A.C Spectorsky (1910-1972) was the books editor for Playboy during its heyday as a pseudo intellectual journal. He used the phrase "aptly yclept" once a month. After a quick trip to the Funk and Wagnalls, Playboy wannabes sprinkled it in their conversation.
Comments by lindyhopr
lindyhopr commented on the word yclept
A.C Spectorsky (1910-1972) was the books editor for Playboy during its heyday as a pseudo intellectual journal. He used the phrase "aptly yclept" once a month. After a quick trip to the Funk and Wagnalls, Playboy wannabes sprinkled it in their conversation.
His full name was "Auguste Comet Spectorsky"
February 19, 2009
lindyhopr commented on the list lindyhoprs-list
yclept -- "named as" Julius Erving yclept "Dr. J."
Made famous by A.C. Spectorsky books editor of Playboy who used it once amonth to demonstrate the erudition of that publication.
(A.C. stands for "Auguste Comet") Spectorsky died in 1972. His most famous book is "The Exurbanites"
February 19, 2009
lindyhopr commented on the list lindyhoprs-list
Having to do with the underworld. Humorously, "cthonic messages from the Human Resources Department"
February 18, 2009