heaven angels guardian angels


    they will be done good

    love and do what you will

    mum you can go with dad its your choice

    you love and you do what you want

    stay alive and pray for us

    the children of medjugoria pray for us

    mother of god pray for us now at the hour of our death amen

    mum bring all souls to heaven esp those in need of thy mercy

    I believe and love the communion of saints

    how many paradigms are there million/infinity

    we are all going home

    December 3, 2023

  • im a picture thinker

    write movies film in my head

    differerent plots

    how can we break the bubble we are in?

    December 3, 2023

  • what sort of father would sacrifice his son?

    it dont matter

    dad/faher daddy have multiple personalities

    the bastard god knew more than the son

    love sacrifices love

    jesus is a martyr

    December 3, 2023

  • my god my god why have you forsaken me

    abba =father=dad==daddy

    how do babies talk what language do they use

    how are father wo become grandfathers call ?

    how does aurora call me?

    jennifer grandma

    how does aurora call tony?

    how did alan address jennifer

    how does jennifer address her father/dat/

    how did jennifer address her grandfather les

    what did les call jennifer

    saints are sinners

    December 3, 2023

  • If you want your dream to be

    Take your time, go slowly

    Do few things but do them well

    Heartfelt work grows purely

    If you want to live life free

    Take your time, go slowly

    Do few things but do them well

    Heartfelt work grows purely

    Day by day, stone by stone

    Build your secret slowly

    Day by day, you'll grow too

    You'll know heaven's glory

    If you want your dream to be

    Take your time, go slowly

    Do few things but do them well

    Heartfelt work grows purely

    If you want to live life free

    Take your, time go slowly

    Do few things but do them well

    Heartfelt work grows purely

    Day by day, stone by stone

    Build your secret slowly

    Day by day, you'll grow too

    You'll know heaven's glory

    December 2, 2023

  • Carpaccio di Manzo con rucola, sedano Veronese e scaglie di Parmigiano

    Fillet of raw 3 score Angus fillet thinly sliced & served with rocket,

    celeriac, horseradish cream & shaved Reggiano Parmesan

    December 2, 2023

  • 67 Years ago a young Italian named Beppi took a risk and opened a small eatery in Darlinghurst which came to be known as Beppi’s.

    December 2, 2023

  • Front Extensions: (4): FORE-, MOUTH-, OUT-, RE-

    Back Extensions: (12): -BAD, -ER, -ERS, -ESS, -GOOD, -ING, -INGLESS, -INGLY, -INGNESS, -INGNESSES, -INGS, -S


    December 1, 2023

  • feel out (third-person singular simple present feels out, present participle feeling out, simple past and past participle felt out)

    (idiomatic) To attempt to ascertain a person's point of view, or the nature of a situation, by cautious and subtle means.

    I think we should feel out your mom's thoughts about this before we decide anything.


    (try to ascertain a point of view or the nature of something): sound out, check out

    December 1, 2023

  • noun emotional or moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity)

    December 1, 2023

  • Forgiveness is a complex and multi-faceted process that can have a profound impact on your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. According to the Mayo Clinic, forgiveness involves an intentional decision to let go of resentment and anger, which can lead to improved mental health, healthier relationships, and lower blood pressure1.

    When you forgive someone, you release negative emotions such as anger, bitterness, and hostility, and begin to feel empathy, compassion, and even affection for the person who wronged you. This can help you move forward and focus on yourself, rather than dwelling on the past 2.

    Holding onto grudges and bitterness can have negative effects on your mental and physical health, including depression, anxiety, and stress. By embracing forgiveness, you can free yourself from the control of the person who harmed you and experience greater peace and hope 1.

    It’s important to note that forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you, nor does it necessarily mean making up with the person who caused the harm. Rather, it’s about letting go of negative emotions and focusing on your own well-being 1.

    1: Mayo Clinic 2: Johns Hopkins Medicine

    December 1, 2023

  • efficiency






















































    December 1, 2023


































    December 1, 2023

  • What is darkness theory?

    The dark theory, according to a Bell Labs spokesman, proves the existence of dark, that dark has mass heavier than that of light, and that dark is faster than light. The basis of the dark-sucker theory is that electric bulbs suck dark. Take for example the dark-suckers in the room where you are.

    December 1, 2023

  • Shadows need a light source and an object.

    December 1, 2023

  • bioenergy

    bundle of energy

    conservation of energy


    energy bar

    energy bubble

    energy carrier

    energy crisis

    energy drink

    energy expenditure

    energy field

    energy gel


    energy level

    energy medicine

    energy meter


    energy mint

    energy mix

    energy obesity

    energy park

    energy poverty

    energy shot

    energy source

    energy transfer

    energy vampire


    energy weapon





    new energy vehicle






    Related terms



    December 1, 2023

  • alternate energy

    alternative energy

    anisotropy energy

    atomic energy

    available energy

    barycentric energy

    big dick energy

    big dyke energy

    binding energy

    bio energy


    bond dissociation energy

    bond energy

    chemical energy

    cohesive energy

    collateral energy

    correlation energy

    Coulomb energy

    creative energy

    dark energy

    deactivation energy

    deformation energy

    Dirichlet energy

    disintegration energy

    dissociation energy

    eddy kinetic energy

    effective energy


    elastic energy

    electrical energy

    electric energy

    electromagnetic energy

    electrostatic energy

    excitation energy

    extreme energy

    Fermi energy

    free energy

    geothermal energy

    Gibbs free energy

    green energy

    Hawking energy

    Helmholtz free energy

    impact energy

    interfacial energy

    internal energy

    ionization energy

    kinetic energy

    lattice energy

    luminous energy

    magnetic energy

    mass energy

    mechanical energy

    muzzle energy

    new relationship energy

    nuclear binding energy

    nuclear energy

    pairing energy

    particle energy

    phantom energy

    Planck energy

    potential energy

    primary energy

    radiant energy

    radio energy

    recombination energy

    renewable energy

    resonance energy

    resource energy

    rest energy

    rotational energy

    secondary energy


    separation energy

    small dick energy

    solar energy

    sound energy

    specific energy

    spin-spin energy

    strain energy

    sublimation energy

    surface energy

    thermal energy

    tidal energy

    transition energy

    translational energy

    turbulence energy

    unavailable energy

    vacuum energy

    vibrational energy

    wall energy

    Wigner energy

    Willmore energy

    wind energy

    Zeeman energy

    zero-point energy

    zonal kinetic energy

    December 1, 2023

  • Noun

    energy (countable and uncountable, plural energies)

    The impetus behind all motion and all activity.

    The capacity to do work.

    Synonyms: pep, vigor, vim, vitality

    (physics) A quantity that denotes the ability to do work and is measured in a unit dimensioned in mass × distance²/time² (ML²/T²) or the equivalent.


    SI: joule (J), kilowatt-hour (kW·h)

    CGS: erg (erg)

    Customary: foot-pound-force, calorie, kilocalorie (i.e. dietary calories), BTU, liter-atmosphere, ton of TNT

    An intangible, modifiable force (usually characterized as either 'positive' or 'negative') believed in some New Age religions to emanate from a person, place or thing and which is (or can be) preserved and transferred in human interactions; shared mood or group habit.

    (Eastern Orthodoxy, theology, often in the plural) The external actions and influences resulting from an entity’s internal nature (ousia) and by which it is made manifest, as opposed to that internal nature itself; the aspect of an entity that can affect the wider world and be apprehended by other beings.

    (roleplaying games, video games, board games) A measure of how many actions a player or unit can take; in the fantasy genre often called magic points or mana.

    Synonym: action points

    (Internet slang) An atmosphere, aura, or vibe.

    big dick energy; divorced guy energy; main character energy

    December 1, 2023

  • From Middle French énergie, from Late Latin energia, from Ancient Greek ἐνέργεια (enérgeia, “activity”), from ἐνεργός (energós, “active”), from ἐν (en, “in”) + ἔργον (érgon, “work”). The sense in physics was coined by English polymath Thomas Young in 1802 in his lectures on Natural Philosophy.

    December 1, 2023

  • Noun

    energia f (plural energies)

    (physics) energy, the capacity to do work.

    the capacity to move (said of a person or animal).

    the capacity to cause an effect (said of a remedy).

    December 1, 2023

  • 1. (habitual) capacity or habit of vigorous activity.

    2. the actual exertion of power; operation; activity.

    3. power as exerted.

    4. ability to produce action or effect.

    5. vigour or forcefulness of expression.

    6. Physics the capacity for doing work which exists in various forms, as kinetic energy, nuclear energy, etc.; the derived SI unit of energy is the joule.

    Late Latin energīa, from Greek energeia agency, force

    December 1, 2023

  • alternative energy

    atomic energy

    Australian Atomic Energy Commission

    big dick energy

    binding energy

    bond energy

    chemical energy

    clean energy

    clean energy target

    Communications Electrical Electronic Energy Information Postal Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia

    Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union

    dark energy

    energy bar

    energy conservation

    energy drink

    energy efficiency

    energy efficiency rating

    energy efficiency ratio

    energy field

    energy labelling

    energy level

    energy recovery

    energy tax

    European Atomic Energy Community

    free energy

    fusion energy

    geothermal energy

    green energy

    internal energy

    December 1, 2023

  • 5.a.


    As a quality of movement, activity, speech, art, etc.: vigour; intensity; forcefulness.


    It was here, that Mr. Pitt exerted himself with uncommon energy.

    W. Godwin, Hist. Life W. Pitt v. 153Citation details for W. Godwin, Hist. Life W. Pitt


    If we provide the right tasks, they will work on them with great energy and enthusiasm.

    W. C. Crain, Reclaiming Childhood (2004) ix. 160Citation details for W. C. Crain, Reclaiming Childhood

    December 1, 2023

  • 4.b.


    The collective physical and mental powers or efforts of a person, group, or other entity.


    All the energies of her soul had been exerted to encounter the trials and surmount the difficulties which she felt to be unavoidable.

    W. Godwin, Imogen vol. II. v. 81Citation details for W. Godwin, Imogen

    December 1, 2023

  • In plural.



    † The collective activities or actions of a person, group, or other entity, esp. with reference to a particular context or purpose. Obsolete.

    Passing into sense 4b.


    The Perfection of a Statuary is not seen 'till his Energies are over, and the Statue is finished.

    Museum 24 May 189Citation details for Museum


    The troublesome energies of Parliament.

    December 1, 2023

  • 3.c.


    Grammar. The action denoted by a verb; (also) a verb which denotes an action. Cf. energizer n. 1. Obsolete.

    This term was introduced by James Harris; cf. quots. 17511, 17512.


    All Verbs, that are strictly so called, denote Energies.

    J. Harris, Hermes i. ix. 173Citation details for J. Harris, Hermes


    Brutus loved Portia.—Here Brutus is the Energizer; loved, the Energy, and Portia, the Subject.

    December 1, 2023

  • 3.b.


    A form or instance of activity or operation, esp. one which occurs in nature; an action. Obsolete.


    Visibles, and Audibles,..are not Effectiue of any Thing; Nor leaue no Worke behinde them; But are Energies meerely; For their Working vpon Mirrours, and Places of Eccho, doth not alter any Thing in those Bodies; But it is the same Action with the Originall, onely Repercussed.

    F. Bacon, Sylua Syluarum §938Citation details for F. Bacon, Sylua Syluarum

    December 1, 2023

  • 3.a.


    Metaphysics. The active operation or actual working of something, as opposed to its potential or capacity to operate. Also more generally: action, activity. Obsolete.

    This sense corresponds to ἐνέργεια in Aristotelian metaphysics; see note in etymology.


    In the new circuit of euery yeere, there happen vnto our bodies new powers or influences of the starres by the Energeia of the Sunne.

    J. Blagrave, Math. Iewel iii. lxxix. 63Citation details for J. Blagrave, Math. Iewel

    December 1, 2023

  • 2.c.


    † As a quality of an event: the capacity to effectively make an impression or convey a message; impressiveness. Obsolete. rare.


    This thunder..added considerably to the energy of this event sc. Saul's inauguration.

    T. Harmer, Observations on Passages of Scripture ii. 7Citation details for T. Harmer, Observations on Passages of Scripture

    December 1, 2023

  • 3.a.


    Metaphysics. The active operation or actual working of something, as opposed to its potential or capacity to operate. Also more generally: action, activity. Obsolete.

    This sense corresponds to ἐνέργεια in Aristotelian metaphysics; see note in etymology.

    December 1, 2023

  • † As a general concept: power, strength, force; the ability or capacity to produce an effect. Obsolete.

    December 1, 2023

  • the lawn mower guy came today

    tumshie is a turnip Im a tumshie
    Readings acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land on which we work. We pay respects to all First Nations people of Australia, and recognise their connection to the land. Sovereignty was never ceded. 
    The Shock of Recognition

    strong enough to trot a mouse on (not comparable)

    1. (Ireland, humorous) Of tea: made very strong.
    2. sleepers,awake!

    December 1, 2023

  • DO = in Macquarie Dictionary 6. to render (homage, justice, etc.).

    December 1, 2023

  • Oh, Thou, Menadel, my Protective Guardian Angel, I ask Thee that this day be blessed for me as regards love. Make all my wishes in matters of love come true during this blessed day and during this month, which is most auspicious for my love and sentimental life. I implore Thee, make all my wishes come true, and particular, my wish for this day (state your wish). I know Thou will do so if my intentions be positive! For this, I thank Thee in advance, Oh Thou, Menadel, my Protective Guardian Angel!

    November 30, 2023

  • my sister calls me Tonz My wife calls me mine/ee clinny franlin mint francis tony

    ive been called anton ante in croatian Ant anthony mine/ee/mo

    In the seminary I was called Cosmos ,at school zombie, boneyard

    November 30, 2023

  • Tokelau is the only country in the world which generates 100% of its power from Solar sources.Nukunonu, formerly known as Duke of Clarence Island, is the largest atoll within Tokelau, a dependency of New Zealand 

    November 30, 2023

  • lets make it a better world lets shake it up

    boys and girls its never too late to build

    lets pine then shine and make a shrine for the little ones

    the ones we love love love

    and send their living memories up up up

    for God and children are sat down

    abba tatta never forgetz his children under the ruins all torn down from ignorance and hate.

    The most understanding of understandings resides in abba tatta ,may love

    shine down like torrential rain on us all oohehbooki ooohebooka I love you I love you I love you Where there is love, love abides.

    November 30, 2023

  • A Theology of Remembering Justly by Rev’d Dr Lucy Morris, September 2021

    November 29, 2023

  • sniffle in British English

    (ˈsnɪfəl )


    1. (intransitive)

    to breathe audibly through the nose, as when the nasal passages are congested



    the act, sound, or an instance of sniffling

    so snifflings?

    November 29, 2023

  • oohehbooki


    I love you in Arabic

    November 29, 2023

  • online memorial

    /ɒnlaɪn məˈmɔriəl/ (say onluyn muh'mawreeuhl)

    noun a memorial website established to mourn a person who has died, containing tributes to the person from friends and family, photographs, digital memorabilia, etc.

    November 29, 2023

  • bush lemon

    desert lemon

    lemon aspen

    lemon balm

    lemon butter

    lemon delicious pudding

    lemon dressing

    lemon geranium

    lemon law

    lemon-scented gum

    lemon-scented myrtle

    lemon shark

    lemon socialism

    lemon sole

    lemon squash

    lemon squeezer

    lemon tongue sole

    lemon verbena

    rough lemon

    salts of lemon

    sea lemon

    sharptooth lemon shark

    sicklefin lemon shark

    More hits



    November 28, 2023

  • Back Extensions:for the word lemon (16): -ADE, -ADES, -ED, -FISH, -FISHES, -GRASS, -GRASSES, -IER, -IEST, -ING, -ISH, -LIKE, -S, -WOOD, -WOODS, -Y

    November 28, 2023

  • magnetoreception 16 letter word

    November 20, 2023

  • jetway is now Jetway a trademark

    November 14, 2023

  • shitsplat from Stephen King - Holly novel

    October 8, 2023

  • please note that airshot is not in the printed dictionary but it is shown online.

    So does this mean we will be using both sources in the future ie online and physical dictionary?

    October 8, 2023

  • Please check the meanings

    October 8, 2023

  • victrola now Victrola pg 2214

    October 5, 2023

  • tldr marked as noun

    October 4, 2023

  • moonboots is gone now Moon Boots Trade Mark

    September 24, 2023

  • csch noun a form of cosech

    September 19, 2023

  • cholangiopancreatography


    September 17, 2023

  • Macquarie 9th dictionary new phrases 2023

    September 12, 2023

  • there is at least 873 super words

    September 10, 2023

  • UH oh! early signs of quilter's cleptomania, you don't want to go down that road..

    Ginger's Rocket Quilt Katy 2009

    September 5, 2023

  • cherry

    /ˈtʃɛri/ (say 'cheree)

    noun (plural cherries)

    1. the fruit of any of various trees of the genus Prunus, consisting of a pulpy, globular drupe enclosing a one-seeded smooth stone.

    2. the tree itself.

    3. its wood.

    4. any of various fruits or plants resembling the cherry.

    5. a bright red.

    6. Cricket Colloquial a red mark made by a cricket ball on a bat.

    7. Colloquial

    a. the hymen as a symbol of virginity.

    b. virginity.

    c. a virgin.

    –adjective 8. bright red.

    9. made of the wood of the cherry tree.

    August 31, 2023

  • devil Adversary, Antichrist, antichrist, archenemy, Beast, Beelzebub, cloven hoof, demon, deuce, dragon, evil, fiend, Lucifer, mischief (Obsolete), Old Nick, Prince of Darkness, Satan, serpent, the adversary, the devil, the evil one, the tempter; Informal: divil; demon archenemy, atua (NZ), Azazel, Baphomet, belial, bugeen, cacodaemon, daemon, Davy Jones, debil-debil (Aboriginal English), deil (Scottish), demiurge, Demogorgon, devil, devil-devil, fiend, Flibbertigibbet (Obsolete), ghoul, hellhound, mammon, Mephistopheles, Satan, spirit, succubus;

    August 27, 2023

  • shittification (uncountable)

    (vulgar, nonstandard) The process of shittifying or becoming shitty.

    Antonym: (nonstandard) goodification

    2001 July 11, PMG, “pro/blues junior”, in alt.guitar.amps‎1 (Usenet):

    I don't use reverb, I'd rather hear my guitar & amp ringing than a spring reverb or a di-di-di-digital shitification of my guitar.

    2003 June 28, gaffo, “Opinion on corporate radio - NY Times”, in‎2 (Usenet):

    you call that "evolution"........i call that the shitification of radio today.

    2017, Vivian Jackson, Perfect Gravity, Naperville, I.L.: Sourcebooks Casablanca, →ISBN, pages 16–17:

    The crazy-ass robot queen who ran this station tried hard to make gravity stable when she geosynched—he knew she tried—but if there was one thing he'd learned in the years since continental unification and the general shitification of things down on the surface, it was that stability of any kind was transient. The best course was to close your eyes, clamp your teeth, and wait for the ache to pass.

    2022 December 6, Nicole Hemsoth Prickett, “You get the internet you deserve”, in The Register‎3, archived from the original on 2023-02-16:

    The exponential rate of internet shittification

    2022 December 16, Tim Bousquet, “The Examiner brings RESULTS”, in Halifax Examiner‎[4, archived from the original on 2023-01-31:

    I know I’m getting old and this might be perceived by the youngsters as a get-off-my-lawn moment, but I am increasingly using the phrase the shittification of everything.]

    August 22, 2023

  • befall


    London bridge is falling down


    August 21, 2023

  • yes catechiser

    August 21, 2023


    Finance memes are still niche on Instagram; @MrsDowJones has yet to break 100,000 followers, but along with accounts like @Litquidity and @finance_god, it’s helping define the “finfluencer” (that’s financial influencer) category.

    August 17, 2023

  • I have started a similar list

    used as an intensifier, also JEEZELY, JEEZLY adj jeezly is used in scrabble !  see "only here" words and phrases list of mine

    August 16, 2023

  • added blackface whiteface clockface

    August 2, 2023

  • there is 5056 - zorille

    July 22, 2023

  • 1. Did you hear about the movie Constipation? It never came out.

    2. Did you hear about the sequel, Diarrhea? It leaked so they had to release it early.

    3. Did you hear about the constipated accountant? He just couldn't budget.

    4. Why did the war hero flush the toilet? It was his doody.

    5. What did the toilet say before it stopped working? "I'm too old for this shit."

    6. What do you call a dollar bill you’ve been sitting on for a few hours? Gas money.

    7. What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea? A salad Shooter.

    8. Today I learned that diarrhea is hereditary: it runs in your jeans.

    9. What did the poop say to the fart? “You blow me away.”

    10. What do you get when you accidentally take a poop in your overalls? Dung-arees.

    11. Did you hear about the constipated mathematician? He worked it out with a pencil.

    12. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Smell mop. Smell mop who? No, I won’t smell your poo.

    13. I like toilets for two reasons. Number one and number two.

    14. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom.

    15. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom.

    16. What do you call a guy who brings toilet paper to the birthday party? She was a party pooper.

    17. Where do cavemen poop? In a Neander-stall.

    18. How can you unlock a toilet when you are in a hurry? With a doo-key.

    19. Why couldn’t the toilet paper roll cross the road? It was stuck in a crack.

    20. Why did the turd fail his driving test? He left too many skid marks.

    21. What happened to the guy who ate too much alphabet soup? He had the biggest vowel movement of his life.

    July 15, 2023

  • Crap







    Fecal matter


    Hershey squirts

    Human waste


    Number two



    The runs







    pooper scooper

    July 15, 2023

  • Answer nature’s call

    Bake some brownies

    Baptize a Baby Ruth

    Build a log cabin

    Clear the pipes

    Code brown

    Conduct an aerial strike on Porcelainistan

    Cut a cigar


    Destroy the toilet

    Download some software

    Drive out the prairie dogs

    Drop a bomb

    Drop a deuce

    Drop some potatoes in the crockpot

    Drop the kids off at the pool

    Drown a brown snake

    Evacuate your bowels

    Feed the fish

    Go number two

    Have a bowel movement (BM)

    Lay a stink pickle

    Lay some cable

    Liquidate some assets

    Logging out

    Make a deposit in the porcelain bank

    Make room for lunch

    Massage the mud vein

    Morning constitutional

    Negotiating the release of the chocolate hostages

    Pinch a loaf

    Pop a squat

    Release the Kraken

    Relieve yourself

    See a man about a horse

    Squeeze some sausage

    Start the fudge shuttle

    Stock the lake with brown trout

    Strangle a Snickers

    Take a crap

    Take a dump

    Take a growler

    Take a shit

    Take the Browns to the Super Bowl

    Throw down some brown

    Unload some timber

    Unloose the caboose

    Use the big, white telephone

    Visit the porcelain throne

    July 15, 2023

  • 1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. 414 Hey, shitbreeches, are you doing the hattrick?

    July 7, 2023

  • accidentology

    July 5, 2023

  • non-alcoholic one's like shirley temple?

    July 1, 2023

  • not here to fuck spiders

    June 21, 2023

  • 1977 Hudson Rev. 30 177 Oh, flubbery flubs, I say, neologizing.

    June 21, 2023

  • must have dementia ive done 3 lists on love,doh !

    March 24, 2023

  • Fishes of the World by Joseph S. Nelson is a standard reference for fish systematics. Now in its fifth edition (2016), the work is a comprehensive overview of the diversity and classification of the 30,000-plus fish species known to science.

    December 14, 2020

  • 1.belt to engage in vocal belting

    2.bench  to bench press (weightlifting)
    3.bench colloquial to string along a romantic partner,never making
    no commitment but at the same time appearing to be emotionally
    4.bin to sin-bin a player
    5.binder asphalt used to seal a road
    6.blank to deliberately ignore someone or something
    7.colloquial to become blank eg the screen blanked
    8.blind gender blind race blind
    9.blind mark blind, examination papers
    10.bloom a mass of marine animals as plankton jellyfish
    11.bluffing noun bouncing off the walls
    13.bounce down  Australian rules to perform a ball-up
    14.Brad one pound note
    15.bubble eg Canberra bubble love bubble
    16.bubble the act of urinating into one's own mouth,performed by males as a prank
    17.bubble to bubble a photo
    18 bucket
    20.budda brother
    21.bug extra nuance 
    22.burn 38
    23.burn 39
    24.butters derogatory expression 23
    28.chocolate soldier  cicada
    29 choice  an exclamation of approval, admiration
    30.choke a narrowed part of the river.... 
    31.cineraria plural of cinerarium
    34.clearance reduce stock by dicounting prices
    35.closed water definition 2
    36.concrete bandstone
    37.core devoted to a hobby a core foodie
    38.cored cored apple
    39.cover to perform a song
    40.curated  a curated exhibition
    41.cut angry or upset
    42.dead the dead collectively
    43.deep deep time
    44.dement 2.
    45.density dergree of aggregation
    46.dingo Anglo-Australian
    47.disciplined adj
    48.disruption 3 meanings to execute something poorly
    50.down keen eager
    52.drift motor racing
    53.dry number 24
    54.ELT number 3 distress beacon
    55.empty number 15
    56.turn...on end
    57.entitled adj
    58.estranged adj
    59.explainer a text designed to give a explanation
    60.far right far left
    61.FH (2)
    62.First Nation redefined be not feeling too flash flight sake flight
    65.flip to flip the pancake
    66.flip she flipped her hair back
    67.flip to buy something and resell in a short time
    68.flip education
    69.flip out
    70.floor exercises floor work teenagers' party
    72.fuck to be tired as fuck
    73.full  number 36
    74.ghost deserted
    75.go out and have fun
    76.go  board game
    80.gorge  gorgeous
    81.gozzer a fat maggot used as bait (angling)
    82.groper person who gropes another sexually without consent
    83.grounding earthing
    84.groupie  a selfie with other people
    85.gruntled satisfied
    86.headlight 3
    87.impressed adj
    88.impression internet
    89.independent  an independent film
    90.keg  kilogram
    91.laze lava haze
    92.level  degree of difficulty
    93.mac macchiato
    94.marg margarita
    95.mew  verb  engage in mewing
    96.moonshot  baseball
    97.moonshot enterprising ambition with little success
    98.mum chrysanthemum
    99.murder defeat overwhelmingly
    100.neck scull a drink
    101.noodle  to hum a tune improvise
    102.nut a tuber that resembles a nut
    103.pack carry a weapon
    108.poke Hawaiian cookery
    109.puggle pug and a beagle
    110.puppies breasts
    111.quiff prostitute
    112.reco reconditioned engine
    114.sambo martial art
    115.sate satay
    116.sauced drunk
    117.scrim prisoner who has a high opinion of himself
    118.shivers mild surprise
    119.slammed busy
    120.snapshot soccer unplanned shot at goal
    121.snarly full of tangles
    122.snowflake to 125. four nuances
    126.spanker someone who impresses by size,excellence
    127.thrum threepence
    128.tingle small nail
    129.toastie  toastmaster
    130.up  in high spirits 
    131.vogue to dance in the style of voguing
    132.want I want to say...
    133.winkle squirt water through the rectum  yowie


    October 20, 2020

  • 1.action -sexual activity

    2.add-on  point 2,3                                                                          3.amp verb   to live at Darwin                          

    October 17, 2020

  • deep cleaning  hand sanitiser  cluster  hotspot coronacrisis              two weeks covid safe elbow bump antimasker contact tracing job keeper payments the new normal

    September 15, 2020

  • kinda and asshole are scrabble words

    September 12, 2020

  • ni ife

    June 19, 2017

  • Wiradjuri

    /wɪˈradʒuri/ (say wi'rahjoohree)

    noun 1. an Australian Aboriginal people of the area of the Murrumbidgee and Lachlan rivers in central NSW.

    2. the language of this people.

    –adjective 3. of or relating to this people or their language.

    Also, Wiradhuri.

    The Wiradjuri, traditionally occupying a large area of inland NSW, were one of the largest Indigenous peoples in both area and population. Systematic resistance to white settlement in the 1820s, under a leader known to the British as Windradyne, caused Governor Brisbane to declare martial law and to institute a military campaign against the Wiradjuri in the Bathurst area. The Anglican Church Missionary Society established a mission in the Wellington Valley in the 1830s; the annual reports of the mission commented on the deleterious effects of white settlement on the people.

    Rival spellings of Indigenous names are often due to mishearings by English speakers or their attempts to find ways to write unfamiliar sounds, but the two spellings of this name reflect a dialect distinction: northerners said Wiradhuri and southerners Wiradjuri. The name is based on wirray `no': that is, the Wiradjuri are the people who have the word wirray for `no', as opposed, for example, to the Kamilaroi, who use the word kamil for `no'. The English word billabong comes from Wiradjuri.

    June 19, 2017

  • ife ti ẹwa

    June 19, 2017

  • detachment

    /dəˈtætʃmənt/ (say duh'tachmuhnt)

    noun 1. the act of detaching.

    2. the condition of being detached.

    3. a state of aloofness, as from worldly affairs or from the concerns of others.

    4. freedom from prejudice or partiality.

    5. the act of sending out a detached force of troops or naval ships.

    6. something detached, as a number of troops separated from a main force for some special combat or other task.

    © Macquarie Dictionary Publishers, 2017

    June 19, 2017

  • attachment

    /əˈtætʃmənt/ (say uh'tachmuhnt)

    noun 1. the act of attaching.

    2. the state of being attached.

    3. affection that binds one to another person or to a thing; regard.

    4. that which attaches; a fastening or tie: the attachments of a pair of skis; the attachments of a harness.

    5. an adjunct or supplementary device: attachments to a vacuum cleaner.


    a. a document which accompanies a primary document, especially one providing additional information.

    b. an addendum to a text.

    c. a document, image, etc., attached to an email.

    7. Law

    a. arrest of a person, for contempt of court, by legal authority.

    b. the process of ordering someone (the garnishee) who owes money to a judgement debtor, to pay this money to the judgement creditor, in settlement of the judgement.

    June 19, 2017


    June 16, 2017

  • 45 1379 Charmosyna margarethae Duchess Lorikeet

    45 1380 Charmosyna pulchella Fairy Lorikeet

    45 1381 Charmosyna josefinae Josephine's Lorikeet

    45 1382 Charmosyna papou Papuan Lorikeet

    45 1383 Oreopsittacus arfaki Plum-faced Lorikeet

    45 1384 Neopsittacus musschenbroekii Yellow-billed Lorikeet

    45 1385 Neopsittacus pullicauda Orange-billed Lorikeet

    45 1386 Probosciger aterrimus Palm Cockatoo

    45 1387 Calyptorhynchus baudinii White-tailed Black-Cockatoo

    45 1388 Calyptorhynchus latirostris Slender-billed Black-Cockatoo

    45 1389 Calyptorhynchus funereus Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo

    45 1390 Calyptorhynchus banksii Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo

    45 1391 Calyptorhynchus lathami Glossy Black-Cockatoo

    45 1392 Callocephalon fimbriatum Gang-gang Cockatoo

    45 1393 Eolophus roseicapillus Galah

    45 1394 Cacatua leadbeateri Pink Cockatoo

    45 1395 Cacatua sulphurea Yellow-crested Cockatoo

    45 1396 Cacatua galerita Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

    45 1397 Cacatua ophthalmica Blue-eyed Cockatoo

    45 1398 Cacatua moluccensis Salmon-crested Cockatoo

    45 1399 Cacatua alba White Cockatoo

    45 1400 Cacatua haematuropygia Philippine Cockatoo

    45 1401 Cacatua goffini Tanimbar Cockatoo

    45 1402 Cacatua sanguinea Little Corella

    45 1403 Cacatua pastinator Western Corella

    45 1404 Cacatua tenuirostris Long-billed Corella

    45 1405 Cacatua ducorpsii Ducorps's Cockatoo

    45 1406 Nymphicus hollandicus Cockatiel

    45 1407 Nestor notabilis Kea

    45 1408 Nestor productus Norfolk Island Kaka

    45 1409 Nestor meridionalis New Zealand Kaka

    45 1410 Micropsitta keiensis Yellow-capped Pygmy-Parrot

    45 1411 Micropsitta geelvinkiana Geelvink Pygmy-Parrot

    45 1412 Micropsitta pusio Buff-faced Pygmy-Parrot

    45 1413 Micropsitta meeki Meek's Pygmy-Parrot

    45 1414 Micropsitta finschii Finsch's Pygmy-Parrot

    45 1415 Micropsitta bruijnii Red-breasted Pygmy-Parrot

    45 1416 Cyclopsitta gulielmitertii Orange-breasted Fig-Parrot

    45 1417 Cyclopsitta diophthalma Double-eyed Fig-Parrot

    45 1418 Psittaculirostris desmarestii Large Fig-Parrot

    45 1419 Psittaculirostris edwardsii Edwards's Fig-Parrot

    45 1420 Psittaculirostris salvadorii Salvadori's Fig-Parrot

    45 1421 Bolbopsittacus lunulatus Guaiabero

    45 1422 Psittinus cyanurus Blue-rumped Parrot

    45 1423 Psittacella brehmii Brehm's Tiger-Parrot

    45 1424 Psittacella picta Painted Tiger-Parrot

    45 1425 Psittacella modesta Modest Tiger-Parrot

    45 1426 Psittacella madaraszi Madarasz's Tiger-Parrot

    45 1427 Geoffroyus geoffroyi Red-cheeked Parrot

    45 1428 Geoffroyus simplex Blue-collared Parrot

    45 1429 Geoffroyus heteroclitus Singing Parrot

    45 1430 Prioniturus montanus Montane Racquet-tail

    45 1431 Prioniturus waterstradti Mindanao Racquet-tail

    45 1432 Prioniturus platenae Blue-headed Racquet-tail

    45 1433 Prioniturus luconensis Green Racquet-tail

    45 1434 Prioniturus discurus Blue-crowned Racquet-tail

    45 1435 Prioniturus verticalis Blue-winged Racquet-tail

    45 1436 Prioniturus flavicans Yellowish-breasted Racquet-tail

    45 1437 Prioniturus platurus Golden-mantled Racquet-tail

    45 1438 Prioniturus mada Buru Racquet-tail

    45 1439 Tanygnathus megalorynchos Great-billed Parrot

    45 1440 Tanygnathus lucionensis Blue-naped Parrot

    45 1441 Tanygnathus sumatranus Blue-backed Parrot

    45 1442 Tanygnathus gramineus Black-lored Parrot

    45 1443 Eclectus roratus Eclectus Parrot

    45 1444 Psittrichas fulgidus Pesquet's Parrot

    45 1445 Prosopeia splendens Crimson Shining-Parrot

    45 1446 Prosopeia personata Masked Shining-Parrot

    45 1447 Prosopeia tabuensis Red Shining-Parrot

    45 1448 Alisterus scapularis Australian King-Parrot

    45 1449 Alisterus amboinensis Moluccan King-Parrot

    45 1450 Alisterus chloropterus Papuan King-Parrot

    45 1451 Aprosmictus jonquillaceus Olive-shouldered Parrot

    45 1452 Aprosmictus erythropterus Red-winged Parrot

    45 1453 Polytelis swainsonii Superb Parrot

    45 1454 Polytelis anthopeplus Regent Parrot

    45 1455 Polytelis alexandrae Alexandra's Parrot

    45 1456 Purpureicephalus spurius Red-capped Parrot

    45 1457 Platycercus zonarius Port Lincoln Ringneck

    45 1458 Platycercus barnardi Mallee Ringneck

    45 1459 Platycercus caledonicus Green Rosella

    45 1460 Platycercus elegans Crimson Rosella

    45 1461 Platycercus flaveolus Yellow Rosella

    45 1462 Platycercus venustus Northern Rosella

    45 1463 Platycercus adscitus Pale-headed Rosella

    45 1464 Platycercus eximius Eastern Rosella

    45 1465 Platycercus icterotis Western Rosella

    45 1466 Northiella haematogaster Bluebonnet

    45 1467 Psephotus haematonotus Red-rumped Parrot

    45 1468 Psephotus varius Mulga Parrot

    45 1469 Psephotus dissimilis Hooded Parrot

    45 1470 Psephotus chrysopterygius Golden-shouldered Parrot

    45 1471 Psephotus pulcherrimus Paradise Parrot

    45 1472 Cyanoramphus unicolor Antipodes Parakeet

    45 1473 Cyanoramphus cookii Norfolk Island Parakeet

    45 1474 Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae Red-fronted Parakeet

    45 1475 Cyanoramphus auriceps Yellow-fronted Parakeet

    45 1476 Cyanoramphus zealandicus Black-fronted Parakeet

    45 1477 Cyanoramphus ulietanus Raiatea Parakeet

    45 1478 Eunymphicus cornutus Horned Parakeet

    45 1479 Neopsephotus bourkii Bourke's Parrot

    45 1480 Neophema chrysostoma Blue-winged Parrot

    45 1481 Neophema elegans Elegant Parrot

    45 1482 Neophema petrophila Rock Parrot

    45 1483 Neophema chrysogaster Orange-bellied Parrot

    45 1484 Neophema pulchella Turquoise Parrot

    45 1485 Neophema splendida Scarlet-chested Parrot

    45 1486 Lathamus discolor Swift Parrot

    45 1487 Melopsittacus undulatus Budgerigar

    45 1488 Pezoporus wallicus Ground Parrot

    45 1489 Geopsittacus occidentalis Night Parrot

    45 1490 Strigops habroptilus Kakapo

    45 1491 Mascarinus mascarinus Mascarene Parrot

    45 1492 Coracopsis vasa Vasa Parrot

    45 1493 Coracopsis nigra Black Parrot

    45 1494 Psittacus erithacus Grey Parrot

    45 1495 Poicephalus robustus Brown-necked Parrot

    45 1496 Poicephalus gulielmi Red-fronted Parrot

    45 1497 Poicephalus senegalus Senegal Parrot

    45 1498 Poicephalus crassus Niam-niam Parrot

    45 1499 Poicephalus meyeri Meyer's Parrot

    45 1500 Poicephalus flavifrons Yellow-fronted Parrot

    45 1501 Poicephalus rufiventris Red-bellied Parrot

    45 1502 Poicephalus cryptoxanthus Brown-headed Parrot

    45 1503 Poicephalus rueppellii Rueppell's Parrot

    45 1504 Agapornis canus Grey-headed Lovebird

    45 1505 Agapornis pullarius Red-headed Lovebird

    45 1506 Agapornis taranta Black-winged Lovebird

    45 1507 Agapornis swindernianus Black-collared Lovebird

    45 1508 Agapornis roseicollis Rosy-faced Lovebird

    45 1509 Agapornis fischeri Fischer's Lovebird

    45 1510 Agapornis personatus Yellow-collared Lovebird

    45 1511 Agapornis lilianae Lilian's Lovebird

    45 1512 Agapornis nigrigenis Black-cheeked Lovebird

    45 1513 Loriculus vernalis Vernal Hanging-Parrot

    45 1514 Loriculus beryllinus Ceylon Hanging-Parrot

    45 1515 Loriculus philippensis Colasisi

    45 1516 Loriculus galgulus Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot

    45 1517 Loriculus stigmatus Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot

    45 1518 Loriculus amabilis Moluccan Hanging-Parrot

    45 1519 Loriculus catamene Sangihe Hanging-Parrot

    45 1520 Loriculus aurantiifrons Orange-fronted Hanging-Parrot

    45 1521 Loriculus tener Green-fronted Hanging-Parrot

    45 1522 Loriculus exilis Red-billed Hanging-Parrot

    45 1523 Loriculus pusillus Yellow-throated Hanging-Parrot

    45 1524 Loriculus flosculus Wallace's Hanging-Parrot

    45 1525 Psittacula eupatria Alexandrine Parakeet

    45 1526 Psittacula wardi Seychelles Parakeet

    45 1527 Psittacula krameri Rose-ringed Parakeet

    45 1528 Psittacula echo Mauritius Parakeet

    45 1529 Psittacula exsul Newton's Parakeet

    45 1530 Psittacula himalayana Slaty-headed Parakeet

    45 1531 Psittacula finschii Grey-headed Parakeet

    45 1532 Psittacula intermedia Intermediate Parakeet

    45 1533 Psittacula cyanocephala Plum-headed Parakeet

    45 1534 Psittacula roseata Blossom-headed Parakeet

    45 1535 Psittacula columboides Malabar Parakeet

    45 1536 Psittacula calthropae Layard's Parakeet

    45 1537 Psittacula derbiana Derbyan Parakeet

    45 1538 Psittacula alexandri Red-breasted Parakeet

    45 1539 Psittacula caniceps Nicobar Parakeet

    45 1540 Psittacula longicauda Long-tailed Parakeet

    45 1541 Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Hyacinth Macaw

    45 1542 Anodorhynchus leari Indigo Macaw

    45 1543 Anodorhynchus glaucus Glaucous Macaw

    45 1544 Cyanopsitta spixii Little Blue Macaw

    45 1545 Ara ararauna Blue-and-yellow Macaw

    45 1546 Ara glaucogularis Blue-throated Macaw

    45 1547 Ara militaris Military Macaw

    45 1548 Ara ambigua Great Green Macaw

    45 1549 Ara macao Scarlet Macaw

    45 1550 Ara chloropterus Red-and-green Macaw

    45 1551 Ara cubensis Cuban Macaw

    45 1552 Ara tricolor Hispaniolan Macaw

    45 1553 Ara rubrogenys Red-fronted Macaw

    45 1554 Ara severa Chestnut-fronted Macaw

    45 1555 Ara manilata Red-bellied Macaw

    45 1556 Ara couloni Blue-headed Macaw

    45 1557 Ara maracana Blue-winged Macaw

    45 1558 Ara auricollis Yellow-collared Macaw

    45 1559 Ara nobilis Red-shouldered Macaw

    45 1560 Aratinga acuticaudata Blue-crowned Parakeet

    45 1561 Aratinga guarouba Golden Parakeet

    45 1562 Aratinga holochlora Green Parakeet

    45 1563 Aratinga strenua Pacific Parakeet

    45 1564 Aratinga wagleri Scarlet-fronted Parakeet

    45 1565 Aratinga mitrata Mitred Parakeet

    45 1566 Aratinga erythrogenys Red-masked Parakeet

    45 1567 Aratinga finschi Crimson-fronted Parakeet

    45 1568 Aratinga leucophthalmus White-eyed Parakeet

    45 1569 Aratinga euops Cuban Parakeet

    45 1570 Aratinga chloroptera Hispaniolan Parakeet

    45 1571 Aratinga solstitialis Sun Parakeet

    45 1572 Aratinga jandaya Jandaya Parakeet

    45 1573 Aratinga auricapilla Golden-capped Parakeet

    45 1574 Aratinga weddellii Dusky-headed Parakeet

    45 1575 Aratinga nana Olive-throated Parakeet

    45 1576 Aratinga canicularis Orange-fronted Parakeet

    45 1577 Aratinga aurea Peach-fronted Parakeet

    45 1578 Aratinga pertinax Brown-throated Parakeet

    45 1579 Aratinga cactorum Cactus Parakeet

    45 1580 Nandayus nenday Nanday Parakeet

    45 1581 Leptosittaca branickii Golden-plumed Parakeet

    45 1582 Ognorhynchus icterotis Yellow-eared Parrot

    45 1583 Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha Thick-billed Parrot

    45 1584 Rhynchopsitta terrisi Maroon-fronted Parrot

    45 1585 Conuropsis carolinensis Carolina Parakeet

    45 1586 Cyanoliseus patagonus Burrowing Parakeet

    45 1587 Pyrrhura cruentata Blue-throated Parakeet

    45 1588 Pyrrhura devillei Blaze-winged Parakeet

    45 1589 Pyrrhura frontalis Maroon-bellied Parakeet

    45 1590 Pyrrhura perlata Pearly Parakeet

    45 1591 Pyrrhura rhodogaster Crimson-bellied Parakeet

    45 1592 Pyrrhura molinae Green-cheeked Parakeet

    45 1593 Pyrrhura picta Painted Parakeet

    45 1594 Pyrrhura leucotis White-eared Parakeet

    45 1595 Pyrrhura viridicata Santa Marta Parakeet

    45 1596 Pyrrhura egregia Fiery-shouldered Parakeet

    45 1597 Pyrrhura melanura Maroon-tailed Parakeet

    45 1598 Pyrrhura orcesi El Oro Parakeet

    45 1599 Pyrrhura rupicola Black-capped Parakeet

    45 1600 Pyrrhura albipectus White-necked Parakeet

    45 1601 Pyrrhura calliptera Brown-breasted Parakeet

    45 1602 Pyrrhura hoematotis Red-eared Parakeet

    45 1603 Pyrrhura rhodocephala Rose-headed Parakeet

    45 1604 Pyrrhura hoffmanni Sulphur-winged Parakeet

    45 1605 Enicognathus ferrugineus Austral Parakeet

    45 1606 Enicognathus leptorhynchus Slender-billed Parakeet

    45 1607 Myiopsitta monachus Monk Parakeet

    45 1608 Bolborhynchus aymara Grey-hooded Parakeet

    45 1609 Bolborhynchus aurifrons Mountain Parakeet

    45 1610 Bolborhynchus lineola Barred Parakeet

    45 1611 Bolborhynchus orbygnesius Andean Parakeet

    45 1612 Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons Rufous-fronted Parakeet

    45 1613 Forpus cyanopygius Mexican Parrotlet

    45 1614 Forpus passerinus Green-rumped Parrotlet

    45 1615 Forpus xanthopterygius Blue-winged Parrotlet

    45 1616 Forpus conspicillatus Spectacled Parrotlet

    45 1617 Forpus sclateri Dusky-billed Parrotlet

    45 1618 Forpus coelestis Pacific Parrotlet

    45 1619 Forpus xanthops Yellow-faced Parrotlet

    45 1620 Brotogeris tirica Plain Parakeet

    45 1621 Brotogeris versicolurus Canary-winged Parakeet

    45 1622 Brotogeris chiriri Yellow-chevroned Parakeet

    45 1623 Brotogeris pyrrhopterus Grey-cheeked Parakeet

    45 1624 Brotogeris jugularis Orange-chinned Parakeet

    45 1625 Brotogeris cyanoptera Cobalt-winged Parakeet

    45 1626 Brotogeris chrysopterus Golden-winged Parakeet

    45 1627 Brotogeris sanctithomae Tui Parakeet

    45 1628 Nannopsittaca panychlora Tepui Parrotlet

    45 1629 Nannopsittaca dachilleae Amazonian Parrotlet

    45 1630 Touit batavica Lilac-tailed Parrotlet

    45 1631 Touit huetii Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet

    45 1632 Touit costaricensis Red-fronted Parrotlet

    45 1633 Touit dilectissima Blue-fronted Parrotlet

    45 1634 Touit purpurata Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet

    45 1635 Touit melanonotus Brown-backed Parrotlet

    45 1636 Touit surda Golden-tailed Parrotlet

    45 1637 Touit stictoptera Spot-winged Parrotlet

    45 1638 Pionites melanocephala Black-headed Parrot

    45 1639 Pionites leucogaster White-bellied Parrot

    45 1640 Pionopsitta pileata Pileated Parrot

    45 1641 Pionopsitta haematotis Brown-hooded Parrot

    45 1642 Pionopsitta pulchra Rose-faced Parrot

    45 1643 Pionopsitta barrabandi Orange-cheeked Parrot

    45 1644 Pionopsitta pyrilia Saffron-headed Parrot

    45 1645 Pionopsitta caica Caica Parrot

    45 1646 Gypopsitta vulturina Vulturine Parrot

    45 1647 Hapalopsittaca melanotis Black-winged Parrot

    45 1648 Hapalopsittaca amazonina Rusty-faced Parrot

    45 1649 Hapalopsittaca fuertesi Indigo-winged Parrot

    45 1650 Hapalopsittaca pyrrhops Red-faced Parrot

    45 1651 Graydidascalus brachyurus Short-tailed Parrot

    45 1652 Pionus menstruus Blue-headed Parrot

    45 1653 Pionus sordidus Red-billed Parrot

    45 1654 Pionus maximiliani Scaly-headed Parrot

    45 1655 Pionus tumultuosus Speckle-faced Parrot

    45 1656 Pionus senilis White-crowned Parrot

    45 1657 Pionus chalcopterus Bronze-winged Parrot

    45 1658 Pionus fuscus Dusky Parrot

    45 1659 Amazona leucocephala Cuban Parrot

    45 1660 Amazona collaria Yellow-billed Parrot

    45 1661 Amazona ventralis Hispaniolan Parrot

    45 1662 Amazona albifrons White-fronted Parrot

    45 1663 Amazona xantholora Yellow-lored Parrot

    45 1664 Amazona agilis Black-billed Parrot

    45 1665 Amazona vittata Puerto Rican Parrot

    45 1666 Amazona tucumana Tucuman Parrot

    45 1667 Amazona pretrei Red-spectacled Parrot

    45 1668 Amazona viridigenalis Red-crowned Parrot

    45 1669 Amazona finschi Lilac-crowned Parrot

    45 1670 Amazona autumnalis Red-lored Parrot

    45 1671 Amazona dufresniana Blue-cheeked Parrot

    45 1672 Amazona rhodocorytha Red-browed Parrot

    45 1673 Amazona brasiliensis Red-tailed Parrot

    45 1674 Amazona festiva Festive Parrot

    45 1675 Amazona xanthops Yellow-faced Parrot

    45 1676 Amazona barbadensis Yellow-shouldered Parrot

    45 1677 Amazona aestiva Blue-fronted Parrot

    45 1678 Amazona oratrix Yellow-headed Parrot

    45 1679 Amazona auropalliata Yellow-naped Parrot

    45 1680 Amazona ochrocephala Yellow-crowned Parrot

    45 1681 Amazona amazonica Orange-winged Parrot

    45 1682 Amazona mercenaria Scaly-naped Parrot

    45 1683 Amazona kawalli Kawall's Parrot

    45 1684 Amazona farinosa Mealy Parrot

    45 1685 Amazona vinacea Vinaceous Parrot

    45 1686 Amazona versicolor St. Lucia Parrot

    45 1687 Amazona arausiaca Red-necked Parrot

    45 1688 Amazona guildingii St. Vincent Parrot

    45 1689 Amazona imperialis Imperial Parrot

    45 1690 Deroptyus accipitrinus Red-fan Parrot

    45 1691 Triclaria malachitacea Blue-bellied Parrot

    46 1692 Cypseloides rutilus Chestnut-collared Swift

    46 1693 Cypseloides phelpsi Tepui Swift

    46 1694 Cypseloides niger Black Swift

    46 1695 Cypseloides lemosi White-chested Swift

    46 1696 Cypseloides rothschildi Rothschild's Swift

    46 1697 Cypseloides fumigatus Sooty Swift

    46 1698 Cypseloides cherriei Spot-fronted Swift

    46 1699 Cypseloides storeri White-fronted Swift

    46 1700 Cypseloides cryptus White-chinned Swift

    46 1701 Cypseloides senex Great Dusky Swift

    46 1702 Streptoprocne zonaris White-collared Swift

    46 1703 Streptoprocne biscutata Biscutate Swift

    46 1704 Streptoprocne semicollaris White-naped Swift

    46 1705 Hydrochous gigas Waterfall Swift

    46 1706 Collocalia esculenta Glossy Swiftlet

    46 1707 Collocalia linchi Cave Swiftlet

    46 1708 Collocalia troglodytes Pygmy Swiftlet

    46 1709 Collocalia elaphra Seychelles Swiftlet

    46 1710 Collocalia francica Mascarene Swiftlet

    46 1711 Collocalia unicolor Indian Swiftlet

    46 1712 Collocalia mearnsi Philippine Swiftlet

    46 1713 Collocalia infuscata Moluccan Swiftlet

    46 1714 Collocalia hirundinacea Mountain Swiftlet

    46 1715 Collocalia spodiopygius White-rumped Swiftlet

    46 1716 Collocalia terraereginae Australian Swiftlet

    46 1717 Collocalia brevirostris Himalayan Swiftlet

    46 1718 Collocalia vulcanorum Volcano Swiftlet

    46 1719 Collocalia rogersi Indochinese Swiftlet

    46 1720 Collocalia whiteheadi Whitehead's Swiftlet

    46 1721 Collocalia nuditarsus Bare-legged Swiftlet

    46 1722 Collocalia orientalis Mayr's Swiftlet

    46 1723 Collocalia salangana Mossy-nest Swiftlet

    46 1724 Collocalia palawanensis Palawan Swiftlet

    46 1725 Collocalia amelis Grey Swiftlet

    46 1726 Collocalia vanikorensis Uniform Swiftlet

    46 1727 Collocalia pelewensis Palau Swiftlet

    46 1728 Collocalia inquieta Micronesian Swiftlet

    46 1729 Collocalia sawtelli Atiu Swiftlet

    46 1730 Collocalia leucophaeus Tahiti Swiftlet

    46 1731 Collocalia ocista Marquesan Swiftlet

    46 1732 Collocalia maxima Black-nest Swiftlet

    46 1733 Collocalia fuciphaga Edible-nest Swiftlet

    46 1734 Collocalia germani German's Swiftlet

    46 1735 Collocalia papuensis Papuan Swiftlet

    46 1736 Schoutedenapus myoptilus Scarce Swift

    46 1737 Schoutedenapus schoutedeni Schouteden's Swift

    46 1738 Mearnsia picina Philippine Needletail

    46 1739 Mearnsia novaeguineae Papuan Needletail

    46 1740 Zoonavena grandidieri Malagasy Spinetail

    46 1741 Zoonavena thomensis Sao Tome Spinetail

    46 1742 Zoonavena sylvatica White-rumped Spinetail

    46 1743 Telacanthura ussheri Mottled Spinetail

    46 1744 Telacanthura melanopygia Black Spinetail

    46 1745 Rhaphidura leucopygialis Silver-rumped Spinetail

    46 1746 Rhaphidura sabini Sabine's Spinetail

    46 1747 Neafrapus cassini Cassin's Spinetail

    46 1748 Neafrapus boehmi Bat-like Spinetail

    46 1749 Hirundapus caudacutus White-throated Needletail

    46 1750 Hirundapus cochinchinensis Silver-backed Needletail

    46 1751 Hirundapus giganteus Brown-backed Needletail

    46 1752 Hirundapus celebensis Purple Needletail

    46 1753 Chaetura spinicauda Band-rumped Swift

    46 1754 Chaetura martinica Lesser Antillean Swift

    46 1755 Chaetura cinereiventris Grey-rumped Swift

    46 1756 Chaetura egregia Pale-rumped Swift

    46 1757 Chaetura pelagica Chimney Swift

    46 1758 Chaetura vauxi Vaux's Swift

    46 1759 Chaetura chapmani Chapman's Swift

    46 1760 Chaetura brachyura Short-tailed Swift

    46 1761 Chaetura andrei Ashy-tailed Swift

    46 1762 Aeronautes saxatalis White-throated Swift

    46 1763 Aeronautes montivagus White-tipped Swift

    46 1764 Aeronautes andecolus Andean Swift

    46 1765 Tachornis phoenicobia Antillean Palm-Swift

    46 1766 Tachornis furcata Pygmy Swift

    46 1767 Tachornis squamata Fork-tailed Palm-Swift

    46 1768 Panyptila sanctihieronymi Great Swallow-tailed Swift

    46 1769 Panyptila cayennensis Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift

    46 1770 Cypsiurus parvus African Palm-Swift

    46 1771 Cypsiurus balasiensis Asian Palm-Swift

    46 1772 Tachymarptis melba Alpine Swift

    46 1773 Tachymarptis aequatorialis Mottled Swift

    46 1774 Apus alexandri Alexander's Swift

    46 1775 Apus apus Common Swift

    46 1776 Apus unicolor Plain Swift

    46 1777 Apus niansae Nyanza Swift

    46 1778 Apus pallidus Pallid Swift

    46 1779 Apus barbatus African Swift

    46 1780 Apus berliozi Forbes-Watson's Swift

    46 1781 Apus bradfieldi Bradfield's Swift

    46 1782 Apus balstoni Madagascar Swift

    46 1783 Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift

    46 1784 Apus acuticauda Dark-rumped Swift

    46 1785 Apus affinis Little Swift

    46 1786 Apus nipalensis House Swift

    46 1787 Apus horus Horus Swift

    46 1788 Apus toulsoni Loanda Swift

    46 1789 Apus caffer White-rumped Swift

    46 1790 Apus batesi Bates's Swift

    47 1791 Hemiprocne coronata Crested Treeswift

    47 1792 Hemiprocne longipennis Grey-rumped Treeswift

    47 1793 Hemiprocne mystacea Moustached Treeswift

    47 1794 Hemiprocne comata Whiskered Treeswift

    48 1795 Glaucis aenea Bronzy Hermit

    48 1796 Glaucis hirsuta Rufous-breasted Hermit

    48 1797 Threnetes niger Sooty Barbthroat

    48 1798 Threnetes ruckeri Band-tailed Barbthroat

    48 1799 Threnetes leucurus Pale-tailed Barbthroat

    48 1800 Phaethornis yaruqui White-whiskered Hermit

    48 1801 Phaethornis guy Green Hermit

    48 1802 Phaethornis syrmatophorus Tawny-bellied Hermit

    48 1803 Phaethornis superciliosus Long-tailed Hermit

    48 1804 Phaethornis malaris Great-billed Hermit

    48 1805 Phaethornis eurynome Scale-throated Hermit

    48 1806 Phaethornis hispidus White-bearded Hermit

    48 1807 Phaethornis anthophilus Pale-bellied Hermit

    48 1808 Phaethornis bourcieri Straight-billed Hermit

    48 1809 Phaethornis koepckeae Koepcke's Hermit

    48 1810 Phaethornis philippii Needle-billed Hermit

    48 1811 Phaethornis squalidus Dusky-throated Hermit

    48 1812 Phaethornis augusti Sooty-capped Hermit

    48 1813 Phaethornis pretrei Planalto Hermit

    48 1814 Phaethornis subochraceus Buff-bellied Hermit

    48 1815 Phaethornis nattereri Cinnamon-throated Hermit

    48 1816 Phaethornis gounellei Broad-tipped Hermit

    48 1817 Phaethornis ruber Reddish Hermit

    48 1818 Phaethornis stuarti White-browed Hermit

    48 1819 Phaethornis griseogularis Grey-chinned Hermit

    48 1820 Phaethornis longuemareus Little Hermit

    48 1821 Phaethornis idaliae Minute Hermit

    48 1822 Eutoxeres aquila White-tipped Sicklebill

    48 1823 Eutoxeres condamini Buff-tailed Sicklebill

    48 1824 Androdon aequatorialis Tooth-billed Hummingbird

    48 1825 Ramphodon naevius Saw-billed Hermit

    48 1826 Ramphodon dohrnii Hook-billed Hermit

    48 1827 Doryfera johannae Blue-fronted Lancebill

    48 1828 Doryfera ludovicae Green-fronted Lancebill

    48 1829 Phaeochroa cuvierii Scaly-breasted Hummingbird

    48 1830 Campylopterus curvipennis Wedge-tailed Sabrewing

    48 1831 Campylopterus excellens Long-tailed Sabrewing

    48 1832 Campylopterus largipennis Grey-breasted Sabrewing

    48 1833 Campylopterus rufus Rufous Sabrewing

    48 1834 Campylopterus hyperythrus Rufous-breasted Sabrewing

    48 1835 Campylopterus duidae Buff-breasted Sabrewing

    48 1836 Campylopterus hemileucurus Violet Sabrewing

    48 1837 Campylopterus ensipennis White-tailed Sabrewing

    48 1838 Campylopterus falcatus Lazuline Sabrewing

    48 1839 Campylopterus phainopeplus Santa Marta Sabrewing

    48 1840 Campylopterus villaviscensio Napo Sabrewing

    48 1841 Eupetomena macroura Swallow-tailed Hummingbird

    48 1842 Florisuga mellivora White-necked Jacobin

    48 1843 Melanotrochilus fuscus Black Jacobin

    48 1844 Colibri delphinae Brown Violet-ear

    48 1845 Colibri thalassinus Green Violet-ear

    48 1846 Colibri coruscans Sparkling Violet-ear

    48 1847 Colibri serrirostris White-vented Violet-ear

    48 1848 Anthracothorax viridigula Green-throated Mango

    48 1849 Anthracothorax prevostii Green-breasted Mango

    48 1850 Anthracothorax nigricollis Black-throated Mango

    48 1851 Anthracothorax mango Jamaican Mango

    48 1852 Anthracothorax dominicus Antillean Mango

    48 1853 Anthracothorax viridis Green Mango

    48 1854 Avocettula recurvirostris Fiery-tailed Awlbill

    48 1855 Eulampis jugularis Purple-throated Carib

    48 1856 Eulampis holosericeus Green-throated Carib

    48 1857 Chrysolampis mosquitus Ruby-topaz Hummingbird

    48 1858 Orthorhyncus cristatus Antillean Crested Hummingbird

    48 1859 Klais guimeti Violet-headed Hummingbird

    48 1860 Abeillia abeillei Emerald-chinned Hummingbird

    48 1861 Stephanoxis lalandi Plovercrest

    48 1862 Lophornis ornatus Tufted Coquette

    48 1863 Lophornis gouldii Dot-eared Coquette

    48 1864 Lophornis magnificus Frilled Coquette

    48 1865 Lophornis brachylopha Short-crested Coquette

    48 1866 Lophornis delattrei Rufous-crested Coquette

    48 1867 Lophornis stictolophus Spangled Coquette

    48 1868 Lophornis chalybeus Festive Coquette

    48 1869 Lophornis pavoninus Peacock Coquette

    48 1870 Lophornis helenae Black-crested Coquette

    48 1871 Lophornis adorabilis White-crested Coquette

    48 1872 Popelairia popelairii Wire-crested Thorntail

    48 1873 Popelairia langsdorffi Black-bellied Thorntail

    48 1874 Popelairia letitiae Coppery Thorntail

    48 1875 Popelairia conversii Green Thorntail

    48 1876 Discosura longicauda Racket-tailed Coquette

    48 1877 Chlorestes notatus Blue-chinned Sapphire

    48 1878 Chlorostilbon canivetii Fork-tailed Emerald

    48 1879 Chlorostilbon assimilis Garden Emerald

    48 1880 Chlorostilbon mellisugus Blue-tailed Emerald

    48 1881 Chlorostilbon aureoventris Glittering-bellied Emerald

    48 1882 Chlorostilbon ricordii Cuban Emerald

    48 1883 Chlorostilbon bracei Brace's Emerald

    48 1884 Chlorostilbon swainsonii Hispaniolan Emerald

    48 1885 Chlorostilbon maugaeus Puerto Rican Emerald

    48 1886 Chlorostilbon gibsoni Red-billed Emerald

    48 1887 Chlorostilbon russatus Coppery Emerald

    48 1888 Chlorostilbon stenura Narrow-tailed Emerald

    48 1889 Chlorostilbon alice Green-tailed Emerald

    48 1890 Chlorostilbon poortmani Short-tailed Emerald

    48 1891 Cynanthus sordidus Dusky Hummingbird

    48 1892 Cynanthus latirostris Broad-billed Hummingbird

    48 1893 Cyanophaia bicolor Blue-headed Hummingbird

    48 1894 Thalurania ridgwayi Mexican Woodnymph

    48 1895 Thalurania colombica Blue-crowned Woodnymph

    48 1896 Thalurania fannyi Green-crowned Woodnymph

    48 1897 Thalurania furcata Fork-tailed Woodnymph

    48 1898 Thalurania watertonii Long-tailed Woodnymph

    48 1899 Thalurania glaucopis Violet-capped Woodnymph

    48 1900 Panterpe insignis Fiery-throated Hummingbird

    48 1901 Damophila julie Violet-bellied Hummingbird

    48 1902 Lepidopyga coeruleogularis Sapphire-throated Hummingbird

    48 1903 Lepidopyga lilliae Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird

    June 16, 2017

  • 28 1016 Trogon surrucura Surucua Trogon

    28 1017 Trogon curucui Blue-crowned Trogon

    28 1018 Trogon violaceus Violaceous Trogon

    28 1019 Harpactes reinwardtii Blue-tailed Trogon

    28 1020 Harpactes fasciatus Malabar Trogon

    28 1021 Harpactes kasumba Red-naped Trogon

    28 1022 Harpactes diardii Diard's Trogon

    28 1023 Harpactes ardens Philippine Trogon

    28 1024 Harpactes whiteheadi Whitehead's Trogon

    28 1025 Harpactes orrhophaeus Cinnamon-rumped Trogon

    28 1026 Harpactes duvaucelii Scarlet-rumped Trogon

    28 1027 Harpactes oreskios Orange-breasted Trogon

    28 1028 Harpactes erythrocephalus Red-headed Trogon

    28 1029 Harpactes wardi Ward's Trogon

    29 1030 Coracias garrulus European Roller

    29 1031 Coracias abyssinica Abyssinian Roller

    29 1032 Coracias caudata Lilac-breasted Roller

    29 1033 Coracias spatulata Racket-tailed Roller

    29 1034 Coracias noevia Rufous-crowned Roller

    29 1035 Coracias benghalensis Indian Roller

    29 1036 Coracias temminckii Purple-winged Roller

    29 1037 Coracias cyanogaster Blue-bellied Roller

    29 1038 Eurystomus glaucurus Broad-billed Roller

    29 1039 Eurystomus gularis Blue-throated Roller

    29 1040 Eurystomus orientalis Dollarbird

    29 1041 Eurystomus azureus Purple Roller

    30 1042 Brachypteracias leptosomus Short-legged Ground-Roller

    30 1043 Brachypteracias squamigera Scaly Ground-Roller

    30 1044 Atelornis pittoides Pitta-like Ground-Roller

    30 1045 Atelornis crossleyi Rufous-headed Ground-Roller

    30 1046 Uratelornis chimaera Long-tailed Ground-Roller

    31 1047 Leptosomus discolor Cuckoo Roller

    32 1048 Hylomanes momotula Tody Motmot

    32 1049 Aspatha gularis Blue-throated Motmot

    32 1050 Electron platyrhynchum Broad-billed Motmot

    32 1051 Electron carinatum Keel-billed Motmot

    32 1052 Eumomota superciliosa Turquoise-browed Motmot

    32 1053 Baryphthengus martii Rufous Motmot

    32 1054 Baryphthengus ruficapillus Rufous-capped Motmot

    32 1055 Momotus mexicanus Russet-crowned Motmot

    32 1056 Momotus momota Blue-crowned Motmot

    33 1057 Todus multicolor Cuban Tody

    33 1058 Todus angustirostris Narrow-billed Tody

    33 1059 Todus mexicanus Puerto Rican Tody

    33 1060 Todus todus Jamaican Tody

    33 1061 Todus subulatus Broad-billed Tody

    34 1062 Alcedo hercules Blyth's Kingfisher

    34 1063 Alcedo atthis Common Kingfisher

    34 1064 Alcedo semitorquata Half-collared Kingfisher

    34 1065 Alcedo quadribrachys Shining Blue Kingfisher

    34 1066 Alcedo meninting Blue-eared Kingfisher

    34 1067 Alcedo azurea Azure Kingfisher

    34 1068 Alcedo websteri Bismarck Kingfisher

    34 1069 Alcedo euryzona Blue-banded Kingfisher

    34 1070 Alcedo cyanopecta Indigo-banded Kingfisher

    34 1071 Alcedo argentata Silvery Kingfisher

    34 1072 Alcedo cristata Malachite Kingfisher

    34 1073 Alcedo vintsioides Madagascar Kingfisher

    34 1074 Alcedo thomensis Sao Tome Kingfisher

    34 1075 Alcedo nais Principe Kingfisher

    34 1076 Alcedo leucogaster White-bellied Kingfisher

    34 1077 Alcedo coerulescens Small Blue Kingfisher

    34 1078 Alcedo pusilla Little Kingfisher

    34 1079 Ceyx lepidus Variable Kingfisher

    34 1080 Ceyx erithacus Black-backed Kingfisher

    34 1081 Ceyx rufidorsa Rufous-backed Kingfisher

    34 1082 Ceyx melanurus Philippine Kingfisher

    34 1083 Ceyx fallax Sulawesi Kingfisher

    34 1084 Ispidina madagascariensis Madagascar Pygmy-Kingfisher

    34 1085 Ispidina picta African Pygmy-Kingfisher

    34 1086 Ispidina lecontei Dwarf Kingfisher

    35 1087 Lacedo pulchella Banded Kingfisher

    35 1088 Dacelo novaeguineae Laughing Kookaburra

    35 1089 Dacelo leachii Blue-winged Kookaburra

    35 1090 Dacelo tyro Spangled Kookaburra

    35 1091 Dacelo gaudichaud Rufous-bellied Kookaburra

    35 1092 Clytoceyx rex Shovel-billed Kookaburra

    35 1093 Cittura cyanotis Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher

    35 1094 Pelargopsis amauropterus Brown-winged Kingfisher

    35 1095 Pelargopsis capensis Stork-billed Kingfisher

    35 1096 Pelargopsis melanorhyncha Black-billed Kingfisher

    35 1097 Halcyon coromanda Ruddy Kingfisher

    35 1098 Halcyon badia Chocolate-backed Kingfisher

    35 1099 Halcyon smyrnensis White-throated Kingfisher

    35 1100 Halcyon pileata Black-capped Kingfisher

    35 1101 Halcyon cyanoventris Javan Kingfisher

    35 1102 Halcyon leucocephala Grey-headed Kingfisher

    35 1103 Halcyon senegalensis Woodland Kingfisher

    35 1104 Halcyon senegaloides Mangrove Kingfisher

    35 1105 Halcyon malimbica Blue-breasted Kingfisher

    35 1106 Halcyon albiventris Brown-hooded Kingfisher

    35 1107 Halcyon chelicuti Striped Kingfisher

    35 1108 Todirhamphus nigrocyaneus Blue-black Kingfisher

    35 1109 Todirhamphus winchelli Rufous-lored Kingfisher

    35 1110 Todirhamphus diops Blue-and-white Kingfisher

    35 1111 Todirhamphus lazuli Lazuli Kingfisher

    35 1112 Todirhamphus macleayii Forest Kingfisher

    35 1113 Todirhamphus albonotatus New Britain Kingfisher

    35 1114 Todirhamphus leucopygius Ultramarine Kingfisher

    35 1115 Todirhamphus farquhari Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher

    35 1116 Todirhamphus pyrrhopygia Red-backed Kingfisher

    35 1117 Todirhamphus recurvirostris Flat-billed Kingfisher

    35 1118 Todirhamphus cinnamominus Micronesian Kingfisher

    35 1119 Todirhamphus funebris Sombre Kingfisher

    35 1120 Todirhamphus chloris Collared Kingfisher

    35 1121 Todirhamphus enigma Talaud Kingfisher

    35 1122 Todirhamphus saurophaga Beach Kingfisher

    35 1123 Todirhamphus australasia Cinnamon-banded Kingfisher

    35 1124 Todirhamphus sanctus Sacred Kingfisher

    35 1125 Todirhamphus veneratus Tahiti Kingfisher

    35 1126 Todirhamphus ruficollaris Mangaia Kingfisher

    35 1127 Todirhamphus tuta Chattering Kingfisher

    35 1128 Todirhamphus godeffroyi Marquesan Kingfisher

    35 1129 Todirhamphus gambieri Tuamotu Kingfisher

    35 1130 Caridonax fulgidus White-rumped Kingfisher

    35 1131 Melidora macrorrhina Hook-billed Kingfisher

    35 1132 Actenoides bougainvillei Moustached Kingfisher

    35 1133 Actenoides concretus Rufous-collared Kingfisher

    35 1134 Actenoides lindsayi Spotted Kingfisher

    35 1135 Actenoides hombroni Blue-capped Kingfisher

    35 1136 Actenoides monachus Green-backed Kingfisher

    35 1137 Actenoides princeps Scaly Kingfisher

    35 1138 Syma torotoro Yellow-billed Kingfisher

    35 1139 Syma megarhyncha Mountain Kingfisher

    35 1140 Tanysiptera hydrocharis Little Paradise-Kingfisher

    35 1141 Tanysiptera galatea Common Paradise-Kingfisher

    35 1142 Tanysiptera ellioti Kofiau Paradise-Kingfisher

    35 1143 Tanysiptera riedelii Biak Paradise-Kingfisher

    35 1144 Tanysiptera carolinae Numfor Paradise-Kingfisher

    35 1145 Tanysiptera nympha Red-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher

    35 1146 Tanysiptera danae Brown-headed Paradise-Kingfisher

    35 1147 Tanysiptera sylvia Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher

    36 1148 Megaceryle maxima Giant Kingfisher

    36 1149 Megaceryle lugubris Crested Kingfisher

    36 1150 Megaceryle alcyon Belted Kingfisher

    36 1151 Megaceryle torquata Ringed Kingfisher

    36 1152 Ceryle rudis Pied Kingfisher

    36 1153 Chloroceryle amazona Amazon Kingfisher

    36 1154 Chloroceryle americana Green Kingfisher

    36 1155 Chloroceryle inda Green-and-rufous Kingfisher

    36 1156 Chloroceryle aenea American Pygmy Kingfisher

    37 1157 Nyctyornis amictus Red-bearded Bee-eater

    37 1158 Nyctyornis athertoni Blue-bearded Bee-eater

    37 1159 Meropogon forsteni Purple-bearded Bee-eater

    37 1160 Merops gularis Black Bee-eater

    37 1161 Merops muelleri Blue-headed Bee-eater

    37 1162 Merops bulocki Red-throated Bee-eater

    37 1163 Merops bullockoides White-fronted Bee-eater

    37 1164 Merops pusillus Little Bee-eater

    37 1165 Merops variegatus Blue-breasted Bee-eater

    37 1166 Merops oreobates Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater

    37 1167 Merops hirundineus Swallow-tailed Bee-eater

    37 1168 Merops breweri Black-headed Bee-eater

    37 1169 Merops revoilii Somali Bee-eater

    37 1170 Merops albicollis White-throated Bee-eater

    37 1171 Merops orientalis Little Green Bee-eater

    37 1172 Merops boehmi Boehm's Bee-eater

    37 1173 Merops viridis Blue-throated Bee-eater

    37 1174 Merops persicus Blue-cheeked Bee-eater

    37 1175 Merops superciliosus Madagascar Bee-eater

    37 1176 Merops philippinus Blue-tailed Bee-eater

    37 1177 Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater

    37 1178 Merops apiaster European Bee-eater

    37 1179 Merops leschenaulti Chestnut-headed Bee-eater

    37 1180 Merops malimbicus Rosy Bee-eater

    37 1181 Merops nubicus Northern Carmine Bee-eater

    37 1182 Merops nubicoides Southern Carmine Bee-eater

    38 1183 Colius striatus Speckled Mousebird

    38 1184 Colius leucocephalus White-headed Mousebird

    38 1185 Colius castanotus Red-backed Mousebird

    38 1186 Colius colius White-backed Mousebird

    38 1187 Urocolius macrourus Blue-naped Mousebird

    38 1188 Urocolius indicus Red-faced Mousebird

    39 1189 Oxylophus jacobinus Pied Cuckoo

    39 1190 Oxylophus levaillantii Levaillant's Cuckoo

    39 1191 Clamator coromandus Chestnut-winged Cuckoo

    39 1192 Clamator glandarius Great Spotted Cuckoo

    39 1193 Pachycoccyx audeberti Thick-billed Cuckoo

    39 1194 Cuculus crassirostris Sulawesi Hawk-Cuckoo

    39 1195 Cuculus sparverioides Large Hawk-Cuckoo

    39 1196 Cuculus varius Common Hawk-Cuckoo

    39 1197 Cuculus vagans Moustached Hawk-Cuckoo

    39 1198 Cuculus fugax Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo

    39 1199 Cuculus solitarius Red-chested Cuckoo

    39 1200 Cuculus clamosus Black Cuckoo

    39 1201 Cuculus micropterus Indian Cuckoo

    39 1202 Cuculus canorus Common Cuckoo

    39 1203 Cuculus gularis African Cuckoo

    39 1204 Cuculus saturatus Oriental Cuckoo

    39 1205 Cuculus poliocephalus Lesser Cuckoo

    39 1206 Cuculus rochii Madagascar Cuckoo

    39 1207 Cuculus pallidus Pallid Cuckoo

    39 1208 Cercococcyx mechowi Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo

    39 1209 Cercococcyx olivinus Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo

    39 1210 Cercococcyx montanus Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo

    39 1211 Cacomantis sonneratii Banded Bay Cuckoo

    39 1212 Cacomantis passerinus Grey-bellied Cuckoo

    39 1213 Cacomantis merulinus Plaintive Cuckoo

    39 1214 Cacomantis sepulcralis Rusty-breasted Cuckoo

    39 1215 Cacomantis variolosus Brush Cuckoo

    39 1216 Cacomantis castaneiventris Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo

    39 1217 Cacomantis heinrichi Moluccan Cuckoo

    39 1218 Cacomantis flabelliformis Fan-tailed Cuckoo

    39 1219 Rhamphomantis megarhynchus Long-billed Cuckoo

    39 1220 Chrysococcyx minutillus Little Bronze-Cuckoo

    39 1221 Chrysococcyx russatus Gould's Bronze-Cuckoo

    39 1222 Chrysococcyx rufomerus Green-cheeked Bronze-Cuckoo

    39 1223 Chrysococcyx crassirostris Pied Bronze-Cuckoo

    39 1224 Chrysococcyx lucidus Shining Bronze-Cuckoo

    39 1225 Chrysococcyx basalis Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo

    39 1226 Chrysococcyx ruficollis Rufous-throated Bronze-Cuckoo

    39 1227 Chrysococcyx meyeri White-eared Bronze-Cuckoo

    39 1228 Chrysococcyx maculatus Asian Emerald Cuckoo

    39 1229 Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus Violet Cuckoo

    39 1230 Chrysococcyx osculans Black-eared Cuckoo

    39 1231 Chrysococcyx flavigularis Yellow-throated Cuckoo

    39 1232 Chrysococcyx klaas Klaas's Cuckoo

    39 1233 Chrysococcyx cupreus African Emerald Cuckoo

    39 1234 Chrysococcyx caprius Dideric Cuckoo

    39 1235 Caliechthrus leucolophus White-crowned Koel

    39 1236 Surniculus lugubris Drongo Cuckoo

    39 1237 Microdynamis parva Dwarf Koel

    39 1238 Eudynamys scolopacea Asian Koel

    39 1239 Eudynamys melanorhyncha Black-billed Koel

    39 1240 Eudynamys cyanocephala Australian Koel

    39 1241 Eudynamys taitensis Long-tailed Koel

    39 1242 Scythrops novaehollandiae Channel-billed Cuckoo

    39 1243 Ceuthmochares aereus Yellowbill

    39 1244 Phaenicophaeus diardi Black-bellied Malkoha

    39 1245 Phaenicophaeus sumatranus Chestnut-bellied Malkoha

    39 1246 Phaenicophaeus tristis Green-billed Malkoha

    39 1247 Phaenicophaeus viridirostris Blue-faced Malkoha

    39 1248 Phaenicophaeus leschenaultii Sirkeer Malkoha

    39 1249 Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus Raffles's Malkoha

    39 1250 Phaenicophaeus javanicus Red-billed Malkoha

    39 1251 Phaenicophaeus calyorhynchus Yellow-billed Malkoha

    39 1252 Phaenicophaeus curvirostris Chestnut-breasted Malkoha

    39 1253 Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus Red-faced Malkoha

    39 1254 Phaenicophaeus superciliosus Red-crested Malkoha

    39 1255 Phaenicophaeus cumingi Scale-feathered Malkoha

    39 1256 Carpococcyx radiceus Sunda Ground-Cuckoo

    39 1257 Carpococcyx renauldi Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo

    39 1258 Coua delalandei Snail-eating Coua

    39 1259 Coua gigas Giant Coua

    39 1260 Coua coquereli Coquerel's Coua

    39 1261 Coua serriana Red-breasted Coua

    39 1262 Coua reynaudii Red-fronted Coua

    39 1263 Coua cursor Running Coua

    39 1264 Coua ruficeps Red-capped Coua

    39 1265 Coua cristata Crested Coua

    39 1266 Coua verreauxi Verreaux's Coua

    39 1267 Coua caerulea Blue Coua

    40 1268 Centropus milo Buff-headed Coucal

    40 1269 Centropus goliath Goliath Coucal

    40 1270 Centropus violaceus Violaceous Coucal

    40 1271 Centropus menbeki Greater Black Coucal

    40 1272 Centropus ateralbus Pied Coucal

    40 1273 Centropus phasianinus Pheasant Coucal

    40 1274 Centropus spilopterus Kai Coucal

    40 1275 Centropus bernsteini Lesser Black Coucal

    40 1276 Centropus chalybeus Biak Coucal

    40 1277 Centropus rectunguis Short-toed Coucal

    40 1278 Centropus steerii Black-hooded Coucal

    40 1279 Centropus sinensis Greater Coucal

    40 1280 Centropus andamanensis Brown Coucal

    40 1281 Centropus nigrorufus Sunda Coucal

    40 1282 Centropus viridis Philippine Coucal

    40 1283 Centropus toulou Madagascar Coucal

    40 1284 Centropus grillii Black Coucal

    40 1285 Centropus bengalensis Lesser Coucal

    40 1286 Centropus chlororhynchus Green-billed Coucal

    40 1287 Centropus leucogaster Black-throated Coucal

    40 1288 Centropus anselli Gabon Coucal

    40 1289 Centropus neumanni Neumann's Coucal

    40 1290 Centropus monachus Blue-headed Coucal

    40 1291 Centropus cupreicaudus Coppery-tailed Coucal

    40 1292 Centropus senegalensis Senegal Coucal

    40 1293 Centropus superciliosus White-browed Coucal

    40 1294 Centropus burchelli Burchell's Coucal

    40 1295 Centropus melanops Black-faced Coucal

    40 1296 Centropus celebensis Bay Coucal

    40 1297 Centropus unirufus Rufous Coucal

    41 1298 Coccyzus pumilus Dwarf Cuckoo

    41 1299 Coccyzus cinereus Ash-colored Cuckoo

    41 1300 Coccyzus erythropthalmus Black-billed Cuckoo

    41 1301 Coccyzus americanus Yellow-billed Cuckoo

    41 1302 Coccyzus euleri Pearly-breasted Cuckoo

    41 1303 Coccyzus minor Mangrove Cuckoo

    41 1304 Coccyzus ferrugineus Cocos Cuckoo

    41 1305 Coccyzus melacoryphus Dark-billed Cuckoo

    41 1306 Coccyzus lansbergi Grey-capped Cuckoo

    41 1307 Hyetornis pluvialis Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo

    41 1308 Hyetornis rufigularis Bay-breasted Cuckoo

    41 1309 Piaya cayana Squirrel Cuckoo

    41 1310 Piaya melanogaster Black-bellied Cuckoo

    41 1311 Piaya minuta Little Cuckoo

    41 1312 Saurothera merlini Great Lizard-Cuckoo

    41 1313 Saurothera vetula Jamaican Lizard-Cuckoo

    41 1314 Saurothera longirostris Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo

    41 1315 Saurothera vieilloti Puerto Rican Lizard-Cuckoo

    42 1316 Opisthocomus hoazin Hoatzin

    43 1317 Crotophaga major Greater Ani

    43 1318 Crotophaga ani Smooth-billed Ani

    43 1319 Crotophaga sulcirostris Groove-billed Ani

    43 1320 Guira guira Guira Cuckoo

    44 1321 Tapera naevia Striped Cuckoo

    44 1322 Morococcyx erythropygus Lesser Ground-Cuckoo

    44 1323 Dromococcyx phasianellus Pheasant Cuckoo

    44 1324 Dromococcyx pavoninus Pavonine Cuckoo

    44 1325 Geococcyx californianus Greater Roadrunner

    44 1326 Geococcyx velox Lesser Roadrunner

    44 1327 Neomorphus geoffroyi Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo

    44 1328 Neomorphus squamiger Scaled Ground-Cuckoo

    44 1329 Neomorphus radiolosus Banded Ground-Cuckoo

    44 1330 Neomorphus rufipennis Rufous-winged Ground-Cuckoo

    44 1331 Neomorphus pucheranii Red-billed Ground-Cuckoo

    45 1332 Chalcopsitta atra Black Lory

    45 1333 Chalcopsitta duivenbodei Brown Lory

    45 1334 Chalcopsitta sintillata Yellow-streaked Lory

    45 1335 Chalcopsitta cardinalis Cardinal Lory

    45 1336 Eos histrio Red-and-blue Lory

    45 1337 Eos squamata Violet-necked Lory

    45 1338 Eos bornea Red Lory

    45 1339 Eos reticulata Blue-streaked Lory

    45 1340 Eos cyanogenia Black-winged Lory

    45 1341 Eos semilarvata Blue-eared Lory

    45 1342 Pseudeos fuscata Dusky Lory

    45 1343 Trichoglossus ornatus Ornate Lorikeet

    45 1344 Trichoglossus haematodus Rainbow Lorikeet

    45 1345 Trichoglossus rubritorquis Red-collared Lorikeet

    45 1346 Trichoglossus euteles Olive-headed Lorikeet

    45 1347 Trichoglossus flavoviridis Yellow-and-green Lorikeet

    45 1348 Trichoglossus johnstoniae Mindanao Lorikeet

    45 1349 Trichoglossus rubiginosus Pohnpei Lorikeet

    45 1350 Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus Scaly-breasted Lorikeet

    45 1351 Psitteuteles versicolor Varied Lorikeet

    45 1352 Psitteuteles iris Iris Lorikeet

    45 1353 Psitteuteles goldiei Goldie's Lorikeet

    45 1354 Lorius garrulus Chattering Lory

    45 1355 Lorius domicella Purple-naped Lory

    45 1356 Lorius lory Black-capped Lory

    45 1357 Lorius hypoinochrous Purple-bellied Lory

    45 1358 Lorius albidinuchus White-naped Lory

    45 1359 Lorius chlorocercus Yellow-bibbed Lory

    45 1360 Phigys solitarius Collared Lory

    45 1361 Vini australis Blue-crowned Lorikeet

    45 1362 Vini kuhlii Kuhl's Lorikeet

    45 1363 Vini stepheni Stephen's Lorikeet

    45 1364 Vini peruviana Blue Lorikeet

    45 1365 Vini ultramarina Ultramarine Lorikeet

    45 1366 Glossopsitta concinna Musk Lorikeet

    45 1367 Glossopsitta pusilla Little Lorikeet

    45 1368 Glossopsitta porphyrocephala Purple-crowned Lorikeet

    45 1369 Charmosyna palmarum Palm Lorikeet

    45 1370 Charmosyna rubrigularis Red-chinned Lorikeet

    45 1371 Charmosyna meeki Meek's Lorikeet

    45 1372 Charmosyna toxopei Blue-fronted Lorikeet

    45 1373 Charmosyna multistriata Striated Lorikeet

    45 1374 Charmosyna wilhelminae Pygmy Lorikeet

    45 1375 Charmosyna rubronotata Red-fronted Lorikeet

    45 1376 Charmosyna placentis Red-flanked Lorikeet

    45 1377 Charmosyna diadema New Caledonian Lorikeet

    45 1378 Charmosyna amabilis Red-throated Lorikeet

    June 16, 2017

  • 10 315 Callipepla californica California Quail

    10 316 Callipepla gambelii Gambel's Quail

    10 317 Philortyx fasciatus Banded Quail

    10 318 Colinus virginianus Northern Bobwhite

    10 319 Colinus nigrogularis Black-throated Bobwhite

    10 320 Colinus cristatus Crested Bobwhite

    10 321 Odontophorus gujanensis Marbled Wood-Quail

    10 322 Odontophorus capueira Spot-winged Wood-Quail

    10 323 Odontophorus melanotis Black-eared Wood-Quail

    10 324 Odontophorus erythrops Rufous-fronted Wood-Quail

    10 325 Odontophorus atrifrons Black-fronted Wood-Quail

    10 326 Odontophorus hyperythrus Chestnut Wood-Quail

    10 327 Odontophorus melanonotus Dark-backed Wood-Quail

    10 328 Odontophorus speciosus Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail

    10 329 Odontophorus dialeucos Tacarcuna Wood-Quail

    10 330 Odontophorus strophium Gorgeted Wood-Quail

    10 331 Odontophorus columbianus Venezuelan Wood-Quail

    10 332 Odontophorus leucolaemus Black-breasted Wood-Quail

    10 333 Odontophorus balliviani Stripe-faced Wood-Quail

    10 334 Odontophorus stellatus Starred Wood-Quail

    10 335 Odontophorus guttatus Spotted Wood-Quail

    10 336 Dactylortyx thoracicus Singing Quail

    10 337 Cyrtonyx montezumae Montezuma Quail

    10 338 Cyrtonyx ocellatus Ocellated Quail

    10 339 Rhynchortyx cinctus Tawny-faced Quail

    11 340 Anhima cornuta Horned Screamer

    11 341 Chauna chavaria Northern Screamer

    11 342 Chauna torquata Southern Screamer

    12 343 Anseranas semipalmata Magpie Goose

    13 344 Dendrocygna guttata Spotted Whistling-Duck

    13 345 Dendrocygna eytoni Plumed Whistling-Duck

    13 346 Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvous Whistling-Duck

    13 347 Dendrocygna arcuata Wandering Whistling-Duck

    13 348 Dendrocygna javanica Lesser Whistling-Duck

    13 349 Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling-Duck

    13 350 Dendrocygna arborea West Indian Whistling-Duck

    13 351 Dendrocygna autumnalis Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

    13 352 Thalassornis leuconotus White-backed Duck

    14 353 Oxyura dominica Masked Duck

    14 354 Oxyura jamaicensis Ruddy Duck

    14 355 Oxyura ferruginea Andean Duck

    14 356 Oxyura leucocephala White-headed Duck

    14 357 Oxyura maccoa Maccoa Duck

    14 358 Oxyura vittata Lake Duck

    14 359 Oxyura australis Blue-billed Duck

    14 360 Biziura lobata Musk Duck

    14 361 Heteronetta atricapilla Black-headed Duck

    14 362 Stictonetta naevosa Freckled Duck

    14 363 Cygnus olor Mute Swan

    14 364 Cygnus atratus Black Swan

    14 365 Cygnus melanocorypha Black-necked Swan

    14 366 Cygnus cygnus Whooper Swan

    14 367 Cygnus buccinator Trumpeter Swan

    14 368 Cygnus columbianus Tundra Swan

    14 369 Coscoroba coscoroba Coscoroba Swan

    14 370 Anser cygnoides Swan Goose

    14 371 Anser brachyrhynchus Pink-footed Goose

    14 372 Anser fabalis Bean Goose

    14 373 Anser albifrons Greater White-fronted Goose

    14 374 Anser erythropus Lesser White-fronted Goose

    14 375 Anser anser Greylag Goose

    14 376 Anser indicus Bar-headed Goose

    14 377 Anser caerulescens Snow Goose

    14 378 Anser rossii Ross's Goose

    14 379 Anser canagica Emperor Goose

    14 380 Branta sandvicensis Nene

    14 381 Branta canadensis Canada Goose

    14 382 Branta leucopsis Barnacle Goose

    14 383 Branta bernicla Brent Goose

    14 384 Branta ruficollis Red-breasted Goose

    14 385 Cereopsis novaehollandiae Cape Barren Goose

    14 386 Cyanochen cyanopterus Blue-winged Goose

    14 387 Chloephaga melanoptera Andean Goose

    14 388 Chloephaga picta Upland Goose

    14 389 Chloephaga hybrida Kelp Goose

    14 390 Chloephaga poliocephala Ashy-headed Goose

    14 391 Chloephaga rubidiceps Ruddy-headed Goose

    14 392 Neochen jubata Orinoco Goose

    14 393 Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian Goose

    14 394 Tadorna ferruginea Ruddy Shelduck

    14 395 Tadorna cana South African Shelduck

    14 396 Tadorna tadornoides Australian Shelduck

    14 397 Tadorna variegata Paradise Shelduck

    14 398 Tadorna cristata Crested Shelduck

    14 399 Tadorna tadorna Common Shelduck

    14 400 Tadorna radjah Radjah Shelduck

    14 401 Tachyeres pteneres Flightless Steamerduck

    14 402 Tachyeres leucocephalus Chubut Steamerduck

    14 403 Tachyeres brachypterus Falkland Steamerduck

    14 404 Tachyeres patachonicus Flying Steamerduck

    14 405 Plectropterus gambensis Spur-winged Goose

    14 406 Cairina moschata Muscovy Duck

    14 407 Cairina scutulata White-winged Duck

    14 408 Pteronetta hartlaubii Hartlaub's Duck

    14 409 Sarkidiornis melanotos Comb Duck

    14 410 Nettapus pulchellus Green Pygmy-goose

    14 411 Nettapus coromandelianus Cotton Pygmy-goose

    14 412 Nettapus auritus African Pygmy-goose

    14 413 Callonetta leucophrys Ringed Teal

    14 414 Aix sponsa Wood Duck

    14 415 Aix galericulata Mandarin Duck

    14 416 Chenonetta jubata Maned Duck

    14 417 Amazonetta brasiliensis Brazilian Teal

    14 418 Merganetta armata Torrent Duck

    14 419 Hymenolaimus malacorhynchus Blue Duck

    14 420 Salvadorina waigiuensis Salvadori's Teal

    14 421 Anas specularioides Crested Duck

    14 422 Anas specularis Spectacled Duck

    14 423 Anas capensis Cape Teal

    14 424 Anas strepera Gadwall

    14 425 Anas falcata Falcated Duck

    14 426 Anas penelope Eurasian Wigeon

    14 427 Anas americana American Wigeon

    14 428 Anas sibilatrix Chiloe Wigeon

    14 429 Anas sparsa African Black Duck

    14 430 Anas rubripes American Black Duck

    14 431 Anas fulvigula Mottled Duck

    14 432 Anas platyrhynchos Mallard

    14 433 Anas wyvilliana Hawaiian Duck

    14 434 Anas laysanensis Laysan Duck

    14 435 Anas poecilorhyncha Spot-billed Duck

    14 436 Anas luzonica Philippine Duck

    14 437 Anas superciliosa Pacific Black Duck

    14 438 Anas undulata Yellow-billed Duck

    14 439 Anas melleri Meller's Duck

    14 440 Anas discors Blue-winged Teal

    14 441 Anas cyanoptera Cinnamon Teal

    14 442 Anas smithii Cape Shoveler

    14 443 Anas platalea Red Shoveler

    14 444 Anas rhynchotis Australian Shoveler

    14 445 Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler

    14 446 Anas bernieri Bernier's Teal

    14 447 Anas gibberifrons Sunda Teal

    14 448 Anas gracilis Grey Teal

    14 449 Anas castanea Chestnut Teal

    14 450 Anas aucklandica Brown Teal

    14 451 Anas bahamensis White-cheeked Pintail

    14 452 Anas erythrorhyncha Red-billed Duck

    14 453 Anas flavirostris Speckled Teal

    14 454 Anas acuta Northern Pintail

    14 455 Anas eatoni Eaton's Pintail

    14 456 Anas georgica Yellow-billed Pintail

    14 457 Anas querquedula Garganey

    14 458 Anas formosa Baikal Teal

    14 459 Anas crecca Common Teal

    14 460 Anas puna Puna Teal

    14 461 Anas versicolor Silver Teal

    14 462 Anas hottentota Hottentot Teal

    14 463 Malacorhynchus membranaceus Pink-eared Duck

    14 464 Marmaronetta angustirostris Marbled Teal

    14 465 Rhodonessa caryophyllacea Pink-headed Duck

    14 466 Netta rufina Red-crested Pochard

    14 467 Netta peposaca Rosy-billed Pochard

    14 468 Netta erythrophthalma Southern Pochard

    14 469 Aythya ferina Common Pochard

    14 470 Aythya valisineria Canvasback

    14 471 Aythya americana Redhead

    14 472 Aythya collaris Ring-necked Duck

    14 473 Aythya nyroca Ferruginous Pochard

    14 474 Aythya innotata Madagascar Pochard

    14 475 Aythya baeri Baer's Pochard

    14 476 Aythya australis Hardhead

    14 477 Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck

    14 478 Aythya novaeseelandiae New Zealand Scaup

    14 479 Aythya marila Greater Scaup

    14 480 Aythya affinis Lesser Scaup

    14 481 Somateria mollissima Common Eider

    14 482 Somateria spectabilis King Eider

    14 483 Somateria fischeri Spectacled Eider

    14 484 Polysticta stelleri Steller's Eider

    14 485 Camptorhynchus labradorius Labrador Duck

    14 486 Histrionicus histrionicus Harlequin Duck

    14 487 Clangula hyemalis Long-tailed Duck

    14 488 Melanitta nigra Black Scoter

    14 489 Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter

    14 490 Melanitta fusca White-winged Scoter

    14 491 Bucephala clangula Common Goldeneye

    14 492 Bucephala islandica Barrow's Goldeneye

    14 493 Bucephala albeola Bufflehead

    14 494 Mergellus albellus Smew

    14 495 Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded Merganser

    14 496 Mergus octosetaceus Brazilian Merganser

    14 497 Mergus serrator Red-breasted Merganser

    14 498 Mergus squamatus Scaly-sided Merganser

    14 499 Mergus merganser Common Merganser

    14 500 Mergus australis Auckland Islands Merganser

    15 501 Turnix sylvatica Small Buttonquail

    15 502 Turnix maculosa Red-backed Buttonquail

    15 503 Turnix nana Black-rumped Buttonquail

    15 504 Turnix hottentotta Hottentot Buttonquail

    15 505 Turnix tanki Yellow-legged Buttonquail

    15 506 Turnix ocellata Spotted Buttonquail

    15 507 Turnix suscitator Barred Buttonquail

    15 508 Turnix nigricollis Madagascar Buttonquail

    15 509 Turnix melanogaster Black-breasted Buttonquail

    15 510 Turnix castanota Chestnut-backed Buttonquail

    15 511 Turnix olivii Buff-breasted Buttonquail

    15 512 Turnix varia Painted Buttonquail

    15 513 Turnix worcesteri Worcester's Buttonquail

    15 514 Turnix everetti Sumba Buttonquail

    15 515 Turnix pyrrhothorax Red-chested Buttonquail

    15 516 Turnix velox Little Buttonquail

    15 517 Ortyxelos meiffrenii Lark Buttonquail

    16 518 Indicator maculatus Spotted Honeyguide

    16 519 Indicator variegatus Scaly-throated Honeyguide

    16 520 Indicator indicator Greater Honeyguide

    16 521 Indicator archipelagicus Malaysian Honeyguide

    16 522 Indicator minor Lesser Honeyguide

    16 523 Indicator conirostris Thick-billed Honeyguide

    16 524 Indicator willcocksi Willcocks's Honeyguide

    16 525 Indicator exilis Least Honeyguide

    16 526 Indicator pumilio Dwarf Honeyguide

    16 527 Indicator meliphilus Pallid Honeyguide

    16 528 Indicator xanthonotus Yellow-rumped Honeyguide

    16 529 Melichneutes robustus Lyre-tailed Honeyguide

    16 530 Melignomon eisentrauti Yellow-footed Honeyguide

    16 531 Melignomon zenkeri Zenker's Honeyguide

    16 532 Prodotiscus insignis Cassin's Honeyguide

    16 533 Prodotiscus zambesiae Green-backed Honeyguide

    16 534 Prodotiscus regulus Wahlberg's Honeyguide

    17 535 Jynx torquilla Eurasian Wryneck

    17 536 Jynx ruficollis Rufous-necked Wryneck

    17 537 Picumnus innominatus Speckled Piculet

    17 538 Picumnus aurifrons Bar-breasted Piculet

    17 539 Picumnus pumilus Orinoco Piculet

    17 540 Picumnus lafresnayi Lafresnaye's Piculet

    17 541 Picumnus exilis Golden-spangled Piculet

    17 542 Picumnus fuscus Rusty-necked Piculet

    17 543 Picumnus sclateri Ecuadorian Piculet

    17 544 Picumnus squamulatus Scaled Piculet

    17 545 Picumnus spilogaster White-bellied Piculet

    17 546 Picumnus minutissimus Guianan Piculet

    17 547 Picumnus pygmaeus Spotted Piculet

    17 548 Picumnus steindachneri Speckle-chested Piculet

    17 549 Picumnus varzeae Varzea Piculet

    17 550 Picumnus cirratus White-barred Piculet

    17 551 Picumnus dorbygnianus Ocellated Piculet

    17 552 Picumnus temminckii Ochre-collared Piculet

    17 553 Picumnus albosquamatus White-wedged Piculet

    17 554 Picumnus rufiventris Rufous-breasted Piculet

    17 555 Picumnus fulvescens Tawny Piculet

    17 556 Picumnus limae Ochraceous Piculet

    17 557 Picumnus nebulosus Mottled Piculet

    17 558 Picumnus castelnau Plain-breasted Piculet

    17 559 Picumnus subtilis Fine-barred Piculet

    17 560 Picumnus olivaceus Olivaceous Piculet

    17 561 Picumnus granadensis Greyish Piculet

    17 562 Picumnus cinnamomeus Chestnut Piculet

    17 563 Sasia africana African Piculet

    17 564 Sasia abnormis Rufous Piculet

    17 565 Sasia ochracea White-browed Piculet

    17 566 Nesoctites micromegas Antillean Piculet

    17 567 Melanerpes candidus White Woodpecker

    17 568 Melanerpes lewis Lewis's Woodpecker

    17 569 Melanerpes herminieri Guadeloupe Woodpecker

    17 570 Melanerpes portoricensis Puerto Rican Woodpecker

    17 571 Melanerpes erythrocephalus Red-headed Woodpecker

    17 572 Melanerpes formicivorus Acorn Woodpecker

    17 573 Melanerpes pucherani Black-cheeked Woodpecker

    17 574 Melanerpes chrysauchen Golden-naped Woodpecker

    17 575 Melanerpes cruentatus Yellow-tufted Woodpecker

    17 576 Melanerpes flavifrons Yellow-fronted Woodpecker

    17 577 Melanerpes cactorum White-fronted Woodpecker

    17 578 Melanerpes striatus Hispaniolan Woodpecker

    17 579 Melanerpes radiolatus Jamaican Woodpecker

    17 580 Melanerpes chrysogenys Golden-cheeked Woodpecker

    17 581 Melanerpes hypopolius Grey-breasted Woodpecker

    17 582 Melanerpes pygmaeus Yucatan Woodpecker

    17 583 Melanerpes rubricapillus Red-crowned Woodpecker

    17 584 Melanerpes uropygialis Gila Woodpecker

    17 585 Melanerpes carolinus Red-bellied Woodpecker

    17 586 Melanerpes superciliaris West Indian Woodpecker

    17 587 Melanerpes aurifrons Golden-fronted Woodpecker

    17 588 Melanerpes hoffmannii Hoffmann's Woodpecker

    17 589 Sphyrapicus varius Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

    17 590 Sphyrapicus nuchalis Red-naped Sapsucker

    17 591 Sphyrapicus ruber Red-breasted Sapsucker

    17 592 Sphyrapicus thyroideus Williamson's Sapsucker

    17 593 Xiphidiopicus percussus Cuban Green Woodpecker

    17 594 Campethera punctuligera Fine-spotted Woodpecker

    17 595 Campethera nubica Nubian Woodpecker

    17 596 Campethera bennettii Bennett's Woodpecker

    17 597 Campethera scriptoricauda Reichenow's Woodpecker

    17 598 Campethera abingoni Golden-tailed Woodpecker

    17 599 Campethera mombassica Mombasa Woodpecker

    17 600 Campethera notata Knysna Woodpecker

    17 601 Campethera maculosa Little Green Woodpecker

    17 602 Campethera cailliautii Green-backed Woodpecker

    17 603 Campethera tullbergi Tullberg's Woodpecker

    17 604 Campethera nivosa Buff-spotted Woodpecker

    17 605 Campethera caroli Brown-eared Woodpecker

    17 606 Geocolaptes olivaceus Ground Woodpecker

    17 607 Dendropicos elachus Little Grey Woodpecker

    17 608 Dendropicos poecilolaemus Speckle-breasted Woodpecker

    17 609 Dendropicos abyssinicus Abyssinian Woodpecker

    17 610 Dendropicos fuscescens Cardinal Woodpecker

    17 611 Dendropicos lugubris Melancholy Woodpecker

    17 612 Dendropicos gabonensis Gabon Woodpecker

    17 613 Dendropicos stierlingi Stierling's Woodpecker

    17 614 Dendropicos namaquus Bearded Woodpecker

    17 615 Dendropicos pyrrhogaster Fire-bellied Woodpecker

    17 616 Dendropicos xantholophus Golden-crowned Woodpecker

    17 617 Dendropicos elliotii Elliot's Woodpecker

    17 618 Dendropicos goertae Grey Woodpecker

    17 619 Dendropicos spodocephalus Grey-headed Woodpecker

    17 620 Dendropicos griseocephalus Olive Woodpecker

    17 621 Dendropicos obsoletus Brown-backed Woodpecker

    17 622 Dendrocopos temminckii Sulawesi Woodpecker

    17 623 Dendrocopos maculatus Philippine Woodpecker

    17 624 Dendrocopos nanus Brown-capped Woodpecker

    17 625 Dendrocopos moluccensis Sunda Woodpecker

    17 626 Dendrocopos canicapillus Grey-capped Woodpecker

    17 627 Dendrocopos kizuki Pygmy Woodpecker

    17 628 Dendrocopos minor Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

    17 629 Dendrocopos auriceps Brown-fronted Woodpecker

    17 630 Dendrocopos macei Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker

    17 631 Dendrocopos atratus Stripe-breasted Woodpecker

    17 632 Dendrocopos mahrattensis Yellow-crowned Woodpecker

    17 633 Dendrocopos dorae Arabian Woodpecker

    17 634 Dendrocopos hyperythrus Rufous-bellied Woodpecker

    17 635 Dendrocopos cathpharius Crimson-breasted Woodpecker

    17 636 Dendrocopos darjellensis Darjeeling Woodpecker

    17 637 Dendrocopos medius Middle Spotted Woodpecker

    17 638 Dendrocopos leucotos White-backed Woodpecker

    17 639 Dendrocopos major Great Spotted Woodpecker

    17 640 Dendrocopos syriacus Syrian Woodpecker

    17 641 Dendrocopos leucopterus White-winged Woodpecker

    17 642 Dendrocopos assimilis Sind Woodpecker

    17 643 Dendrocopos himalayensis Himalayan Woodpecker

    17 644 Picoides lignarius Striped Woodpecker

    17 645 Picoides mixtus Checkered Woodpecker

    17 646 Picoides nuttallii Nuttall's Woodpecker

    17 647 Picoides scalaris Ladder-backed Woodpecker

    17 648 Picoides pubescens Downy Woodpecker

    17 649 Picoides borealis Red-cockaded Woodpecker

    17 650 Picoides stricklandi Strickland's Woodpecker

    17 651 Picoides villosus Hairy Woodpecker

    17 652 Picoides albolarvatus White-headed Woodpecker

    17 653 Picoides tridactylus Three-toed Woodpecker

    17 654 Picoides arcticus Black-backed Woodpecker

    17 655 Veniliornis callonotus Scarlet-backed Woodpecker

    17 656 Veniliornis dignus Yellow-vented Woodpecker

    17 657 Veniliornis nigriceps Bar-bellied Woodpecker

    17 658 Veniliornis fumigatus Smoky-brown Woodpecker

    17 659 Veniliornis passerinus Little Woodpecker

    17 660 Veniliornis frontalis Dot-fronted Woodpecker

    17 661 Veniliornis spilogaster White-spotted Woodpecker

    17 662 Veniliornis sanguineus Blood-colored Woodpecker

    17 663 Veniliornis kirkii Red-rumped Woodpecker

    17 664 Veniliornis chocoensis Choco Woodpecker

    17 665 Veniliornis cassini Golden-collared Woodpecker

    17 666 Veniliornis affinis Red-stained Woodpecker

    17 667 Veniliornis maculifrons Yellow-eared Woodpecker

    17 668 Piculus simplex Rufous-winged Woodpecker

    17 669 Piculus callopterus Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker

    17 670 Piculus litae Lita Woodpecker

    17 671 Piculus leucolaemus White-throated Woodpecker

    17 672 Piculus flavigula Yellow-throated Woodpecker

    17 673 Piculus chrysochloros Golden-green Woodpecker

    17 674 Piculus aurulentus Yellow-browed Woodpecker

    17 675 Piculus auricularis Grey-crowned Woodpecker

    17 676 Piculus rubiginosus Golden-olive Woodpecker

    17 677 Piculus rivolii Crimson-mantled Woodpecker

    17 678 Colaptes atricollis Black-necked Woodpecker

    17 679 Colaptes punctigula Spot-breasted Woodpecker

    17 680 Colaptes melanochloros Green-barred Woodpecker

    17 681 Colaptes auratus Northern Flicker

    17 682 Colaptes chrysoides Gilded Flicker

    17 683 Colaptes fernandinae Fernandina's Flicker

    17 684 Colaptes pitius Chilean Flicker

    17 685 Colaptes rupicola Andean Flicker

    17 686 Colaptes campestris Campo Flicker

    17 687 Celeus brachyurus Rufous Woodpecker

    17 688 Celeus loricatus Cinnamon Woodpecker

    17 689 Celeus grammicus Scaly-breasted Woodpecker

    17 690 Celeus undatus Waved Woodpecker

    17 691 Celeus castaneus Chestnut-colored Woodpecker

    17 692 Celeus elegans Chestnut Woodpecker

    17 693 Celeus lugubris Pale-crested Woodpecker

    17 694 Celeus flavescens Blond-crested Woodpecker

    17 695 Celeus flavus Cream-colored Woodpecker

    17 696 Celeus spectabilis Rufous-headed Woodpecker

    17 697 Celeus torquatus Ringed Woodpecker

    17 698 Dryocopus galeatus Helmeted Woodpecker

    17 699 Dryocopus pileatus Pileated Woodpecker

    17 700 Dryocopus lineatus Lineated Woodpecker

    17 701 Dryocopus schulzi Black-bodied Woodpecker

    17 702 Dryocopus javensis White-bellied Woodpecker

    17 703 Dryocopus hodgei Andaman Woodpecker

    17 704 Dryocopus martius Black Woodpecker

    17 705 Campephilus pollens Powerful Woodpecker

    17 706 Campephilus haematogaster Crimson-bellied Woodpecker

    17 707 Campephilus rubricollis Red-necked Woodpecker

    17 708 Campephilus robustus Robust Woodpecker

    17 709 Campephilus guatemalensis Pale-billed Woodpecker

    17 710 Campephilus melanoleucos Crimson-crested Woodpecker

    17 711 Campephilus gayaquilensis Guayaquil Woodpecker

    17 712 Campephilus leucopogon Cream-backed Woodpecker

    17 713 Campephilus magellanicus Magellanic Woodpecker

    17 714 Campephilus imperialis Imperial Woodpecker

    17 715 Campephilus principalis Ivory-billed Woodpecker

    17 716 Picus mineaceus Banded Woodpecker

    17 717 Picus chlorolophus Lesser Yellownape

    17 718 Picus puniceus Crimson-winged Woodpecker

    17 719 Picus flavinucha Greater Yellownape

    17 720 Picus mentalis Checker-throated Woodpecker

    17 721 Picus viridanus Streak-breasted Woodpecker

    17 722 Picus vittatus Laced Woodpecker

    17 723 Picus xanthopygaeus Streak-throated Woodpecker

    17 724 Picus squamatus Scaly-bellied Woodpecker

    17 725 Picus awokera Japanese Woodpecker

    17 726 Picus viridis Eurasian Green Woodpecker

    17 727 Picus vaillantii Levaillant's Woodpecker

    17 728 Picus rabieri Red-collared Woodpecker

    17 729 Picus erythropygius Black-headed Woodpecker

    17 730 Picus canus Grey-faced Woodpecker

    17 731 Dinopium rafflesii Olive-backed Woodpecker

    17 732 Dinopium shorii Himalayan Flameback

    17 733 Dinopium javanense Common Flameback

    17 734 Dinopium benghalense Black-rumped Flameback

    17 735 Chrysocolaptes lucidus Greater Flameback

    17 736 Chrysocolaptes festivus White-naped Woodpecker

    17 737 Gecinulus grantia Pale-headed Woodpecker

    17 738 Gecinulus viridis Bamboo Woodpecker

    17 739 Sapheopipo noguchii Okinawa Woodpecker

    17 740 Blythipicus rubiginosus Maroon Woodpecker

    17 741 Blythipicus pyrrhotis Bay Woodpecker

    17 742 Reinwardtipicus validus Orange-backed Woodpecker

    17 743 Meiglyptes tristis Buff-rumped Woodpecker

    17 744 Meiglyptes jugularis Black-and-buff Woodpecker

    17 745 Meiglyptes tukki Buff-necked Woodpecker

    17 746 Hemicircus concretus Grey-and-buff Woodpecker

    17 747 Hemicircus canente Heart-spotted Woodpecker

    17 748 Mulleripicus fulvus Ashy Woodpecker

    17 749 Mulleripicus funebris Sooty Woodpecker

    17 750 Mulleripicus pulverulentus Great Slaty Woodpecker

    18 751 Psilopogon pyrolophus Fire-tufted Barbet

    18 752 Megalaima virens Great Barbet

    18 753 Megalaima lagrandieri Red-vented Barbet

    18 754 Megalaima zeylanica Brown-headed Barbet

    18 755 Megalaima lineata Lineated Barbet

    18 756 Megalaima viridis White-cheeked Barbet

    18 757 Megalaima faiostricta Green-eared Barbet

    18 758 Megalaima corvina Brown-throated Barbet

    18 759 Megalaima chrysopogon Gold-whiskered Barbet

    18 760 Megalaima rafflesii Red-crowned Barbet

    18 761 Megalaima mystacophanos Red-throated Barbet

    18 762 Megalaima javensis Black-banded Barbet

    18 763 Megalaima flavifrons Yellow-fronted Barbet

    18 764 Megalaima franklinii Golden-throated Barbet

    18 765 Megalaima oorti Black-browed Barbet

    18 766 Megalaima asiatica Blue-throated Barbet

    18 767 Megalaima monticola Mountain Barbet

    18 768 Megalaima incognita Moustached Barbet

    18 769 Megalaima henricii Yellow-crowned Barbet

    18 770 Megalaima armillaris Flame-fronted Barbet

    18 771 Megalaima pulcherrima Golden-naped Barbet

    18 772 Megalaima australis Blue-eared Barbet

    18 773 Megalaima eximia Bornean Barbet

    18 774 Megalaima rubricapilla Crimson-fronted Barbet

    18 775 Megalaima haemacephala Coppersmith Barbet

    18 776 Calorhamphus fuliginosus Brown Barbet

    19 777 Gymnobucco calvus Naked-faced Barbet

    19 778 Gymnobucco peli Bristle-nosed Barbet

    19 779 Gymnobucco sladeni Sladen's Barbet

    19 780 Gymnobucco bonapartei Grey-throated Barbet

    19 781 Stactolaema leucotis White-eared Barbet

    19 782 Stactolaema anchietae Anchieta's Barbet

    19 783 Stactolaema whytii Whyte's Barbet

    19 784 Stactolaema olivacea Green Barbet

    19 785 Pogoniulus scolopaceus Speckled Tinkerbird

    19 786 Pogoniulus coryphaeus Western Green-Tinkerbird

    19 787 Pogoniulus leucomystax Moustached Green-Tinkerbird

    19 788 Pogoniulus simplex African Green-Tinkerbird

    19 789 Pogoniulus atroflavus Red-rumped Tinkerbird

    19 790 Pogoniulus subsulphureus Yellow-throated Tinkerbird

    19 791 Pogoniulus bilineatus Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird

    19 792 Pogoniulus chrysoconus Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird

    19 793 Pogoniulus pusillus Red-fronted Tinkerbird

    19 794 Buccanodon duchaillui Yellow-spotted Barbet

    19 795 Tricholaema hirsuta Hairy-breasted Barbet

    19 796 Tricholaema diademata Red-fronted Barbet

    19 797 Tricholaema frontata Miombo Barbet

    19 798 Tricholaema leucomelas Pied Barbet

    19 799 Tricholaema lacrymosa Spot-flanked Barbet

    19 800 Tricholaema melanocephala Black-throated Barbet

    19 801 Lybius undatus Banded Barbet

    19 802 Lybius vieilloti Vieillot's Barbet

    19 803 Lybius leucocephalus White-headed Barbet

    19 804 Lybius chaplini Chaplin's Barbet

    19 805 Lybius rubrifacies Red-faced Barbet

    19 806 Lybius guifsobalito Black-billed Barbet

    19 807 Lybius torquatus Black-collared Barbet

    19 808 Lybius melanopterus Brown-breasted Barbet

    19 809 Lybius minor Black-backed Barbet

    19 810 Lybius bidentatus Double-toothed Barbet

    19 811 Lybius dubius Bearded Barbet

    19 812 Lybius rolleti Black-breasted Barbet

    19 813 Trachyphonus purpuratus Yellow-billed Barbet

    19 814 Trachyphonus vaillantii Crested Barbet

    19 815 Trachyphonus margaritatus Yellow-breasted Barbet

    19 816 Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Red-and-yellow Barbet

    19 817 Trachyphonus darnaudii D'Arnaud's Barbet

    19 818 Trachyphonus usambiro Usambiro Barbet

    20 819 Capito aurovirens Scarlet-crowned Barbet

    20 820 Capito maculicoronatus Spot-crowned Barbet

    20 821 Capito squamatus Orange-fronted Barbet

    20 822 Capito hypoleucus White-mantled Barbet

    20 823 Capito dayi Black-girdled Barbet

    20 824 Capito quinticolor Five-colored Barbet

    20 825 Capito niger Black-spotted Barbet

    20 826 Capito brunneipectus Brown-chested Barbet

    20 827 Eubucco richardsoni Lemon-throated Barbet

    20 828 Eubucco bourcierii Red-headed Barbet

    20 829 Eubucco tucinkae Scarlet-hooded Barbet

    20 830 Eubucco versicolor Versicolored Barbet

    20 831 Semnornis frantzii Prong-billed Barbet

    20 832 Semnornis ramphastinus Toucan Barbet

    20 833 Aulacorhynchus prasinus Emerald Toucanet

    20 834 Aulacorhynchus sulcatus Groove-billed Toucanet

    20 835 Aulacorhynchus derbianus Chestnut-tipped Toucanet

    20 836 Aulacorhynchus haematopygus Crimson-rumped Toucanet

    20 837 Aulacorhynchus huallagae Yellow-browed Toucanet

    20 838 Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis Blue-banded Toucanet

    20 839 Pteroglossus inscriptus Lettered Aracari

    20 840 Pteroglossus viridis Green Aracari

    20 841 Pteroglossus bitorquatus Red-necked Aracari

    20 842 Pteroglossus azara Ivory-billed Aracari

    20 843 Pteroglossus mariae Brown-mandibled Aracari

    20 844 Pteroglossus castanotis Chestnut-eared Aracari

    20 845 Pteroglossus aracari Black-necked Aracari

    20 846 Pteroglossus torquatus Collared Aracari

    20 847 Pteroglossus frantzii Fiery-billed Aracari

    20 848 Pteroglossus sanguineus Stripe-billed Aracari

    20 849 Pteroglossus erythropygius Pale-mandibled Aracari

    20 850 Pteroglossus pluricinctus Many-banded Aracari

    20 851 Pteroglossus beauharnaesii Curl-crested Aracari

    20 852 Baillonius bailloni Saffron Toucanet

    20 853 Andigena laminirostris Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan

    20 854 Andigena hypoglauca Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan

    20 855 Andigena cucullata Hooded Mountain-Toucan

    20 856 Andigena nigrirostris Black-billed Mountain-Toucan

    20 857 Selenidera spectabilis Yellow-eared Toucanet

    20 858 Selenidera reinwardtii Golden-collared Toucanet

    20 859 Selenidera nattereri Tawny-tufted Toucanet

    20 860 Selenidera culik Guianan Toucanet

    20 861 Selenidera maculirostris Spot-billed Toucanet

    20 862 Selenidera gouldii Gould's Toucanet

    20 863 Ramphastos sulfuratus Keel-billed Toucan

    20 864 Ramphastos brevis Choco Toucan

    20 865 Ramphastos citreolaemus Citron-throated Toucan

    20 866 Ramphastos culminatus Yellow-ridged Toucan

    20 867 Ramphastos vitellinus Channel-billed Toucan

    20 868 Ramphastos dicolorus Red-breasted Toucan

    20 869 Ramphastos swainsonii Chestnut-mandibled Toucan

    20 870 Ramphastos ambiguus Black-mandibled Toucan

    20 871 Ramphastos tucanus Red-billed Toucan

    20 872 Ramphastos cuvieri Cuvier's Toucan

    20 873 Ramphastos toco Toco Toucan

    21 874 Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis White-eared Jacamar

    21 875 Galbalcyrhynchus purusianus Chestnut Jacamar

    21 876 Brachygalba salmoni Dusky-backed Jacamar

    21 877 Brachygalba goeringi Pale-headed Jacamar

    21 878 Brachygalba lugubris Brown Jacamar

    21 879 Brachygalba albogularis White-throated Jacamar

    21 880 Jacamaralcyon tridactyla Three-toed Jacamar

    21 881 Galbula albirostris Yellow-billed Jacamar

    21 882 Galbula cyanicollis Blue-necked Jacamar

    21 883 Galbula ruficauda Rufous-tailed Jacamar

    21 884 Galbula galbula Green-tailed Jacamar

    21 885 Galbula pastazae Coppery-chested Jacamar

    21 886 Galbula tombacea White-chinned Jacamar

    21 887 Galbula cyanescens Bluish-fronted Jacamar

    21 888 Galbula chalcothorax Purplish Jacamar

    21 889 Galbula leucogastra Bronzy Jacamar

    21 890 Galbula dea Paradise Jacamar

    21 891 Jacamerops aureus Great Jacamar

    22 892 Notharchus macrorhynchos White-necked Puffbird

    22 893 Notharchus pectoralis Black-breasted Puffbird

    22 894 Notharchus ordii Brown-banded Puffbird

    22 895 Notharchus tectus Pied Puffbird

    22 896 Bucco macrodactylus Chestnut-capped Puffbird

    22 897 Bucco tamatia Spotted Puffbird

    22 898 Bucco noanamae Sooty-capped Puffbird

    22 899 Bucco capensis Collared Puffbird

    22 900 Nystalus radiatus Barred Puffbird

    22 901 Nystalus chacuru White-eared Puffbird

    22 902 Nystalus striolatus Striolated Puffbird

    22 903 Nystalus maculatus Spot-backed Puffbird

    22 904 Hypnelus ruficollis Russet-throated Puffbird

    22 905 Malacoptila fusca White-chested Puffbird

    22 906 Malacoptila semicincta Semicollared Puffbird

    22 907 Malacoptila striata Crescent-chested Puffbird

    22 908 Malacoptila fulvogularis Black-streaked Puffbird

    22 909 Malacoptila rufa Rufous-necked Puffbird

    22 910 Malacoptila panamensis White-whiskered Puffbird

    22 911 Malacoptila mystacalis Moustached Puffbird

    22 912 Micromonacha lanceolata Lanceolated Monklet

    22 913 Nonnula rubecula Rusty-breasted Nunlet

    22 914 Nonnula sclateri Fulvous-chinned Nunlet

    22 915 Nonnula brunnea Brown Nunlet

    22 916 Nonnula frontalis Grey-cheeked Nunlet

    22 917 Nonnula ruficapilla Rufous-capped Nunlet

    22 918 Nonnula amaurocephala Chestnut-headed Nunlet

    22 919 Hapaloptila castanea White-faced Nunbird

    22 920 Monasa atra Black Nunbird

    22 921 Monasa nigrifrons Black-fronted Nunbird

    22 922 Monasa morphoeus White-fronted Nunbird

    22 923 Monasa flavirostris Yellow-billed Nunbird

    22 924 Chelidoptera tenebrosa Swallow-wing

    23 925 Tockus albocristatus White-crested Hornbill

    23 926 Tockus hartlaubi Black Dwarf Hornbill

    23 927 Tockus camurus Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill

    23 928 Tockus monteiri Monteiro's Hornbill

    23 929 Tockus erythrorhynchus Red-billed Hornbill

    23 930 Tockus flavirostris Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill

    23 931 Tockus leucomelas Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill

    23 932 Tockus jacksoni Jackson's Hornbill

    23 933 Tockus deckeni Von der Decken's Hornbill

    23 934 Tockus alboterminatus Crowned Hornbill

    23 935 Tockus bradfieldi Bradfield's Hornbill

    23 936 Tockus fasciatus African Pied Hornbill

    23 937 Tockus hemprichii Hemprich's Hornbill

    23 938 Tockus nasutus African Grey Hornbill

    23 939 Tockus pallidirostris Pale-billed Hornbill

    23 940 Ocyceros griseus Malabar Grey-Hornbill

    23 941 Ocyceros gingalensis Ceylon Grey-Hornbill

    23 942 Ocyceros birostris Indian Grey-Hornbill

    23 943 Anthracoceros coronatus Malabar Pied-Hornbill

    23 944 Anthracoceros albirostris Oriental Pied-Hornbill

    23 945 Anthracoceros malayanus Black Hornbill

    23 946 Anthracoceros marchei Palawan Hornbill

    23 947 Anthracoceros montani Sulu Hornbill

    23 948 Buceros rhinoceros Rhinoceros Hornbill

    23 949 Buceros bicornis Great Hornbill

    23 950 Buceros hydrocorax Rufous Hornbill

    23 951 Buceros vigil Helmeted Hornbill

    23 952 Anorrhinus tickelli Brown Hornbill

    23 953 Anorrhinus galeritus Bushy-crested Hornbill

    23 954 Penelopides manillae Luzon Hornbill

    23 955 Penelopides mindorensis Mindoro Hornbill

    23 956 Penelopides panini Tarictic Hornbill

    23 957 Penelopides samarensis Samar Hornbill

    23 958 Penelopides affinis Mindanao Hornbill

    23 959 Penelopides exarhatus Sulawesi Hornbill

    23 960 Aceros comatus White-crowned Hornbill

    23 961 Aceros nipalensis Rufous-necked Hornbill

    23 962 Aceros corrugatus Wrinkled Hornbill

    23 963 Aceros waldeni Writhed-billed Hornbill

    23 964 Aceros leucocephalus Writhed Hornbill

    23 965 Aceros cassidix Knobbed Hornbill

    23 966 Aceros undulatus Wreathed Hornbill

    23 967 Aceros narcondami Narcondam Hornbill

    23 968 Aceros everetti Sumba Hornbill

    23 969 Aceros subruficollis Plain-pouched Hornbill

    23 970 Aceros plicatus Blyth's Hornbill

    23 971 Ceratogymna bucinator Trumpeter Hornbill

    23 972 Ceratogymna fistulator Piping Hornbill

    23 973 Ceratogymna brevis Silvery-cheeked Hornbill

    23 974 Ceratogymna subcylindricus Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill

    23 975 Ceratogymna cylindricus Brown-cheeked Hornbill

    23 976 Ceratogymna albotibialis White-thighed Hornbill

    23 977 Ceratogymna atrata Black-casqued Hornbill

    23 978 Ceratogymna elata Yellow-casqued Hornbill

    24 979 Bucorvus abyssinicus Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill

    24 980 Bucorvus leadbeateri Southern Ground-Hornbill

    25 981 Upupa epops Eurasian Hoopoe

    25 982 Upupa africana African Hoopoe

    26 983 Phoeniculus purpureus Green Woodhoopoe

    26 984 Phoeniculus damarensis Violet Woodhoopoe

    26 985 Phoeniculus somaliensis Black-billed Woodhoopoe

    26 986 Phoeniculus bollei White-headed Woodhoopoe

    26 987 Phoeniculus castaneiceps Forest Woodhoopoe

    27 988 Rhinopomastus aterrimus Black Scimitar-bill

    27 989 Rhinopomastus cyanomelas Common Scimitar-bill

    27 990 Rhinopomastus minor Abyssinian Scimitar-bill

    28 991 Apaloderma narina Narina Trogon

    28 992 Apaloderma aequatoriale Bare-cheeked Trogon

    28 993 Apaloderma vittatum Bar-tailed Trogon

    28 994 Pharomachrus mocinno Resplendent Quetzal

    28 995 Pharomachrus antisianus Crested Quetzal

    28 996 Pharomachrus fulgidus White-tipped Quetzal

    28 997 Pharomachrus auriceps Golden-headed Quetzal

    28 998 Pharomachrus pavoninus Pavonine Quetzal

    28 999 Euptilotis neoxenus Eared Trogon

    28 1000 Priotelus temnurus Cuban Trogon

    28 1001 Priotelus roseigaster Hispaniolan Trogon

    28 1002 Trogon massena Slaty-tailed Trogon

    28 1003 Trogon melanurus Black-tailed Trogon

    28 1004 Trogon clathratus Lattice-tailed Trogon

    28 1005 Trogon comptus White-eyed Trogon

    28 1006 Trogon bairdii Baird's Trogon

    28 1007 Trogon viridis White-tailed Trogon

    28 1008 Trogon citreolus Citreoline Trogon

    28 1009 Trogon melanocephalus Black-headed Trogon

    28 1010 Trogon mexicanus Mountain Trogon

    28 1011 Trogon elegans Elegant Trogon

    28 1012 Trogon collaris Collared Trogon

    28 1013 Trogon aurantiiventris Orange-bellied Trogon

    28 1014 Trogon personatus Masked Trogon

    28 1015 Trogon rufus

    June 16, 2017

  • 5 54 Eudromia elegans Elegant Crested-Tinamou

    5 55 Eudromia formosa Quebracho Crested-Tinamou

    5 56 Tinamotis pentlandii Puna Tinamou

    5 57 Tinamotis ingoufi Patagonian Tinamou

    6 58 Ortalis vetula Plain Chachalaca

    6 59 Ortalis cinereiceps Grey-headed Chachalaca

    6 60 Ortalis garrula Chestnut-winged Chachalaca

    6 61 Ortalis ruficauda Rufous-vented Chachalaca

    6 62 Ortalis erythroptera Rufous-headed Chachalaca

    6 63 Ortalis wagleri Rufous-bellied Chachalaca

    6 64 Ortalis poliocephala West Mexican Chachalaca

    6 65 Ortalis canicollis Chaco Chachalaca

    6 66 Ortalis leucogastra White-bellied Chachalaca

    6 67 Ortalis guttata Speckled Chachalaca

    6 68 Ortalis motmot Little Chachalaca

    6 69 Ortalis superciliaris Buff-browed Chachalaca

    6 70 Penelope argyrotis Band-tailed Guan

    6 71 Penelope barbata Bearded Guan

    6 72 Penelope ortoni Baudo Guan

    6 73 Penelope montagnii Andean Guan

    6 74 Penelope marail Marail Guan

    6 75 Penelope superciliaris Rusty-margined Guan

    6 76 Penelope dabbenei Red-faced Guan

    6 77 Penelope purpurascens Crested Guan

    6 78 Penelope perspicax Cauca Guan

    6 79 Penelope albipennis White-winged Guan

    6 80 Penelope jacquacu Spix's Guan

    6 81 Penelope obscura Dusky-legged Guan

    6 82 Penelope pileata White-crested Guan

    6 83 Penelope ochrogaster Chestnut-bellied Guan

    6 84 Penelope jacucaca White-browed Guan

    6 85 Pipile pipile Trinidad Piping-Guan

    6 86 Pipile cumanensis Blue-throated Piping-Guan

    6 87 Pipile cujubi Red-throated Piping-Guan

    6 88 Pipile jacutinga Black-fronted Piping-Guan

    6 89 Aburria aburri Wattled Guan

    6 90 Chamaepetes unicolor Black Guan

    6 91 Chamaepetes goudotii Sickle-winged Guan

    6 92 Penelopina nigra Highland Guan

    6 93 Oreophasis derbianus Horned Guan

    6 94 Nothocrax urumutum Nocturnal Curassow

    6 95 Mitu tomentosa Crestless Curassow

    6 96 Mitu salvini Salvin's Curassow

    6 97 Mitu tuberosa Razor-billed Curassow

    6 98 Mitu mitu Alagoas Curassow

    6 99 Pauxi pauxi Helmeted Curassow

    6 100 Pauxi unicornis Horned Curassow

    6 101 Crax rubra Great Curassow

    6 102 Crax alberti Blue-knobbed Curassow

    6 103 Crax daubentoni Yellow-knobbed Curassow

    6 104 Crax alector Black Curassow

    6 105 Crax globulosa Wattled Curassow

    6 106 Crax fasciolata Bare-faced Curassow

    6 107 Crax blumenbachii Red-billed Curassow

    7 108 Alectura lathami Australian Brush-turkey

    7 109 Aepypodius arfakianus Wattled Brush-turkey

    7 110 Aepypodius bruijnii Bruijn's Brush-turkey

    7 111 Talegalla cuvieri Red-billed Brush-turkey

    7 112 Talegalla fuscirostris Black-billed Brush-turkey

    7 113 Talegalla jobiensis Brown-collared Brush-turkey

    7 114 Macrocephalon maleo Maleo

    7 115 Megapodius nicobariensis Nicobar Scrubfowl

    7 116 Megapodius cumingii Tabon Scrubfowl

    7 117 Megapodius bernsteinii Sula Scrubfowl

    7 118 Megapodius reinwardt Orange-footed Scrubfowl

    7 119 Megapodius freycinet Dusky Scrubfowl

    7 120 Megapodius affinis New Guinea Scrubfowl

    7 121 Megapodius eremita Melanesian Scrubfowl

    7 122 Megapodius layardi Vanuatu Scrubfowl

    7 123 Megapodius laperouse Micronesian Scrubfowl

    7 124 Megapodius pritchardii Niaufoou Scrubfowl

    7 125 Megapodius wallacei Moluccan Scrubfowl

    7 126 Leipoa ocellata Malleefowl

    8 127 Lerwa lerwa Snow Partridge

    8 128 Ammoperdix griseogularis See-see Partridge

    8 129 Ammoperdix heyi Sand Partridge

    8 130 Tetraogallus caucasicus Caucasian Snowcock

    8 131 Tetraogallus caspius Caspian Snowcock

    8 132 Tetraogallus tibetanus Tibetan Snowcock

    8 133 Tetraogallus altaicus Altai Snowcock

    8 134 Tetraogallus himalayensis Himalayan Snowcock

    8 135 Tetraophasis obscurus Chestnut-throated Partridge

    8 136 Tetraophasis szechenyii Buff-throated Partridge

    8 137 Alectoris graeca Rock Partridge

    8 138 Alectoris chukar Chukar

    8 139 Alectoris philbyi Philby's Partridge

    8 140 Alectoris magna Rusty-necklaced Partridge

    8 141 Alectoris barbara Barbary Partridge

    8 142 Alectoris rufa Red-legged Partridge

    8 143 Alectoris melanocephala Arabian Partridge

    8 144 Francolinus francolinus Black Francolin

    8 145 Francolinus pictus Painted Francolin

    8 146 Francolinus pintadeanus Chinese Francolin

    8 147 Francolinus pondicerianus Grey Francolin

    8 148 Francolinus gularis Swamp Francolin

    8 149 Francolinus coqui Coqui Francolin

    8 150 Francolinus albogularis White-throated Francolin

    8 151 Francolinus schlegelii Schlegel's Francolin

    8 152 Francolinus lathami Forest Francolin

    8 153 Francolinus sephaena Crested Francolin

    8 154 Francolinus streptophorus Ring-necked Francolin

    8 155 Francolinus finschi Finsch's Francolin

    8 156 Francolinus africanus Grey-winged Francolin

    8 157 Francolinus levaillantii Red-winged Francolin

    8 158 Francolinus psilolaemus Moorland Francolin

    8 159 Francolinus shelleyi Shelley's Francolin

    8 160 Francolinus levaillantoides OrangeRiver Francolin

    8 161 Francolinus nahani Nahan's Francolin

    8 162 Francolinus hartlaubi Hartlaub's Francolin

    8 163 Francolinus bicalcaratus Double-spurred Francolin

    8 164 Francolinus clappertoni Clapperton's Francolin

    8 165 Francolinus icterorhynchus Heuglin's Francolin

    8 166 Francolinus harwoodi Harwood's Francolin

    8 167 Francolinus adspersus Red-billed Francolin

    8 168 Francolinus capensis Cape Francolin

    8 169 Francolinus hildebrandti Hildebrandt's Francolin

    8 170 Francolinus natalensis Natal Francolin

    8 171 Francolinus ahantensis Ahanta Francolin

    8 172 Francolinus squamatus Scaly Francolin

    8 173 Francolinus griseostriatus Grey-striped Francolin

    8 174 Francolinus leucoscepus Yellow-necked Spurfowl

    8 175 Francolinus rufopictus Grey-breasted Spurfowl

    8 176 Francolinus afer Red-necked Spurfowl

    8 177 Francolinus swainsonii Swainson's Spurfowl

    8 178 Francolinus erckelii Erckel's Francolin

    8 179 Francolinus ochropectus Ochre-breasted Francolin

    8 180 Francolinus castaneicollis Chestnut-naped Francolin

    8 181 Francolinus nobilis Handsome Francolin

    8 182 Francolinus jacksoni Jackson's Francolin

    8 183 Francolinus camerunensis Cameroon Francolin

    8 184 Francolinus swierstrai Swierstra's Francolin

    8 185 Perdix perdix Grey Partridge

    8 186 Perdix dauurica Daurian Partridge

    8 187 Perdix hodgsoniae Tibetan Partridge

    8 188 Rhizothera longirostris Long-billed Partridge

    8 189 Margaroperdix madagascarensis Madagascar Partridge

    8 190 Melanoperdix nigra Black Partridge

    8 191 Coturnix coturnix Common Quail

    8 192 Coturnix japonica Japanese Quail

    8 193 Coturnix pectoralis Stubble Quail

    8 194 Coturnix novaezelandiae New Zealand Quail

    8 195 Coturnix coromandelica Rain Quail

    8 196 Coturnix delegorguei Harlequin Quail

    8 197 Coturnix ypsilophora Brown Quail

    8 198 Coturnix adansonii Blue Quail

    8 199 Coturnix chinensis Blue-breasted Quail

    8 200 Anurophasis monorthonyx Snow Mountain Quail

    8 201 Perdicula asiatica Jungle Bush-Quail

    8 202 Perdicula argoondah Rock Bush-Quail

    8 203 Perdicula erythrorhyncha Painted Bush-Quail

    8 204 Perdicula manipurensis Manipur Bush-Quail

    8 205 Arborophila torqueola Hill Partridge

    8 206 Arborophila rufogularis Rufous-throated Partridge

    8 207 Arborophila atrogularis White-cheeked Partridge

    8 208 Arborophila crudigularis Taiwan Partridge

    8 209 Arborophila mandellii Chestnut-breasted Partridge

    8 210 Arborophila brunneopectus Bar-backed Partridge

    8 211 Arborophila rufipectus Sichuan Partridge

    8 212 Arborophila orientalis Grey-breasted Partridge

    8 213 Arborophila javanica Chestnut-bellied Partridge

    8 214 Arborophila hyperythra Red-breasted Partridge

    8 215 Arborophila gingica White-necklaced Partridge

    8 216 Arborophila davidi Orange-necked Partridge

    8 217 Arborophila cambodiana Chestnut-headed Partridge

    8 218 Arborophila rubrirostris Red-billed Partridge

    8 219 Arborophila ardens Hainan Partridge

    8 220 Arborophila chloropus Scaly-breasted Partridge

    8 221 Arborophila merlini Annam Partridge

    8 222 Arborophila charltonii Chestnut-necklaced Partridge

    8 223 Caloperdix oculea Ferruginous Partridge

    8 224 Haematortyx sanguiniceps Crimson-headed Partridge

    8 225 Rollulus rouloul Crested Partridge

    8 226 Ptilopachus petrosus Stone Partridge

    8 227 Bambusicola fytchii Mountain Bamboo-Partridge

    8 228 Bambusicola thoracica Chinese Bamboo-Partridge

    8 229 Galloperdix spadicea Red Spurfowl

    8 230 Galloperdix lunulata Painted Spurfowl

    8 231 Galloperdix bicalcarata Ceylon Spurfowl

    8 232 Ophrysia superciliosa Himalayan Quail

    8 233 Ithaginis cruentus Blood Pheasant

    8 234 Tragopan melanocephalus Western Tragopan

    8 235 Tragopan satyra Satyr Tragopan

    8 236 Tragopan blythii Blyth's Tragopan

    8 237 Tragopan temminckii Temminck's Tragopan

    8 238 Tragopan caboti Cabot's Tragopan

    8 239 Pucrasia macrolopha Koklass Pheasant

    8 240 Lophophorus impejanus Himalayan Monal

    8 241 Lophophorus sclateri Sclater's Monal

    8 242 Lophophorus lhuysii Chinese Monal

    8 243 Gallus gallus Red Junglefowl

    8 244 Gallus sonneratii Grey Junglefowl

    8 245 Gallus lafayetii Ceylon Junglefowl

    8 246 Gallus varius Green Junglefowl

    8 247 Lophura leucomelanos Kalij Pheasant

    8 248 Lophura nycthemera Silver Pheasant

    8 249 Lophura imperialis Imperial Pheasant

    8 250 Lophura edwardsi Edwards's Pheasant

    8 251 Lophura hatinhensis Vietnam Fireback

    8 252 Lophura swinhoii Swinhoe's Pheasant

    8 253 Lophura hoogerwerfi Sumatran Pheasant

    8 254 Lophura inornata Salvadori's Pheasant

    8 255 Lophura erythrophthalma Crestless Fireback

    8 256 Lophura ignita Crested Fireback

    8 257 Lophura diardi Siamese Fireback

    8 258 Lophura bulweri Bulwer's Pheasant

    8 259 Crossoptilon harmani Tibetan Eared-Pheasant

    8 260 Crossoptilon crossoptilon White Eared-Pheasant

    8 261 Crossoptilon mantchuricum Brown Eared-Pheasant

    8 262 Crossoptilon auritum Blue Eared-Pheasant

    8 263 Catreus wallichi Cheer Pheasant

    8 264 Syrmaticus ellioti Elliot's Pheasant

    8 265 Syrmaticus humiae Hume's Pheasant

    8 266 Syrmaticus mikado Mikado Pheasant

    8 267 Syrmaticus soemmerringii Copper Pheasant

    8 268 Syrmaticus reevesii Reeves's Pheasant

    8 269 Phasianus colchicus Common Pheasant

    8 270 Chrysolophus pictus Golden Pheasant

    8 271 Chrysolophus amherstiae Lady Amherst's Pheasant

    8 272 Polyplectron chalcurum Bronze-tailed Peacock-Pheasant

    8 273 Polyplectron inopinatum Mountain Peacock-Pheasant

    8 274 Polyplectron germaini Germain's Peacock-Pheasant

    8 275 Polyplectron bicalcaratum Grey Peacock-Pheasant

    8 276 Polyplectron malacense Malayan Peacock-Pheasant

    8 277 Polyplectron schleiermacheri Bornean Peacock-Pheasant

    8 278 Polyplectron emphanum Palawan Peacock-Pheasant

    8 279 Rheinardia ocellata Crested Argus

    8 280 Argusianus argus Great Argus

    8 281 Afropavo congensis Congo Peafowl

    8 282 Pavo cristatus Indian Peafowl

    8 283 Pavo muticus Green Peafowl

    8 284 Dendragapus falcipennis Siberian Grouse

    8 285 Dendragapus canadensis Spruce Grouse

    8 286 Dendragapus obscurus Blue Grouse

    8 287 Lagopus lagopus Willow Ptarmigan

    8 288 Lagopus mutus Rock Ptarmigan

    8 289 Lagopus leucurus White-tailed Ptarmigan

    8 290 Tetrao tetrix Black Grouse

    8 291 Tetrao mlokosiewiczi Caucasian Grouse

    8 292 Tetrao urogallus Western Capercaillie

    8 293 Tetrao parvirostris Black-billed Capercaillie

    8 294 Bonasa bonasia Hazel Grouse

    8 295 Bonasa sewerzowi Chinese Grouse

    8 296 Bonasa umbellus Ruffed Grouse

    8 297 Centrocercus urophasianus Sage Grouse

    8 298 Tympanuchus phasianellus Sharp-tailed Grouse

    8 299 Tympanuchus cupido Greater Prairie-chicken

    8 300 Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Lesser Prairie-chicken

    8 301 Meleagris gallopavo Wild Turkey

    8 302 Agriocharis ocellata Ocellated Turkey

    9 303 Agelastes meleagrides White-breasted Guineafowl

    9 304 Agelastes niger Black Guineafowl

    9 305 Numida meleagris Helmeted Guineafowl

    9 306 Guttera plumifera Plumed Guineafowl

    9 307 Guttera pucherani Crested Guineafowl

    9 308 Acryllium vulturinum Vulturine Guineafowl

    10 309 Dendrortyx barbatus Bearded Wood-Partridge

    10 310 Dendrortyx macroura Long-tailed Wood-Partridge

    10 311 Dendrortyx leucophrys Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge

    10 312 Oreortyx pictus Mountain Quail

    10 313 Callipepla squamata Scaled Quail

    10 314 Callipepla douglasii Elegant Quail

    June 16, 2017

  • 1 1 Struthio camelus Ostrich

    2 2 Rhea americana Greater Rhea

    2 3 Rhea pennata Lesser Rhea

    3 4 Casuarius casuarius Southern Cassowary

    3 5 Casuarius bennetti Dwarf Cassowary

    3 6 Casuarius unappendiculatus Northern Cassowary

    3 7 Dromaius novaehollandiae Emu

    4 8 Apteryx australis Brown Kiwi

    4 9 Apteryx owenii Little Spotted Kiwi

    4 10 Apteryx haastii Great Spotted Kiwi

    5 11 Tinamus tao Grey Tinamou

    5 12 Tinamus solitarius Solitary Tinamou

    5 13 Tinamus osgoodi Black Tinamou

    5 14 Tinamus major Great Tinamou

    5 15 Tinamus guttatus White-throated Tinamou

    5 16 Nothocercus bonapartei Highland Tinamou

    5 17 Nothocercus julius Tawny-breasted Tinamou

    5 18 Nothocercus nigrocapillus Hooded Tinamou

    5 19 Crypturellus berlepschi Berlepsch's Tinamou

    5 20 Crypturellus cinereus Cinereous Tinamou

    5 21 Crypturellus soui Little Tinamou

    5 22 Crypturellus ptaritepui Tepui Tinamou

    5 23 Crypturellus obsoletus Brown Tinamou

    5 24 Crypturellus cinnamomeus Thicket Tinamou

    5 25 Crypturellus undulatus Undulated Tinamou

    5 26 Crypturellus transfasciatus Pale-browed Tinamou

    5 27 Crypturellus strigulosus Brazilian Tinamou

    5 28 Crypturellus boucardi Slaty-breasted Tinamou

    5 29 Crypturellus kerriae Choco Tinamou

    5 30 Crypturellus erythropus Red-legged Tinamou

    5 31 Crypturellus duidae Grey-legged Tinamou

    5 32 Crypturellus noctivagus Yellow-legged Tinamou

    5 33 Crypturellus atrocapillus Black-capped Tinamou

    5 34 Crypturellus variegatus Variegated Tinamou

    5 35 Crypturellus brevirostris Rusty Tinamou

    5 36 Crypturellus bartletti Bartlett's Tinamou

    5 37 Crypturellus parvirostris Small-billed Tinamou

    5 38 Crypturellus casiquiare Barred Tinamou

    5 39 Crypturellus tataupa Tataupa Tinamou

    5 40 Rhynchotus rufescens Red-winged Tinamou

    5 41 Nothoprocta taczanowskii Taczanowski's Tinamou

    5 42 Nothoprocta kalinowskii Kalinowski's Tinamou

    5 43 Nothoprocta ornata Ornate Tinamou

    5 44 Nothoprocta pentlandii Andean Tinamou

    5 45 Nothoprocta cinerascens Brushland Tinamou

    5 46 Nothoprocta perdicaria Chilean Tinamou

    5 47 Nothoprocta curvirostris Curve-billed Tinamou

    5 48 Nothura darwinii Darwin's Nothura

    5 49 Nothura chacoensis Chaco Nothura

    5 50 Nothura maculosa Spotted Nothura

    5 51 Nothura minor Lesser Nothura

    5 52 Nothura boraquira White-bellied Nothura

    5 53 Taoniscus nanus Dwarf Tinamou

    June 16, 2017

  • Nicknames & Variations for Meredith

    Meridith, Meredyth, Meredy, Merry, Merridie, Meridie, Meredeth, Merridith, Meredithe, Meredythe, Merideth, Meradith, Meridath

    June 14, 2017

  • Dr. Meredith Grey, a main character on TV's "Grey's Anatomy"

    Dr. Meredith Fell, character on TV's "The Vampire Diaries"

    Meredith Sulez, character in "The Vampire Diaries" book series

    Meredith Blake, character in film "The Parent Trap"

    Meredith Morton, main character in film "The Family Stone"

    Meredith Elizabeth Palmer, character on TV's "The Office"

    Meredith Davies, Tru's sister on TV's "Tru Calling"

    Meredith Sorenson, character on TV's "Pretty Little Liars"

    Meredith King, character on TV's "The Nine Lives of Chloe King"

    Meredith Vickers, character in film "Prometheus"

    Meredith, character in film "Bratz"

    Meredith Patterson, character in comic strip "For Better or for Worse"

    Meredith "Merry" Baker Burchill, character in "The distant hours" by Kate Morton

    Meredith Walker, character on TV's "Teen Wolf"

    Meredith Blake, character in "Five Little Pigs" by Agatha Christie

    Meredith "Merry" Gentry, main character in the series by Laurell K. Hamilton

    Meredith Gordon, character on TV's "Heroes"

    Meredith Stannard, character in video game "Dragon Age 2"

    Meredith, character in film "The Conversation"

    From Margaret Forster's novel "Georgy Girl": "Meredith's real name was Mary, but she wasn't having any of that. She needed something much more original and pretty, so she chose Meredith and it sounded suitably soft and caressing on the lips of her numerous boyfriends."

    Meredith, character in "The Talented Mr. Ripley"

    Nicknames: Edith, Meri

    June 14, 2017

  • Meredith Vieira, American TV journalist

    Meredith Ann Baxter, American actress

    Meredith Ann Brooks, American musician

    Meredith Monroe, American actress

    Meredith Stepien, American singer/actress

    Meredith Baxter Birney, American actress

    Meredith McGrath, American tennis player

    Meredith Jane Monk, American composer

    Meredith Dawn Salenger, American actress

    Meredith Stiehm, American TV producer and writer

    Meredith Frances Andrews, American Christian singer

    Meredith Lynn MacRae, American actress, daughter of actor Gordon MacRae

    Meredith Grace Duggar, daughter of Josh Duggar of reality TV show 19 Kids and Counting

    Meredith Grace Mickelson, American model

    June 14, 2017

  • I will sing joyfully of Your loving kindness in the morning." 🎼🤗 Psalm 59:16

    June 14, 2017

  • Even a little gift may be vast with loving kindness

    June 14, 2017

  • Great is Your mercy towards me Your loving kindness towards me Your tender mercies I see, day after day

    June 14, 2017

  • Great is Your mercy towards me Your loving kindness towards me Your tender mercies I see, day after day

    June 14, 2017

  • Happy Tweet: The practice of loving kindness sets in motion all kinds of blessings. - Sally Hus

    June 14, 2017

  • Meredith, when said with the American and English pronunciation, offers the delightful "Merry/Merri" as a nickname. Be aware, however, that the correct Welsh pronunciation has the emphasis on the second syllable (muh-RED-ith), making "Reddy" a more suitable nickname.

    June 14, 2017

  • If u like some one go harass them a little out of loving kindness. If u like them enough its worth the gas don't tweet em 2,death that's gay

    June 14, 2017

  • I want to know what love is

    June 14, 2017

  • Meredith's highest point of popularity for girls in the U.S. was in the late seventies and into the eighties, when it ranked as high as Number 140.

    June 14, 2017

  • any insect of the family Cicadidae, which comprises large homopterous insects noted for the shrill sound produced by the male by means of vibrating membranes or drums on the underside of the abdomen.


    June 6, 2017

  • Daddy was a cop on the east side of Chicago

    Back in the U.S.A. back in the bad old days

    In the heat of a summer night

    In the land of the dollar bill

    When the town of Chicago died

    And they talk about it still

    When a man named Al Capone

    Tried to make that town his own

    And he called his gang to war

    With the forces of the law

    I heard my mama cry

    I heard her pray the night Chicago died

    Brother what a night it really was

    Brother what a fight it really was

    Glory be!

    I heard my mama cry

    I heard her pray the night Chicago died

    Brother what a night the people saw

    Brother what a fight the people saw

    Yes indeed!

    And the sound of the battle rang

    Through the streets of the old east side

    'Til the last of the hoodlum gang

    Had surrendered up or died

    There was shouting in the street

    And the sound of running feet

    And I asked someone who said

    "'Bout a hundred cops are dead!"

    I heard my mama cry

    I heard her pray the night Chicago died

    Brother what a night it really was

    Brother what a fight it really was

    Glory be!

    I heard my mama cry

    I heard her pray the night Chicago died

    Brother what a night the people saw

    Brother what a fight the people saw

    Yes indeed!

    And there was no sound at all

    But the clock upon the wall

    Then the door burst open wide

    And my daddy stepped inside

    And he kissed my mama's face

    And he brushed her tears away

    The night Chicago died

    (Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na)

    The night Chicago died

    Brother what a night the people saw

    Brother what a fight the people saw

    Yes indeed!

    The night Chicago died

    (Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na)

    The night Chicago died

    Brother what a night it really was

    Brother what a fight it really was

    Glory be!

    The night Chicago died

    (Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na)

    The night Chicago died

    Brother what a night the people saw

    Brother what a fight the people saw

    Yes indeed!

    June 6, 2017

  • 1843 T. Carlyle Past & Present iii. i. 185 We quietly believe this Universe to be intrinsically a great unintelligible Perhaps.

    June 5, 2017

  • 2003 St. John's Telgram (Newfoundland) (Nexis) 9 Apr. a13, I came up with all kinds of perhapses in an effort to avoid the inevitable face-to-face encounter with the truth.

    June 5, 2017

  • 1949 D. L. Sayers tr. Dante Comedy I. viii. 110 Horrid perhapses throng my doubtful mind.

    June 5, 2017

  • 1995 T. Parks Ital. Educ. 243, I have never in my life caught a fish, unless perhaps it was minnows and tiddlers in a net as a child.

    June 5, 2017

  • a1535 T. More Dialoge of Comfort (1553) iii. xxiv. sig. U.iv, But as it maie be perhappes ye, so it may be perhappes naye.

    June 5, 2017

  • also pronounced as prapz

    June 5, 2017

  • 1908 ‘J. Flynt’ My Life v. 76 Something in me says: ‘What is the use of “perhapsing” at this late hour?’

    June 5, 2017

  • Of a person: having a grave or solemn disposition, as a permanent attribute or tendency; of an earnest nature; having depth or solidity of character; (now) esp. thoughtful, responsible; not blithe or carefree.

    June 1, 2017

  • Coupled with the fact that animated flicks are notoriously expensive to produce and market, the cancellation of Larrikins doesn’t come as a shock to much of the film world.

    Minchin is perhaps best known for his role as the co-creator of the stage show Matilda the Musical.

    June 1, 2017

  • I'm a musician with a swollen sense of my ability to articulate my insignificance.

    Tim Minchin

    June 1, 2017

  • chitinous cheliceral fangs

    June 1, 2017

  • There are about 40 species of funnel-web spiders in Australia, but only six have been reported to cause severe envenomation, with victims generally around southern Queensland and northern New South Wales.

    June 1, 2017

  • The Australian Reptile Park runs the country's only venom milking program, to produce life-saving antivenom. (Image: Australian Reptile Park)

    June 1, 2017

  • Atracinae consists of three genera: Atrax, Hadronyche, and Illawarra, comprising 35 species. A number of the species produce venom which is dangerous to humans and bites by spiders of six of the species have caused severe injuries to victims. The bite of the Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus) is potentially deadly, but no fatalities have occurred since the introduction of modern first-aid techniques and antivenom.2

    June 1, 2017

  • The African honeybee, Apis mellifera adansonii, has attracted increasing attention in recent

    years, mainly as a result of the problems that arose following the introduction of this bee into

    Brazil in 1956.

    May 30, 2017

  • Apis mellifera adansonii, classified by Latreille, 1804 - originates Nigeria, Burkina Faso

    May 30, 2017

  • Apis mellifera adansonii
    Apis cerana
    Apis mellifera
    Amegilla dawsoni

    May 30, 2017

  • Robin Bedding has received many honours for his work on the use of nematodes to control the sirex wasp and other insect pests. He was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 1997 and a Fellow of the Society of Nematologists in 1998.

    May 30, 2017

  • Anagrams: (4): PAWS, SPAW, SWAP, WAPS

    May 30, 2017

  • Vespula germanica
    Diamma bicolor
    Sirex noctilio

    May 30, 2017

  • yellow crazy ant

    noun a species of ant, Anoplolepis gracilepses, yellow-brown in colour and stingless, which form large colonies; possibly originating in western Africa, it is now a pest in northern Australia and Christmas Island, and elsewhere in the world, because it destroys native plants and animals in the areas it colonises.

    May 29, 2017

  • bull ant The generic name Myrmecia derives from Greek word Myrmec- (+ -ia), meaning "ant".4 In Western Australia, the Australian Aborigines called these ants kallili or killal, meaning "lion-ant".

    May 29, 2017

  • "And by prayer, I don't mean shouting, mumbling, and wallowing like a hog in religious sentiment. Prayer is only another name for good, clean, direct thinking. When you pray, think. Think well what you're saying. Make your thoughts into things that are solid. In that way, your prayer will have strength, and that strength will become a part of you, body, mind, and spirit."

    How Green Was My Valley

    May 28, 2017

  • on a wing and a prayer, Colloquial with very little to sustain one's performance

    May 27, 2017

  • verb (t) (deprecated, deprecating)

    to express earnest disapproval of; urge reasons against; protest against (a scheme, purpose, etc.): *He said that the use of bad language in the A.I.F. was always deprecated –sidney j baker, 1966.

    Latin dēprecātus, past participle, having prayed against

    May 27, 2017

  • I've re-injured my already-once-injured knee and am now trying to be patient as it heals. The past few days have made me realize how much my current level of well-being depends on having working legs. So to all those of you who are limited by injuries, chronic pain, or illness right now... I give you my utmost respect. It really does make things harder. May we cultivate the patience we need to give ourselves what we need (and not just what we want).

    May 27, 2017

  • 1674 N. Fairfax Treat. Bulk & Selvedge 80 The definition or whatness of a thing ought to be of a thing as a thing.

    May 27, 2017

  • breathe more freely

    hearten, inspirit, incite. Obs.

    May 26, 2017

  • comfort

    Pronunciation of comfort /ˈkʌmfət/ (say 'kumfuht)

    verb (t) 1. to soothe when in grief; console; cheer.

    2. to make physically comfortable.

    3. Obsolete to aid; encourage.

    –noun 4. relief in affliction; consolation; solace.

    5. the feeling of relief or consolation.

    6. a person or thing that affords consolation.

    7. a cause or matter of relief or satisfaction.

    8. a state of ease, with freedom from pain and anxiety, and satisfaction of bodily wants.

    9. that which promotes such a state.

    10. US a comforter; bedspread.

    11. Obsolete strengthening aid; assistance.

    –phrase 12. draw (or take) comfort from, to find relief from anxiety or distress in.

    13. give comfort, (sometimes followed by to) to provide relief from pain or anguish.

    Middle English conforte(n), from Old French conforter, from Latin confortāre strengthen

    –comforting, adjective

    –comfortingly, adverb

    –comfortless, adjective

    –comfortlessly, adverb

    –comfortlessness, noun

    May 26, 2017

  • 594 Shakespeare Lucrece sig. F3, O comfort-killing night, image of Hell.

    May 26, 2017

  • 1673 Dryden Amboyna ii. 19 In the mean time, bear my worthy friend here company.

    my friends of wordnik can you see the here in atmosp(here)

    I am here there and nowhere

    I am hereinabove

    I am hereinbelow

    May 25, 2017

  • here-and-thereian n. (humorous nonce-wd.) one who moves about from place to place.

    1701 C. Cibber Love makes Man iv. 43, I am a kind of a—what decallum—a sort of a Here-and—thereian; I am Stranger no where.

    May 25, 2017

  • 1718 Pope tr. Homer Iliad IV. xiii. 331 Inglorious here, my Soul abhors to stay.

    May 25, 2017

  • If you look at the word nowhere you could see it as now here !

    May 25, 2017

  • runner a bird that cannot fly, either because it is too young, or because it is deceased or wounded.

    May 23, 2017

  • by David Sutton

    May 23, 2017

  • Vocabularies

    Like stars, or swarming bees, or flocks of birds,

    We think them hardly countable, our words.

    Yet fifty thousand's all we use, it seems,

    For truth and lies, reality and dreams.

    Which puzzles me. The world's more things than that.

    Do languages grow lean as lives grow fat?

    Is so much absent from our brains and eyes?

    What's lost, I say, when we economize?

    There's too much difference we make the same.

    All poets love the miracle of name

    Yet mourn exactitudes they cannot state:

    The single noun that might denominate

    Their moods of quietness like falling snow,

    Or yearn for lexicons they cannot know:

    The speech of eagles, what the dolphins sing,

    The glossolalia of leaves in spring...

    Nothing, we dream, could bring us to content

    But fifty million words for what we meant,

    To fit whatever happened like a glove,

    Redeeming lost pluralities of love,

    Until we wake to truth, and see again

    Unharvested, like leagues of sunset grain,

    Outnumbering all stars and bees and birds,

    The matchless universe beyond our words.

    May 23, 2017

  • Ford Australia produced the first Australian "ute" in 1932.

    May 21, 2017

  • The term pickup is of unknown origin. It was used by Studebaker in 1913 and by the 1930s pick-up (hyphenated) had become the standard term.5 In Australia and New Zealand ute, short for utility, is used for both pickups and coupé utilities. In South Africa people of all language groups use the term bakkie, a diminutive of bak, Afrikaans for bowl.

    May 21, 2017


    May 21, 2017

  • xxxx pronounced 4x

    May 21, 2017

  • GOOSE, to poke between the buttocks

    –verb (t) (goosed, goosing)

    1. to poke (someone) between the buttocks, usually in fun and unexpectedly.

    –noun (plural gooses)

    2. an unexpected poke between the buttocks.

    ? rhyming slang goose and duck fuck

    May 20, 2017

  • The place where two streets meet.

    May 19, 2017

  • Corner is an unincorporated community in Jefferson County, Alabama, United States

    May 19, 2017

  • In old Russian cookbooks it was called simply green soup.23

    May 19, 2017

  • Stats

    ‘Donald Trump’ has been looked up 322 times, is no one's favorite word yet, has been added to 1 list, has no comments yet, and is not a valid Scrabble word.

    May 19, 2017

  • This could be interesting....

    keep it succinct

    May 19, 2017

  • Another of my favourite Hopkins poems, which considering the date of its composition (1881) seems remarkably prophetic of our current concern for habitat loss and the ever-diminishing role of wild nature in our lives. David Sutton

    May 7, 2017

  • I want to chat with ruzuzu on Pinterest How do I do that?

    May 4, 2017


    May 2, 2017


    May 2, 2017

  • Australasian robin(s) The bird family Petroicidae includes roughly 45 species in about 15 genera. All are endemic to Australasia: New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and numerous Pacific Islands as far east as Samoa

    April 28, 2017

  • more lookups for penis than happiness 13,277 to 10,609 sex gets 23,683 moist gets 12,998 fuck gets 23,519 is gets 22,837 good gets 17,898 antidisestablishmentarianism gets 13,538 the gets 28,261 bilby gets 13,531 hack gets 10,531 gullible gets 7,162 evil gets 9,443 be gets 22,058  looks like love wins hands down ,LOL gets 3,044  lol gets 15,204 wordnik gets 15,131 test gets 47,787

    April 24, 2017

  • Love has been looked up 3,947 times, favorited 16 times, listed 253 times, commented on 21 times, and has a Scrabble score of 7.

    July 24, 2010 yes but now 2017 it is over 69,000 thanks ALEXZ ‘hate’ has been looked up 11890 times

    April 24, 2017

  • okay wordniks what are the most looked up words eg and ie fleek has been looked up

    39,300 times

    April 24, 2017

  • crop dusting

    2. Colloquial the practice of releasing a silent fart while walking close to another person or group of people.

    April 24, 2017

  • a shitstorm of fucktardation

    April 23, 2017

  • Democrat2/ˈdɛməkræt/ (say 'demuhkrat)

    noun a large, crisp, deep red apple, sweet with acidic overtones, originating near Glenorchy, Tasmania, in about 1900.

    Also, (formerly), Tasma.

    April 21, 2017

  • noctivagator ,A person who wanders or roams about at night.

    April 14, 2017

  • Some may call me anal retentive but what about




    These species are worth listing

    April 14, 2017

  • no-ie

    noun Cricket Colloquial a no-ball.

    April 14, 2017

  • now fixed thanks alexz

    April 13, 2017

  • wouldn't shout if a shark bit him

    April 11, 2017

  • The exaltation of the larks

    were heard in high-exalting

    by the mallards who were rather flushed

    from playing in the puddling

    April 10, 2017

  • tombstoning noun Insurance the illegal practice of writing insurance policies for dead or fictitious people, in order to boost one's sales commission.

    from the tombstone1 marking the burial place of someone who has died

    April 8, 2017

  • Fine words butter no parsnips

    April 5, 2017

  • related to journal

    April 5, 2017

  • The cheese slid off my cracker,wtf is this list ? please explain

    April 5, 2017

  • Beckham really pissed on his chips when he kicked that Argie.

    April 5, 2017

  • People who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire when you're a failure are suddenly all over you when you're successful.

    April 5, 2017

  • I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire

    April 5, 2017

  • I had a moment ......

    April 4, 2017

  • don't be intimi(dated) by the word date

    April 3, 2017

  • dafuq

    interjection Colloquial (taboo) (an exclamation indicating surprise, indignation, anger, etc.)

    a respelt shortening of what the fuck?

    March 28, 2017

  • occulingus

    noun the practice of licking the eyeballs of one's sexual partner as a form of amorous activity.

    Latin occu(lus) eye + ling(ua) tongue + -us

    March 17, 2017

  • floral foam dropped from the entry oasis

    March 17, 2017

  • pawn-and-prawn instead of porn-and-prawn,even lexicographers make mistakes in the 6th edition

    March 15, 2017

  • buttered toast yum

    March 14, 2017

  • butter icing

    March 14, 2017

  • butterfat

    March 14, 2017

  • Butter is a 2011 comedy film directed by Jim Field Smith

    March 14, 2017

  • butter chicken, unsalted butter

    March 14, 2017

  • butter-and-egg man U.S. slang a wealthy, unsophisticated man who spends money freely.

    March 14, 2017

  • butter tart, butter up, melted butter

    March 14, 2017

  • butter-knife ,butter-and-eggs

    March 14, 2017

  • hackbutter hagbutter ,I can do this all night

    March 14, 2017

  • butter of zinc, nutbutter,rebutter,buttercup,unbuttered,butterscotch,butterweed

    March 14, 2017

  • butter believe it ,abutter , is good too

    March 14, 2017

  • wwilf what was I looking for

    March 6, 2017

  • note yummy is a noun watermelon has a new meaning and shipping .... speaker (ecstacy tablet), stunt is a battle, spridg is now  spridge and looks like a correction redux is a noun   range is grazing ground for stock in US,rip ripper -surfing,rinse,package=genitalia ,pad has been reworked,new sense for parachute to do with politics, pegged (computers), pop (colour) ,power(saw,tool),pull (corn),obsessive is a noun ,olive branch (ww1) ,open(completion) overrun (bushfire),native ((of an application) designed specifically for the operating system of a particular digital device), master (free settler), meat (totem) mess (convicts),mock (loser) leg (Australian Rules) like (social media) lit (as in English lit) hendra virus corrected to Hendra virus.GIFT expanded definition.fall ,autumn ,fat (bass) fizzer very good.friend (social network verb) date (utero) deal (drugs) dog(affectionate term dog (informer)duff (ugly woman) dummy (mannequin) cagey (marble)carry (weight) catfish (internet) casino (dance music) clean (not polluting the environment) closeted (undisclosed) commit (relationship) con (convention)contained (bushfire) conversion (linguistic) cook (drugs)corners (game) cray adj meaning crazy croppy (crop circle person) babe (woman with style) band (a cluster of locusts) band (ring)bardi ( as fish bait) bavette (steak) bingo (scrabble) blow (cocaine) board (kiteboard paddleboard) bone (intercourse) boom (projecting arm) brush(dress the hair) buffed (computer games) bumper (pinball) activated (of nuts) work (shape stone or metal) toss (completion eg tuna toss) S (in clothing size small) sabayon (sauce for fish)section (mental health)scutch (bricks)shake (elude)soil(cooking) stinger(spike strip) stunt (battle,trick) sucky (wave with strong backwash) yak(kayak) quaff(clever ploy) palm (transfer secretly) stop word (panic word)ombre (adj) lend(convict) legend (false life history) lodge (income tax) play the short game (whist) jackknife(jackleg knife) hokey-pokey (ice cream) growl (vagina) froth(horse foam)chinstrap(beard) cupping(coffee cupping)

    March 6, 2017

  • kangarooing kangarooed

    5. to squat over a toilet seat, while avoiding contact with it.

    December 10, 2016

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