From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Pg.73
"In a way, that's a plus because at least she can be counted on to corral us around to places on time whereas we haven't seen Haymitch since he agreed to help us on the train."
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg.137
"I found an impossibly soft stocking, the garter kind, cloud taupe, laddered, and an empty flagon of Ma Griffe perfume, its label decorated with a scribble of black lines on white. "
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg. 12
"Out the window, the glow of the Hollywood sign was slightly blurred with June fog, a soft wellness on the hills raising the smell of sage and chamise, moisture wiping the glass with dreams."
"Jack's choice to flippantly leave his coaching and teaching responsibilities, not to mention his lack of respect for this body, only adds to the accusations against him,"Jerry stated. Book: The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on PG 142
"He especially wanted a crack at Eddie in some kind of one-on-one competition,something that involved some mental acuity,not just physical." Book:The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on PG 119
"He'd stopped by the medic's room before hitting the restaurant,doused himself with Bactine,and had the medic check all his cuts and scrapes." Book: The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on PG 118
"They'd traversed over half of the lava section while Denny had gained only a few feet up the vertical cliff." From The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on Page 106.
"Jack then clasped the carabiner to the harness around his waist and let the foot stirrups drag behind him." From the book The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on Pg.105
"What could he do with ten million dollars? At first, his thoughts were altruistic." From the book The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on page 67.
"The center of the room had been partitioned off with grass curtains and fake walls." From the book The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on page 54.
Comments by kmassie
kmassie commented on the word sparse
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. pg.148
"To my left and back,sparse piney woods."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word terrain
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. pg.139
"I can't stop trying to imagine exactly what terrain i'll be thrown into."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word aloof
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne
"Are you going to be charming? aloof? fierce?"
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word sever
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne
"Then I sever the rope that holds the sandbag for boxing, and the bag splits open as it slams to the ground."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word combative
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne
"We are forbidden to engage in any combative exercise with another tribute."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word adversaries
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne
"Because,in fact, at some point, we're going to have to knock it off and accept we're bitter adversaries."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word mutilate
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. pg.85
"That I let the capitol kill the boy and mutilate her without lifting a finger."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word mutilate
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. pg.85
"That I let the capitol kill the boy and mutilate her without lifting a finger."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word corral
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Pg.73
"In a way, that's a plus because at least she can be counted on to corral us around to places on time whereas we haven't seen Haymitch since he agreed to help us on the train."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word substantial
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. pg. 55
"Then I stuff down every mouthful I can hold, which is a substantial amount, being careful to not overdo it on the richest stuff."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word obscenities
From the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins-
"She's muttering obscenities under her breath."
November 29, 2010
kmassie commented on the word regal
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. pg.356
"The Crystalline days of March, that rarest of seasons, came like a benediction, regal and scented with cedar and pine."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word benediction
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. pg.356
"The Crystalline days of March, that rarest of seasons, came like a benediction, regal and scented with cedar and pine."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word cloying
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg.137
"The sticky cloying taste lingered as i sat on my ripcord bedspread and combed my hair with Olivia's comb."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word flagon
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg.137
"I found an impossibly soft stocking, the garter kind, cloud taupe, laddered, and an empty flagon of Ma Griffe perfume, its label decorated with a scribble of black lines on white. "
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word sprig
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg. 137
"I picked Sprigs of her rosemary and tucked them in my pockets."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word jacarandas
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg. 49.
"Clusters of lavender jacarandas emerged from the ranks of trees as we stitched along the gray-and-white streets."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word pliable
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg.43
"I saw that her face was melted and horribly pliable."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word lianas
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg. 16.
"Rhythms began to emerge, expand, complex as lianas."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word chamise
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg. 12
"Out the window, the glow of the Hollywood sign was slightly blurred with June fog, a soft wellness on the hills raising the smell of sage and chamise, moisture wiping the glass with dreams."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word nonunion
From the book White Oleander by Janet Fitch. Pg. 10.
"He had to do it under a pseudonym, Wolfram Malevich, because it was nonunion."
November 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Cummerbund
"Jack noticed that Spike's gold cummerbund matched C.J.'s gold evening gown." Book:The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on PG 146
October 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Amiably
"The four of them chatted amiably,enjoying the lavish setting." Book:The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacoben on PG 145
October 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Flippantly
"Jack's choice to flippantly leave his coaching and teaching responsibilities, not to mention his lack of respect for this body, only adds to the accusations against him,"Jerry stated. Book: The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on PG 142
October 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Tantamount
"Was what he did tantamount to cheating on her?" Book: The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on PG 138
October 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Acuity
"He especially wanted a crack at Eddie in some kind of one-on-one competition,something that involved some mental acuity,not just physical." Book:The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on PG 119
October 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Doused
"He'd stopped by the medic's room before hitting the restaurant,doused himself with Bactine,and had the medic check all his cuts and scrapes." Book: The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on PG 118
October 1, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Traversed
"They'd traversed over half of the lava section while Denny had gained only a few feet up the vertical cliff." From The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on Page 106.
September 27, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Carabiner
"Jack then clasped the carabiner to the harness around his waist and let the foot stirrups drag behind him." From the book The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on Pg.105
September 27, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Altruistic
"What could he do with ten million dollars? At first, his thoughts were altruistic." From the book The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on page 67.
September 26, 2010
kmassie commented on the word Partitioned
"The center of the room had been partitioned off with grass curtains and fake walls." From the book The Ultimate Reality Show by Clay Jacobsen on page 54.
September 26, 2010