Here's the etymology I've always enjoyed for the word:
German, probably from a dialectal term of abuse: obsolete Pumper, breaking wind (from dialectal pumpern, to break wind, from Middle High German, to knock) + German Nickel, goblin.
So... Pumpernickel could be translated as "fart goblin."
Comments by ktrey
ktrey commented on the word pumpernickel
Here's the etymology I've always enjoyed for the word:
German, probably from a dialectal term of abuse: obsolete Pumper, breaking wind (from dialectal pumpern, to break wind, from Middle High German, to knock) + German Nickel, goblin.
So... Pumpernickel could be translated as "fart goblin."
April 25, 2008
ktrey commented on the word ipecac
Startlingly onomatopoetic.
April 25, 2008
ktrey commented on the list the-porn-birds
Pardon my intrusion, but I'd like to offer another p-ornithological candidate: The stupendously sibilant sounding Dickcissel.
April 24, 2008