Hello Ms. Erin, we are students from MUIDS (Mahidol University International Demonstration School) of Thailand. We would like to send you a new word that our group has created together. And that word is BREUL come from combination of BREAK and RULE which is a verb means that the action of breaking rules. Example conversation 'Be a good student! Don't breul.'For noun, we decided to add -er after the verb, so it will become BREULER means person who break rule. We wish that you can accept our word. Thank you.
Comments by kun585
kun585 commented on the word bruel
BREUL come from combination of BREAK and RULE
BRUEL (V) means that the action of breaking rules.
BREULER (N) means person who break rule.
Example conversation : 'Be a good student! Don't breul"
September 30, 2016
kun585 commented on the user kun585
Hello Ms. Erin, we are students from MUIDS (Mahidol University International Demonstration School) of Thailand. We would like to send you a new word that our group has created together. And that word is BREUL come from combination of BREAK and RULE which is a verb means that the action of breaking rules. Example conversation 'Be a good student! Don't breul.'For noun, we decided to add -er after the verb, so it will become BREULER means person who break rule. We wish that you can accept our word. Thank you.
September 30, 2016