Here’s another good example of the esteemed passival from T.B. Macaulay’s “The History of England from the Accession of James II”:
It was much noticed that, while the foulest judicial murder which had disgraced even those times was perpetrating, a tempest burst forth, such as had not been known since that great hurricane which had raged round the death-bed of Oliver.
Comments by lisahi
LisaHi commented on the word passival
Here’s another good example of the esteemed passival from T.B. Macaulay’s “The History of England from the Accession of James II”:
It was much noticed that, while the foulest judicial murder which had disgraced even those times was perpetrating, a tempest burst forth, such as had not been known since that great hurricane which had raged round the death-bed of Oliver.
July 13, 2011