definition: a brownish gray that is paler and slightly yellower than chocolate, duller and slightly redder than mouse gray, and duller and slightly redder than castor
1. देवराज इंद�?राचा अस�?रांच�?या हाती �?ालेला पराभव अकल�?पनीय होता, पण तो याचेही प�?रत�?यक�?ष प�?रमाण होता की, कर�?मफळाचे बंधन देवांनाही च�?कलेले नाही.
2. ज�?ञानदेवांनी केवळ सोळाव�?या वर�?षी श�?रीमद�?भगवद�?गीतेवर केलेले इतके स�?ंदर तात�?त�?विक व सखोलविवेचन अकल�?पनीय आहे.
I would like to include words in my language (Marathi), and there's character support for it. Though these are meaningful to me (and 100 million more), they're meaningless to most English readers. It would be nice have the ability to mark a list as "invisible on wordie home" to avoid listing of these words on Wordie home page.
Comments by kalidas
kalidas commented on the word fallow
letting my mind lie fallow for a while
January 23, 2009
kalidas commented on the word pragiarize
January 4, 2007
kalidas commented on the word procrast
definition: short for procrastinate
January 4, 2007
kalidas commented on the word osteopathetic
definition: an extremely extremely thin person, so pathetically thin that you can count his bones.
January 4, 2007
kalidas commented on the word teatotalitarian
definition: a person who holds a strong belief that everyone in the world should enjoy tea
January 4, 2007
kalidas commented on the word golden parachute
definition: something valuable that you gain while exiting a not-so-pleasant situation
January 4, 2007
kalidas commented on the word अमृतमय
definition: like elixir
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word लाभार�?थी
definition: beneficiary
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word अकल�?पित
definition: unimagined
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word प�?रकृती
definition: health, nature
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word अंमलबजावणी
definition: implementation
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word सादर
definition: to present
also, with respect
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word अवशेष
definition: remnants
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word आवाहन
definition: appeal
ex: the leader appealed the people to stand for human rights
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word विविधीकरण
definition: diversification
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word पदावनती
definition: demotion - opposite of promotion
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word स�?वेच�?छानिवृत�?ती
definition: voluntary retirement
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word वडिलोपार�?जित
definition: earned by forefathers, inherited
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word प�?रायश�?�?चित�?त
definition: penance
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word अनास�?था
definition: indifference
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word निर�?देशांक
definition: indicative number, index.
ex: stock index
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word क�?वत
definition: capability, capacity
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word लघ�?उद�?योजक
definition: small businessman, a person or persons owning a small or small-scale business
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word चमत�?कारिक
सरकारी नोकरी करणाऱ�?यांना वरिष�?ठ अधिकाऱ�?यांच�?या चमत�?कारिक वागण�?याम�?ळे मनस�?ताप
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word वादग�?रस�?त
definition: controversial
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word चित�?रीकरण
definition: video recording
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word पद�?धतशीर
definition : systematic, methodical
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word सातत�?याने
सातत�?याने अपयशी ठरलेल�?या वीरेंद�?र सेहवाग
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word ऊर�?जा
definition: energy
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word ऊर�?जा
पर�?यायी ऊर�?जा स�?त�?रोत विकसित करावे;पंतप�?रधानांचे राष�?ट�?रीय विज�?ञान परिषदेत आवाहन
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word सखोल
definition: having depth, in-depth, deep (of thoughts, theories, writings, analysis, knowledge)
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word विवेचन
definition : analysis
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word तात�?त�?विक
definition : related to principles
there could be a better definition, let me know
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word प�?रमाण
definition: proof; also quantity
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word zeitgeist
blame the zeitgeist.
January 3, 2007
kalidas commented on the word bayonnet
gun down that n!
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word cropper
his delusions and the croppers they cost him -- Edmund Wilson
to see their betters come a cropper -- Tyrone Guthrie
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word evergreen
If green is verdant, what's evergreen?
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the list fantasy-horror-story
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word defenestration
defenestrated through time
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word मानसिकता
definition: mentality
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word mauve
definition: a strong purple that is bluer and paler than monsignor
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word taupe
definition: a brownish gray that is paler and slightly yellower than chocolate, duller and slightly redder than mouse gray, and duller and slightly redder than castor
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word collage
definition: an assembly of diverse fragments
see montage
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word bricolage
definition: construction (as of a sculpture or a structure of ideas) achieved by using whatever comes to hand; something constructed this way.
see collage
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word अकल�?पनीय
definition: unimaginable, unbelievable
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word पार�?श�?�?वभूमी
definition : background
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word दावा
definition : claim (n)
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word लहरी
definition: moody; waves
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word निष�?पक�?षपातीपणा
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word क�?षितिज
definition: horizon
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word भरारी
definition: flight
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word अर�?थविश�?व
definition: the world of money
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the list word-guidelines-for-wordie
Right now we have the following readily available options to look up the word
ninjawords | tfd | etymonline | dictionary | M-W | UD | Wikipedia | Google
How about addding It's powerful and probably the most potent dictionary search on the net.
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word अकल�?पनीय
1. देवराज इंद�?राचा अस�?रांच�?या हाती �?ालेला पराभव अकल�?पनीय होता, पण तो याचेही प�?रत�?यक�?ष प�?रमाण होता की, कर�?मफळाचे बंधन देवांनाही च�?कलेले नाही.
2. ज�?ञानदेवांनी केवळ सोळाव�?या वर�?षी श�?रीमद�?भगवद�?गीतेवर केलेले इतके स�?ंदर तात�?त�?विक व सखोल विवेचन अकल�?पनीय आहे.
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word sleasel
definition : a combination of sleaze and weasel :)
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word exact
definition: exact, v, to demand
ex: qualms which exacted rites of expiation -- John Dewey
January 2, 2007
kalidas commented on the word zephyr
definition: a soft warm breeze from the west ;
any of various lightweight fabrics and articles of clothing, like shawl
Also see:
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the word tar baby
definition: something from which it is nearly impossible to extricate oneself
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the word vanilla
definition: lacking distinction, ordinary, plain, conventional, cookie-cutter
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the word cookie-cutter
definition: marked by lack of originality or distinction
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the list word-guidelines-for-wordie
I would like to include words in my language (Marathi), and there's character support for it. Though these are meaningful to me (and 100 million more), they're meaningless to most English readers. It would be nice have the ability to mark a list as "invisible on wordie home" to avoid listing of these words on Wordie home page.
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the word job's comforter
definition: one that increases (as by tactless or malicious remarks) a person's distress while supposedly comforting him
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the word hobson's choice
definition: the necessity of accepting something objectionable through the fact that one would otherwise get nothing at all
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the list tez-s-words
There's impotency in its sound, this paradox probably makes it pissant as a word
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the word succint
Attempting succinctness maybe
January 1, 2007
kalidas commented on the list words-i-can-t-seem-to-eradicate-from-my-vocabulary
If you like eradicate, you'd love extirpate
December 27, 2006
kalidas commented on the list tez-s-words
puissant lacks punch
December 27, 2006