kevinkelly commented on the word hackintosh
A Macintosh made from a cheap PC laptop. It is hacked to run the Mac OS.
June 16, 2009
kevinkelly commented on the word downtailing
Moving down the long tail, meaning getting more and more obscure.
kevinkelly commented on the word collaspitarian
Someone who is eager for civilization to collapse because it will hasten the arrival of an eco-friendly alternative.
Comments by kevinkelly
kevinkelly commented on the word hackintosh
A Macintosh made from a cheap PC laptop. It is hacked to run the Mac OS.
June 16, 2009
kevinkelly commented on the word downtailing
Moving down the long tail, meaning getting more and more obscure.
June 16, 2009
kevinkelly commented on the word collaspitarian
Someone who is eager for civilization to collapse because it will hasten the arrival of an eco-friendly alternative.
June 16, 2009