kmk commented on the word taqueriaing
The act of visiting a taqueria - especially more than one in a single 24-hour period.
December 31, 2007
kmk commented on the word fob off
To shift work onto another person, as in to shirk one's responsibilities and assign them to another.
"I'm sorry to fob off washing to car onto you, but I have to get to my hair appointment." (true story!)
Comments by kmk
kmk commented on the word taqueriaing
The act of visiting a taqueria - especially more than one in a single 24-hour period.
December 31, 2007
kmk commented on the word fob off
To shift work onto another person, as in to shirk one's responsibilities and assign them to another.
"I'm sorry to fob off washing to car onto you, but I have to get to my hair appointment." (true story!)
December 31, 2007