lilacs524 commented on the word rapscallion
If I remember correctly, rapscallion was in Huck Finn?
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the word pivot
on Friends: Ross is trying to get a big couch up tiny stairs: "PIVOT! PIVOT!"
lilacs524 commented on the word lilac
my username: from Barenaked Ladies' "Lilac Girl".
lilacs524 commented on the list words-that-make-me-smile
awesome list... how about: pantyhose? :-)
lilacs524 commented on the word dahlia
My grandfather's favorite flower, he grew them. The word is very relaxing to me.
lilacs524 commented on the word cerulean
Definitely a tough one to pronounce. Definitely a great color.
lilacs524 commented on the word bamboozle
Makes me think of Friends - Joey is hosting a gameshow by this name... "Sorry, you've been... BAMBOOZLED."
lilacs524 commented on the word juxtapose
2 girls in my high school AP studio art class and I used this word to title our display, since we had to put all 3 of our work together and it was all so different.
lilacs524 commented on the word grandmother
This word just makes me feel warm and cozy and reminiscent.
Comments by lilacs524
lilacs524 commented on the word rapscallion
If I remember correctly, rapscallion was in Huck Finn?
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the word pivot
on Friends: Ross is trying to get a big couch up tiny stairs: "PIVOT! PIVOT!"
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the word lilac
my username: from Barenaked Ladies' "Lilac Girl".
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the list words-that-make-me-smile
awesome list... how about: pantyhose? :-)
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the word dahlia
My grandfather's favorite flower, he grew them. The word is very relaxing to me.
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the word cerulean
Definitely a tough one to pronounce. Definitely a great color.
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the word bamboozle
Makes me think of Friends - Joey is hosting a gameshow by this name... "Sorry, you've been... BAMBOOZLED."
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the word juxtapose
2 girls in my high school AP studio art class and I used this word to title our display, since we had to put all 3 of our work together and it was all so different.
February 23, 2007
lilacs524 commented on the word grandmother
This word just makes me feel warm and cozy and reminiscent.
February 23, 2007