Comments by kalayzich

Show previous 200 comments...

  • save the last dance for me

    July 15, 2015

  • The word armadillo means "little armoured one" in Spanish

    July 8, 2015

  • mollyhawk mollymawk mollification

    July 6, 2015

  • sausage fest/ˈsɒsɪdʒ fɛst/ (say 'sosij fest)

    noun 1. a fundraiser, festival, etc., which takes the form of a meal at which sausages are featured.

    2. Colloquial a place or event at which there are many sexually attractive males.

    Also, sausage party. def. 2 sausage (def. 3) + -fest

    July 1, 2015

  • omnivore

    From Latin omne "all, everything" + vorare "to devour".

    June 30, 2015

  • A microwave is a clock that occasionally cooks shit.

    (n) A hand gesture used by a midget to say hello

    Gods gift to single men.

    a device that uses magic power to heat food up. they often make a beeping noise when they are finished working their magic

    A girl who will get you warmed up but never cooks you well. A tease.

    June 3, 2015

  • the hedgehog and erinaceous are ontologically one in being sharing a hypostatic union from which the echidna

    proceeds .

    May 27, 2015

  • AJI a type of chili pepper

    CAF a cafeteria or cafe

    CAL small calorie

    CUZ a cousin

    DAS plural of da

    DEP a convenience store

    DOH do

    DUM cooked with steam

    ECO ecology

    EEW eeew, used to express disgust

    EMO emo rock

    EST a group technique for raising self awareness

    FAH fa

    FOO a name for temporary computer files

    GIF a computer file

    GIS plural of gi

    GRR interj used to express annoyance

    HOM a sacred plant of the ancient Persians

    HOO expresses suprise (interj)

    LAH la

    LOR variant of lord

    LUD a form of address to a judge in a court

    LUN a lee

    MAM a mother

    MEH interj boring

    MES ???

    MMM mm

    MOI me- interj

    MUX to transmit several messages simultaneously along a single channel

    NAV navigation

    NUG a chunk of wood sawn from a log

    OCH used to express surprise or regret

    OIK a very rude or stupid person

    OMA grandmother

    OOF interj used to express discomfort

    OPA grandfather

    ORG organization

    OWT anything

    PAK pack

    PHO Vietnamese soup

    POS plural of po

    REZ reservation (area of land)

    ROO kangaroo

    RYU school of japanese martial arts

    SAN a sanatorium

    SEV an Indian food of deep fried strands of flour

    SEZ ???

    SHO former monetary unit of Tibet

    SIG an email signature

    SOC a sociology course

    SOH sol

    SUS to suss (figure out)

    TEC tech

    TES plural of te

    TIX tickets

    TIZ tizzy

    TUM stomach

    UMS to pause in speaking

    UNI uniform/ university

    VIN French wine

    VOG air pollution caused by volcano

    XED to mark with an X

    YAS an Asian pear

    YER ??? (found on naspa website)

    YEZ you

    WUZ ???

    April 19, 2015

  • Sc.

    Categories »

    intr. Of a (small) dog: to yelp, bark. Hence, of a child or small or insignificant person: to speak in a cheeky or peevish manner; to whinge.

    1808 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. (at cited word), Nyaff, to yelp, to bark. It properly denotes the noise made by a small dog; although sometimes applied to a the pert chat of a saucy child, or of any person of a diminutive appearance.

    1907 D. B. Nicolson in J. Horne County Caithness i. iv. 80 Niaff, to yelp, to bark.

    1985 M. Munro Patter 50 Nyaff, to yelp; to bark. Applied to the pert chat of a saucy child, or of any diminutive person

    April 19, 2015

  • 1830 M. R. Mitford Our Village (1863) IV. 182 Flumping himself down in the midst of a tuft of cowslips.

    April 19, 2015

  • mardy-arse n. derogatory a spoilt, pampered, or cowardly person.

    1977 Jrnl. Lancs. Dial. Soc. Dec. 16/1 Mardy-arse, spoilt child.

    1990 Sunday Correspondent 8 Apr. 18/4 Some probably feared being labelled ‘mardy arses’—Mancunian for softies.

    April 19, 2015

  • flisky

    1. Sc. Flighty, frolicsome; of a horse: Skittish.

    1807 J. Hogg Auld Ettrick John 8 Mount. Bard 195 Auld Johnie's flisky dame.

    1856 G. Henderson Pop. Rhymes Berwick 48 You're like Adam Black's pony, Flisky, pranky—and no very canny.

    1880 W. H. Patterson Gloss. Words Antrim & Down Flisky, skittish, specially applied to a mare which kicks when touched on the flank

    April 19, 2015

  • 2. Colloquial a person who socially paves the way, assisting another in the making of friends or attracting sexual partners.

    March 12, 2014

  • I love your dervish dancing in the left hand corner

    March 3, 2014

  • so wordnik is digital cyber potential palimpsest

    not to mention our dna that has a history of our

    comings and shortcomings

    February 28, 2014

  • Skeleton is one of the Olympic sport disciplines contested at the Winter Olympic Games It was introduced at the 1928 Winter Olympics

    February 28, 2014

  • Oldest penguin in captivity was Rocky aged 29

    a rockhopper penguin

    February 27, 2014

  • 1884 A. A. Putnam 10 Years Police Judge xii. 104 The cattle..were a skeletony-looking herd

    February 27, 2014

  • Oto, Iowa

    Oto is a city in Woodbury County , Iowa , United States

    February 26, 2014

  • The zucchetto (/tsʊˈkɛtoʊ/; Italian pronunciation: t͡sukˈketto;1 Italian: "small gourd", from zucca, "pumpkin",2 figuratively referred to the human head3)

    February 24, 2014

  • Atlantic Giant (This variety holds the worlds record for the heaviest pumpkin: 2,009lbs by Ron Wallace in 2012

    February 24, 2014

  • Pumpkin Island

    Pumpkin Island is a privately owned island on Keppel Bay near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia It is 13.8 | km | mi off the coast ...

    February 24, 2014

  • Slutty Pumpkin

    "Slutty Pumpkin" is the sixth episode in the first season of the television series How I Met Your Mother . It originally aired on October ...

    February 24, 2014

  • I will accept your ethnobotanic apology

    February 24, 2014

  • I added two,dont want to gip ya
    but you can get the rest from here


    February 24, 2014

  • two bob

    2. a circular pattern made on the ground by driving a car in a tight circle at high speed and causing the rear wheels to skid; a doughnut.

    my twenty cents worth

    February 23, 2014

  • bilby commented on the word orange

    Someone called John Field is responsible for this limerick:

    There once was a man of Fort Orange

    Who longed to make rhymes using orange.

    But he quit in despair,

    And hung himself in mid-air,

    Where he swings to and fro like a door 'inge.

    November 25, 2007

    February 23, 2014

  • Claire profile image



    Gotta love walking in rainish hail to get to volleyball

    February 21, 2014

  • The ant is tenacious, strong, aggressive, generous, and very meticulous. The Ants most pronounced characteristic is patience. An ant can wait patiently for hours, hidden in the sand, for its prey, or it can transport items larger than itself over long distances without giving up. Ants typically live in groups, and everything is done for the ant colony and the good of the community. The ant teaches that you will have everything you need and will receive it when you need it most. It is the symbol of basic trust. It knows that it will ultimately be rewarded for all its efforts. If your activities are for the common good, then you will receive back any energy that you have expended in amplified form. It may be, however, that you will have to put greater effort into the realization of your dreams and use your creativity.

    February 20, 2014

  • The horse shows both earthly strength and unearthly powers. It is regarded highly throughout the world and connected with the magical powers of shamans. With the help of the horse's speed, a person can cover long distances in a relatively short period of time. The horse has also made transportation of goods a lot easier. It is, therefore, the first and foremost totem animal of civilization. The power of an engine to this day is measured in horsepower. Riding a horse conveys a sense of freedom. It teaches that power cannot be attained by force, but rather that it is given to him who is willing to accept responsibility in a respectful manner. Just as the horse carries its rider on its back, the rider carries responsibility for everything around him. The power of the horse is the wisdom to remember all the steps in one's life and learn from them. This includes experiences from a previous life. Real power is strength used with wisdom. This requires love, compassion, and the willingness to share one's achievements and insights with others. It is important not to let our ego deny us access to this power.

    February 20, 2014


    The Parrot is a message of selfishness, self-centeredness and self importance. The Parrot is a showy and brightly colored identity whom has developed a self important illusion about his place in the hierarchy of life, and his journey is that of recognizing the imposter in himself. Parrots love the sound of their own opinionated voice, always trying to be heard over others. Despite the self-centered attitude and loud mouthed nature, Parrot people are mostly harmless, desperate to be acknowledged and seeking the attention that was failed to them in childhood. When Parrot appears it is an indication that there is a journey into the past required to heal the inner child.

    February 20, 2014

  • The wombat is a totem of resourcefulness, stability and foundation. Wombats have long claws adapted for digging. They teach us how to dig beneath the surface to acquire the resources needed for change. Strong and heavily built, with short powerful legs and strong claws the wombat holds the teachings of stability and foundation. They stand their ground in most situations and are not easily intimidated. Industrious, determined and very smart they have a large brain and know how to use it. These traits are inherent in wombat medicine people yet not always used. Wombat asks you to wake up and use the gifts that are your birth right. Use your will constructively but don't be too pushy in your determination to achieve. Wombats are playful and will folic with what seems like endless energy. They are also quite fast moving when they need to be. Their small ears hear frequencies and sounds unknown to humans and their small eyes can see what lies between the spaces. This indicates that their psychic vision and psychic hearing are fully developed. Those with this totem often find themselves in situations where their psychic skills are tested, criticized, ignored or praised. They are reminded to honor their truth and not be intimidated by others.

    February 20, 2014

  • The penguin signifies order, purpose and community. Penguins exude an air of properness and good manners, and are community coded where they will walk bolt upright forming several lines denoting a sense of order and purpose, determination and focus. Penguin people bear the same qualities and are bound to become great leaders within their group. Both male and female penguins bow to one another before entering or leaving the nest, and their human counterparts make fine partners and parents. The bow is a behavior demonstrated most often in pairs. Those with the Penguin totem are usually meticulous about their appearance and enjoy life styles related to high society. They are social and feel at ease in any type of situation. The Penguins message is to embrace and understand all realms of life, including the dreamtime (meditative) states. If the Penguin has appeared in your life prepare for a life altering course of mastery, fascination and transformation.

    February 20, 2014

  • The wombat is a totem of resourcefulness, stability and foundation. Wombats have long claws adapted for digging. They teach us how to dig beneath the surface to acquire the resources needed for change. Strong and heavily built, with short powerful legs and strong claws the wombat holds the teachings of stability and foundation. They stand their ground in most situations and are not easily intimidated. Industrious, determined and very smart they have a large brain and know how to use it. These traits are inherent in wombat medicine people yet not always used. Wombat asks you to wake up and use the gifts that are your birth right. Use your will constructively but don't be too pushy in your determination to achieve. Wombats are playful and will folic with what seems like endless energy. They are also quite fast moving when they need to be. Their small ears hear frequencies and sounds unknown to humans and their small eyes can see what lies between the spaces. This indicates that their psychic vision and psychic hearing are fully developed. Those with this totem often find themselves in situations where their psychic skills are tested, criticized, ignored or praised. They are reminded to honor their truth and not be intimidated by others.

    February 20, 2014


    In the medicine wheel, the Echidna takes the place of an innocent child. Its disposition is friendly and loving; it is never the instigator of trouble. If it happens to be attacked by another animal, which rarely occurs, its spines will protect it. The teaching of the Echidna embraces faith and trust. Since faith is said to move mountains, this is a very significant power to have. This animal teaches us to be open, to discover new miracles every day, and to free ourselves from the serious routine world of adults. The Echidna has held on to a child-like sense of wonder and its trust in the divine plan where everything will turn out all right. Its friendliness and openness can unlock the hearts of others in order to share love and joy.

    February 20, 2014

  • Vampyrus spectrum,does phil spector remind you of spectre

    February 18, 2014

  • bilby commented on the word sun

    "Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth 'You owe me'. Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky."

    - Hafiz.

    December 29, 2007

    February 13, 2014

  • hello,hold the phone ,but is wrong with


    February 10, 2014

  • where did you find quadrocopter?

    January 29, 2014

  • pescetarian

    noun a vegetarian who will eat fish.

    Also, pescatarian. variant of Latin pisces fish + -arian

    –pescetarianism, noun

    already in the dictionary !

    January 27, 2014

  • turkey slap

    –noun Colloquial (taboo) (of a male) the act of slapping a person's face with one's erect or semi-erect penis.

    January 8, 2014

  • staggering bob

    noun 1. a very young calf.

    2. meat from such a calf.

    January 3, 2014

  • slippery bob

    noun (in colonial bush cooking) a croquette made using kangaroo brains.

    January 3, 2014

  • •axe wound – badly wrapped kebab – bald man in a boat – bang hole – bat cave – bean – bearded clam – bearded oyster – beav – beaver – beefcurtain – beef curtain – beef flap – birth cannon – blue waffle – box – bread – buju – camel's foot – camel toe – candy – chach – cha cha – cherry – chocha – cho-cho – chonch – choot – clit – clown hole – clunge – cock – cock pocket – cock socket – coo – cooch – coochie – cookie – coosie – cooter – cuder – cunny – cunt – cunt hole – cunt punt – cutty – cut up – 'c' word – fanny – fish taco – flange – front bottom – fuck hole – fur burger – fur pie – gap – gash – growler – hair burger – hair pie – ham flap – ham wallet – hatchet wound – hooded lady – hoo-hoo – hot pocket – ill na-na – incision – jute – kitty – kooch – kooter – kuder – lip – love cave – love taco – lunchmeat – mangina – man in the boat – man in the boat, the – meat curtains – meat flap – meatwallet – meat wallet – minge – moose knuckle – muff – muffin – na-na – nappy dugout – neden – ninja foot – nookie – open wound – pink – pink canoe – pink sausage wallet – pink taco – pink velvet sausage wallet – piss flaps – pookie – poon – poonaner – poonani – poontang – poon tang pie – pootang – poo tang – pooter – pootie tang – prison purse – promised land, the – punani – punanni – puss – pussy – putang – pu-tang – quif – quiff – quim – quivering mound of love pudding – roast beef – roast beef curtains – slit – smush mitten – snatch – snizz – soggy box – sprained vagina – tampon tunnel – tang – trim – tunnel of love – twat – twitchet – V – vadge – vag – vagine – vagoo – vajayjay – va-jay-jay – vajizzle – vertical smile – whisker biscuit – whispering eye – wizard sleeve – woo – woogit – wugget – wuss

    December 30, 2013

  • laari is in ospd 4 and lari and laree

    December 20, 2013

  • Etymology: The Old English gingiber, gingifer(e are directly < late Latin gingiber = the earlier zingiber(i, < Greek ζιγγίβερις, apparently < Prakrit siŋgabēra < Sanskrit çṛŋgavēra, which has the appearance of a compound of çṛŋga horn and vēra body, but is supposed by Yule to be an etymologizing perversion (suggested by the antler-like form of the root) of a Dravidian name, a prehistoric form of the Malayalam synonym inchi-ver ( < inchi root). The Middle English forms seem to be readoptions chiefly through Old French gimgibre, gingimbre (modern French gingembre) = Provençal gingibre, gingebre, Spanish gengibre, agengibre, Portuguese gengivre, Italian zenzevero, zenzero, gengero, gengiovo.

    Other forms of this widely diffused word are Arabic zanjabīl (already in the Qur'an); Middle Dutch gengber (from Spanish or Portuguese) whence Dutch gember; also (with loss of the initial consonant as in German enzian from Latin gentiāna) Middle High German ingewer (German ingwer), Middle Low German engewer, Danish ingefær, Swedish ingefära.

    December 15, 2013

  • 1865 J. R. Lowell Lett. (1894) I. 348 There, by ginger! I meant to give the merest hint of a sentiment, and I have gone splash into a moral.

    1. The rhizome of the tropical plant Zingiber officinale, remarkable for its hot spicy taste; used when dried and ground in cookery and as a medicine; also preserved in syrup or candied as a sweetmeat.

    December 15, 2013

  • 1881 H. James Portrait of Lady xxxii, Disaccustomed to living with an invalid.

    December 13, 2013

  • fire front/ˈfaɪə frʌnt/ (say 'fuyuh frunt)

    noun the part of a bushfire within which continuous flaming combustion is taking place.

    Also, firefront. [by analogy with a military front

    December 7, 2013

  • fireground/ˈfaɪəgraʊnd/ (say 'fuyuhgrownd)

    noun the area where a wildfire is actively burning.

    what part of tassie are u from?

    December 7, 2013

  • fire cam/ˈfaɪə kæm/ (say 'fuyuh kam)

    noun a camera mounted on an observation tower which registers the smoke and flames from a bushfire and triggers an alert, while also providing a record of activity in the area, as for identifying arsonists.

    December 7, 2013

  • Yet Americo Castro, who coined the word convivencia to describe the life of the three faiths in the caliphate of Cordoba, wrote, in his book The Structure of Spanish History: "Each of the three peoples of the peninsula saw itself forced to live for eight centuries together with the other two at the same time as it passionately desired their extermination."

    December 6, 2013


    December 1, 2013

  • please add any likeable/dislikeable cricket sledging quotes

    November 25, 2013

  • blepharoplastic

    November 23, 2013

  • abdominoplastic on pg 2 of the Macquarie Dictionary 6th edition 2013

    November 17, 2013

  • thx alexz,bilby,racehead,ruzuzu

    heart of the truth

    heart of London

    November 13, 2013

  • darg/dag/ (say dahg)

    noun 1. a day's work.

    2. Mining a production quota.

    –verb (i) 3. Mining to record one's daily output.

    Middle English dawerk, Old English dægweorc day-work

    October 24, 2013

  • lacerant is a nonce word Mr Zeke

    What was James Joyce' intended meaning?

    October 6, 2013

  • agalwood

    September 23, 2013

  • Maccas is capitalized but I do have macca,a macadamia nut.

    Are you able to open my large list?

    September 10, 2013

  • “Gibbery, gibbery gab, The women had a confab And demanded the rights To wear the tights.

    September 6, 2013

  • I would love to add gobshite to my shit list but all my lists will not come up.

    who else is experiencing this problem?

    feedback icon better at the top not the left hand part of screen

    August 3, 2013

  • futureproof/ˈfjutʃəpruf/ (say 'fjoohchuhproohf)

    adjective 1. secure, whatever might happen in the future: a futureproof power supply.

    –verb (t) 2. to make secure, whatever might happen in the future: to futureproof the city's water supply.

    –futureproofing, noun

    August 2, 2013

  • wearproof



    dustproof does not require a hyphen

    July 30, 2013

  • chaos is in the eye of the beholder

    July 22, 2013

  • bidgee widgee the burr of this plant is called buzzy

    July 21, 2013

  • anyone heard of wormburner in relation to cricket?

    July 16, 2013

  • “My mum calls dog poos mr.whippies”


    November 11, 2012

  • does spag bol make sense?I knew I should add alla

    for the precision.

    thanks for pointing this out

    November 6, 2012

  • Looks like you are technically correct but

    I am now including pasta puttanesca.Furthermore Id like

    a show of hands to those who textually mine from paper

    text.Not interested in Wikipedia mining per se.Id also like to

    hear why people textually mine? Ive heard one person say they do it because its fun and they are crazy.Perhaps there is an

    element of addiction here.

    Having spent a good 4hrs on pasta made me want to spend

    time with my mother and learn how to make potato gnocchi the

    artisanal way

    October 30, 2012

  • puttanesca style

    October 30, 2012

  • 1871 J. Earle Philol. Eng. Tongue xii. 535 All languages use greater freedom of collocation in poetry than in prose.

    October 29, 2012

  • Im really sorry to inform you that "amino acid" is a noun but

    amino functions as an adjective ie what type of acid

    So Im not convinced of your noun noun approach but Im open to correction.You seem to be hellbent on being number one lister

    here.What is the purpose of your investigation?

    Okay lets go down the list, bighorn sheep,not really science to me

    there.Personally I cant think of all the species

    So you are stealing/borrowing/kidnapping to increase your

    primacy as a word lister,at least you acknowledged your source

    and didnt take the 10,000 on offer.

    October 29, 2012

  • Dear Uglyasrobin,

    Thankyou for the deep concern you have for my lists.

    Actions speak louder than words.I have removed all unimaginative lists.

    How true that lexicographers are thieves/kidnappers.Until the next

    wordhiccupnik ....keep collocating

    October 28, 2012

  • headbanger is not legal to play in scrabbble but headbanging is

    October 23, 2012

  • fracteur = mining gelignite

    October 22, 2012

  • 1891 N. Gould Double Event 117 (Farmer) People jammed inside like herrings in a barrel.

    October 19, 2012

  • aftereye,aleye,silvereye,eyewink,outjockeyed

    October 17, 2012

  • banjolele does appear on Collins online English Dictionary as a recent entry

    you can see lots of new words

    see oojamaflip

    October 15, 2012

  • gonk konk monk ponk clonk cronk quonk skronk tronk onkus

    conky donko honky bonked bonking donkeywork monkey

    monkeyshine shonkiest

    October 9, 2012

  • what about retrocedence ,retrocessive retrodicted retroflexing

    retrograded retrograding retrophiliac retropulsive retroreflection

    retrosexual retrospected retrospective retrospectively

    retroverse retroverted and what about retroaction or retroactiveness

    retrospectivity retrogressively

    and bar(retro)us bar(retro)usly

    October 6, 2012

  • “The pukamani poles are of a quality not on show anywhere else in Australia or the world,”

    “A set of ornately carved wooden funeral poles are the same style of those still used by the people of the Tiwi Islands for the pukamani ceremony, which is believed to send the soul into the spirit world to live on forever.”

    October 5, 2012

  • pukamani pole a pole prepared and painted for use in a Tiwi funeral ceremony

    has been looked up 673 times

    October 5, 2012

  • I see historic election occurs in 3 of your lists

    September 25, 2012


    September 25, 2012

  • microhierax is not listed in a dictionary,

    could you please remove it from my bird list.


    September 20, 2012

  • at least 78 playable scrabble words in wordnik

    September 20, 2012

  • alectryomancy

    Divination using a cock, typically by interpreting patterns in its pecking at grains of corn.

    September 13, 2012

  • what about ho(mony)m would you accept mony

    inside a word?

    September 13, 2012

  • geneva is Hollands gin and playable in scrabble

    September 10, 2012

  • Geneva hat

    Geneva mechanism

    Geneva motion

    Geneva movement

    Geneva set

    Geneva set ruff

    Geneva stop

    Geneva watch

    September 10, 2012

  • abcee


    September 8, 2012


    someone using the word adimpleate

    September 7, 2012

  • is that another way of saying fork it

    September 6, 2012

  • I smashed my olecranon,and the physiotherapist used to

    measure my elbow angle with a goniometer.



    September 4, 2012

  • skutterudite is a good word

    September 3, 2012

  • you dont have the Gorgeted Puffleg

    September 2, 2012

  • I ruminate

    therefore Im a ruminant

    stomach that if you can

    dont paunch me out


    fardel bag

    August 31, 2012



    A word, esp. a little or slight one.

    1718 A. Ramsay Christ's-kirk on Green iii. 30 She her Man, like a Lamy led Hame, wi a well wail'd Wordy.

    1785 R. Burns Poems & Songs (1968) I. 124 A pack..Wha..Can easy, wi' a single wordie, Louse h-ll upon me.

    a1840 J. Baillie Woo'd & Married (song) 38 Weel waled were his wordies.

    1932 R. L. Cassie Sangs 25 We pauchle on, we peenge an' pine For want o' wordies wee.

    1979 P. Reading Coll. Poems (1995) I. 223 Speak to me, Cocky. Say a little wordie.

    2000 Aberdeen Evening Press (Nexis) 21 July 18 He's comin ower tae hae a wordie wie' us!

    August 31, 2012

  • How does one find which " A word is the most listed ?

    August 30, 2012

  • does not mean anything.

    They decided to standardise all Maori

    words with an ess.Before that some took an ess and

    some did not.

    Funny how oi gets 20 hits, but here it means a grey-faced petrel

    August 30, 2012


    August 30, 2012

  • one is from watership down and harry potter

    August 30, 2012

  • 32 more - some slang too

    August 30, 2012

  • handle with care,there are 405 frogs all up in Australia

    August 29, 2012

  • IKEA makes the valid word kaie an obsolete form of key

    must be L(ikea)ble

    August 29, 2012

  • supercalafajalistickespeealadojus, supercalafajalistickespialadojus, 19– supercalafragalisticexpialidocious, 19– supercalafragilisticexpialadocious, 19–

    supercalafragilisticexpialidocious, 20– supercalafragalisticexpialadocious.

    these are all variants in the OED

    August 29, 2012

  • I was thinking of that song "with eyes wide open"

    thanks for your contributions

    I see you have found a way to view lists you love

    why didnt I think of that?

    August 29, 2012

  • platypus gets 44 hits while wombats get 43 hits

    kangaroo gets 30 koala 18

    some of these creatures have multiple names

    August 29, 2012

  • thanks.

    I knew you would filter what you wanted

    August 28, 2012

  • scrabble is a valid word in scrabble

    as well as hardscrabble

    August 28, 2012

  • any other business

    as they say in the business

    be in the business of, to

    be minding one's own business, to

    be the business, to

    business acumen

    business administration

    business affair

    business agent

    business angel

    business approach

    business associate

    business as usual


    business before pleasure

    business bringer

    business card

    business casual

    business centre

    business college

    business committee

    business correspondent

    business course


    business customer

    business cycle

    business day

    business deal

    business dealing

    business degree

    business district

    business doctor

    business double

    business edge

    business efficiency

    business empire

    business English

    business ethic

    business executive


    business getter

    business girl

    business graphic

    business guru

    business habit

    business head

    business hours

    business house

    business incubator

    business interest

    business interruption

    business investment

    business is business

    business jet

    business leader

    business letter

    business life


    business lunch

    business luncheon

    business magnate

    business manage

    business management

    business manager

    business meeting


    business model

    business mogul

    business morality

    business office

    business of the stage

    business operation

    business opportunity


    business owner

    business park

    business part

    business partner

    business pass

    business plan

    business practice

    business process redesign

    business process re-engineering

    business proposition

    business rate

    business reason

    business redouble


    business reply

    business school

    business sector

    business shirt

    business shoe

    business start-up

    business strategy

    business student

    business studies

    business style

    business suit


    business teacher

    business tourism

    business tourist

    business transaction

    business travel

    business traveller

    business trip

    business tycoon

    business union

    business unionism

    business unionist

    business unit

    business venture

    business view

    business wear


    business wit

    business world

    carry a business, to

    do (also †be at) one's business, to

    do a person's business, to

    do business, to

    do business with (a person), to

    do (one's) business, to

    do the business for a person, to

    do the business, to

    for business

    get (also settle) down to business, to

    get the business, to

    give (a person) the business, to

    give business to, to

    go about one's business, to

    hours of business

    house of business

    in business

    known in the business as

    know one's business, to

    letter of business

    look the business, to

    make it one's business, to

    man of business

    mean business, to

    mind one's own business, to

    on business

    person's business, a

    place of business

    send about one's business, to

    stroke of business

    take care of business, to

    woman of business

    August 28, 2012

  • technically you need another word to justify your comment.

    August 27, 2012

  • ship-lap n. (a) a form of joint in carpentry made by halving (see quots. and halving n.1 2, and cf. half-lap at lap n.3 2b); (b) boards interlocked by rebates, used esp. for cladding.

    1854 A. E. Baker Gloss. Northamptonshire Words, Ship-lap, a carpenter's term for a mode of uniting the end of one piece of wood to the side of another, at right angles, by a bevil-shaped bearing on the upper edge.

    1939 W. Faulkner Wild Palms 15 The flimsy walls (they were not even tongue-and-groove..but were of ship-lap).

    1977 Cornish Times 19 Aug. 13/2 (advt.), shiplap claddings and drainage systems are always in stock.

    August 27, 2012

  • click on conjunctive-adverbs click on resetee click on 182 lists he has

    did this help?

    August 27, 2012

  • drupaceous

    August 26, 2012

  • regular juxtapositions-interesting

    bilateral trade agreement occurs once in the OED but not in its

    own right,under "switch"

    August 26, 2012

  • aarrghh








    all these can be played in scrabble

    August 26, 2012

  • a two year old sheep is a bident

    a three year old sheep is a thrinter

    explain birn to me

    August 26, 2012

  • some nice cricket stuff here Mr Bilby

    linseed oil I like

    whats a toe-cracker?

    here one for you, supersub

    August 26, 2012

  • cricketana

    Writings or items of gossip about cricket; cricket talk

    I love it

    August 26, 2012

  • a very very good list

    August 25, 2012

  • how did you miss hircine?

    August 25, 2012

  • why didn't you list them all ie cougar names?

    August 24, 2012

  • first cat list ive seen

    August 24, 2012

  • first words spoken were a palindrome

    madam Im adam

    August 24, 2012

  • Damn I was going to add Mary Poppins, first memorable film I saw as

    a child

    August 24, 2012

  • of course Penguin is a famous trademark for

    publishing books.

    Will you be wearing penguin suits for your get togethers?

    August 24, 2012

  • can you create a box of plants in a grid 5x5

    I offer this as a challege to anyone out there

    common names please

    August 23, 2012

  • just penguins,their names,and

    anything to do with penguin like a

    place in Tasmania,a nun,aeronautics,

    penguin association,what films remind you of penguins? One in 50,000 turn out brown.There are 17 species

    August 23, 2012

  • about one in three insects is a beetle

    166 families in coleoptera

    370,000 known species

    weevils are the biggest family



    August 22, 2012

  • No I havent,How many breeds do they have in the book?

    Its always a buzz when you can see them .

    August 22, 2012

  • i tried maasdamer today

    August 21, 2012

  • you lost me at axridda

    August 21, 2012

  • croodle to murmur like a dove


    August 21, 2012

  • Im thinking there are around 400 breeds

    August 21, 2012

  • squirrel is two syllables

    August 20, 2012

  • 1992 Farmers Weekly 14 Aug. 44/1 Slugs will have to contend with novel chemistry this autumn, in the form of Genesis, a recently approved molluscicide.

    August 20, 2012

  • whats abra?

    August 20, 2012

  • where did you find bemidewiskawed?

    August 18, 2012

  • I have played hiddenite and syenite and apatite in Scrabble

    So how long did it take to do this list?

    August 17, 2012

  • where is the evidence for petrol being a trademark?

    August 15, 2012

  • I think its frigidaire

    August 15, 2012

  • BVD is a brand of men's underwear,

    August 15, 2012

  • Trojan was a contraceptive sheath

    First registered as a proprietary term in the U.S. on 26 Apr. 1927.

    August 15, 2012

  • U.S. Patent 0,621,195, "Navigable balloon". 14 March 1899. Ferdinand Graf Zeppelin.

    That zeppelin was referred to as a Navigable balloon.

    August 15, 2012

  • teratorn a prehistoric bird as tall as a human being with a wingspan of over four metres

    August 11, 2012

  • I like muck up day

    Have a look at my list Australian

    August 11, 2012

  • you have dunlop twice and edam also

    August 8, 2012

  • crucifix is a gymnastics move and a ambo is an ambulance too

    August 7, 2012

  • guqin is also qin

    August 7, 2012

  • makes me think of jesus

    August 7, 2012

  • crumpet with vegemite

    did you know vegemite is playable in tournament scrabble?

    keep seeing your bilby fingerprints all over wordnik

    and ruzuzu

    August 1, 2012

  • ive got 400 items for everything hats

    i added akubra

    ill let you add sunhat

    August 1, 2012

  • check your reference for abacot (ghost word)

    August 1, 2012

  • I have over 400 items on hats and I am from the land downunder.

    ruzuzu led me to your list

    Im indebted to my wife for cork hat

    you can google me logosxxx

    I helped put together the last edition of the scrabble book

    August 1, 2012

  • i added fijian

    July 31, 2012

  • I just added 29 to your list

    Our Australian swimmers had a shock loss

    July 30, 2012

  • I just added Meles meles,Lutra lutra,Martes martes,Capreolus capreolus

    I have another 29 to add when you contact me

    July 29, 2012

  • does this count?

    See Damaliscus pygargus ssp. pygargus

    July 29, 2012

  • Bilby was a legal word in scrabble in 2007

    I was born on an Italian ship

    The ship was SS Roma

    My middle name is francesco and I am bald on top

    I have been to Tasmania in 1986 two weeks

    still studying hair

    the anagram of tomatoes is ostomate

    July 27, 2012

  • hair grows after we die,so are we really dead?

    a tonsure is a sort of a bald

    some women really dig bald

    skinheads are as rare as rocking horse manure around here

    July 27, 2012

  • i guess i will. Im from Australia.Send me list on" bald"

    who can forget romper stomper film?

    July 27, 2012

  • geisha hairstyles katsuyama is one of about 6

    July 27, 2012

  • 2. In form Mohican (also mohican). Designating a hairstyle in which the head is shaved except for a strip of hair running centrally from the middle of the forehead to the back of the neck.The Mohican hairstyle imitates a traditional deer-hair topknot worn by males of certain north-eastern American Indian peoples; the specific attribution to the Mohican peoples probably derives from the writings of J. Fenimore Cooper, either through conventionalized illustrations in certain editions or through film adaptations of the novels.

    The Mohican is now usually distinguished from the Mohawk (Mohawk n. 4) by the fact that the strip of hair is grown long and stiffened to stand erect or in spikes (a style associated particularly with punks in the 1970s and 1980s); however, in earlier use the two terms appear to have been more or less synonymous (Mohican being more usual in Britain, Mohawk more usual in the United States).

    July 27, 2012

  • 1990 Elle (U.S. ed.) Aug. 142/1 Within a few years the world knew about dreadlocks, the medusalike hairstyle favored by Rastas.OED

    July 27, 2012

  • Zimmer

    used to be in the lower case

    July 26, 2012

  • Im after generic ones that are playable in scrabble.

    have a look at my list trademark kalayzich.

    I do in depth analysis

    you might be shocked whats playable in the lowercase

    July 26, 2012

  • woodbine

    b. An Englishman, esp. a soldier, considered as a habitual smoker of Woodbine cigarettes. Austral. slang

    1919 W. H. Downing Digger Dial. 54 Woodbine, an English soldier, so called from the name of a cheap brand of cigarette favored by Englishmen

    July 25, 2012

  • kaylied British slang for

    intoxicated drunk

    June 19, 2009

  • kaal South African meaning naked literally bare arsed

    June 19, 2009

  • its an adjective meaning genuine or real also jannock

    June 19, 2009

  • a sign which

    represents a word

    May 26, 2009

  • a large monitor lizard

    May 26, 2009

  • a Chinese

    musical instrument with seven strings

    also spelt qin

    May 25, 2009

  • Currently, there are 797 Google hits for "epicaricacy," and it is cited in the following online dictionaries, cited by Onelook: Wikipedia, Worthless Word for the Day, Wiktionary, and Luciferous Logolepsy. On Wordcraft alone we've mentioned it 256 times.

    May 23, 2009

  • Today, I shall promote epicaricacy: pleasure engendered by the pain or misfortune of others. Or, when I for some reason am feeling less pedantic, English for schadenfreude.

    May 23, 2009

  • noni is a

    plant whose fruit is used as a health supplement

    May 22, 2009

  • a rock


    who performs loud harsh music

    May 22, 2009

  • the runt

    bird in a brood of chickens

    May 22, 2009

  • it East African for teacher Swahili

    May 22, 2009

  • South African

    a large sea bream

    May 22, 2009

  • Indian,

    down with,death to used as a part of a slogan in India an interjection

    May 22, 2009

  • slang for

    an unattractive person

    May 22, 2009

  • it means mass murder

    May 22, 2009

  • NZ a person from the Waikato

    May 22, 2009

  • a severe reprimand or scolding

    May 22, 2009

  • who is the sherang around here ie the head boss

    May 21, 2009

  • dunger is an old decrepit car informal NZ slang

    May 21, 2009

  • unattractive woman

    May 21, 2009

  • can be used as a noun as in

    To hear some recent recordings, please visit the hundred inevitables at

    May 21, 2009

  • Unununium was discovered by S. Hofmann et al. collaboration at the Heavy Ion Research Laboratory (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung

    May 21, 2009

  • Incarvillea likes a sunny spot and a well cultivated soil. Incarvillea is an excellent border plant and is very easy to combine with shrubs or other kind of ...

    May 21, 2009

  • IMBIZO is a Zulu word that means “gathering” or “meeting

    May 21, 2009

  • you can expect to see this marine food fish more than twice a year if you play tournament scrabble

    May 20, 2009

  • a yam plant Dioscorea hastifolia native to SW Australia that has edible roots

    May 20, 2009

  • anyon is a subatomic particle

    May 19, 2009

  • Dat bitch iz a skanky ho; look at her clothes, she be all ovah mah man, yo!

    From Urban Dictionary

    May 19, 2009

  • South African interjection meaning an exclamation expressive of surprise,admiration,exhaustion

    May 19, 2009

  • These fish are from Northern India ,

    Brachydanio rerio

    May 19, 2009

  • While trading old games has taken many names and forms, the term "abandonware" was coined by Peter Ringering in late 1996.[

    May 19, 2009

  • abandonware is computer

    sftware which is no longer sold or supported by its publisher

    May 19, 2009

  • jaybirding is doing housework in the nude jaybird itself is a verb

    and can be found in the Macquarie Dictionary 4t edition

    May 18, 2009

  • also goes by the name trace fossil

    May 18, 2009

  • from a dictionary of ecology by Michael


    May 18, 2009

  • trace fossil(ichnofossil) A structure formed in a sediment by the action of a living organism (e.g. a tube, burrow, footprint, or groove made by crawling over a surface) and preserved when the sediment becomes a sedimentary rock. Traces are most commonly found at interfaces between different rock types (e.g. between sandstone and shale) and are classified in various ways, including their forms and the places of their occurrence

    May 18, 2009

  • echidna is a greek word meaning viper and Jesus

    called the pharisees

    echidnas ie vipers

    May 17, 2009

  • see Collins 7th edition dictionary

    May 17, 2009

  • t6he perception of gravity by plants is called graviperception

    May 17, 2009

  • In collins 7th edition

    and means food also a verbal sense to eat

    Chinook jargon

    May 16, 2009

  • In collins 7th edition

    and means food also a verbal sense to eat

    Chinook jargon

    May 16, 2009

  • It is in the

    Collins 9th dictionary

    May 16, 2009

  • The word

    is in Chambers


    May 16, 2009

  • dawbake is in Collins dictionary a foolish or

    slow witted person

    May 16, 2009

  • kite is

    British slang

    for aeroplane

    May 16, 2009

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