Sabreader: Indeed. I didn't know how to make them. Although, if it WERE bakanl-i-k, then I suppose it would be bakanliklerimidenmisiniz ;)
Robot: No, see I disagree on Brie and so forth. There's something more basic going on when you call an orange a "Portugal" or China China. They're not adjectives modifying a hidden noun, "Brie" cheese, etc. In that case, buckram might have to go.
Comments by librarythingtim
LibraryThingTim commented on the user LibraryThingTim
Sabreader: Indeed. I didn't know how to make them. Although, if it WERE bakanl-i-k, then I suppose it would be bakanliklerimidenmisiniz ;)
Robot: No, see I disagree on Brie and so forth. There's something more basic going on when you call an orange a "Portugal" or China China. They're not adjectives modifying a hidden noun, "Brie" cheese, etc. In that case, buckram might have to go.
December 1, 2006
LibraryThingTim commented on the user LibraryThingTim
An orange, in various languages, including Greek and Turkish.
November 29, 2006
LibraryThingTim commented on the user yuri_g
But I rather like munge...
November 29, 2006