turns out this is a misspelling of bibulous. oops. maybe a quick neologism will cover my tracks and make this a word after all ... adjective 1) possessing an abundance of bib leattuces
thanks for tracking that down -- I'm adding bibulous to my list, but won't remove the misspelled version for now in case it guides any other imbibers:)
A long time ago, I worked in a lab and we had packets of biblious paper. The paper was good at absorbing things. I thought, and think, the word is funny, but it doesn't seem to be defined in many (any?) dictionaries. So, either I've got the spelling wrong, or it's a specialized term. Does anyone else know about this word?
Comments by lizzy
lizzy commented on the word biblious
turns out this is a misspelling of bibulous. oops. maybe a quick neologism will cover my tracks and make this a word after all ... adjective 1) possessing an abundance of bib leattuces
December 9, 2006
lizzy commented on the word bibulous
got it thanks to sarra
December 9, 2006
lizzy commented on the list lizzy-s-words
thanks for tracking that down -- I'm adding bibulous to my list, but won't remove the misspelled version for now in case it guides any other imbibers:)
December 9, 2006
lizzy commented on the word ovipositor
in the context of insect reproduction, this word is mildly amusing, but when I think if it in terms of positing eggs more generally, it makes me laugh
December 9, 2006
lizzy commented on the list lizzy-s-words
A long time ago, I worked in a lab and we had packets of biblious paper. The paper was good at absorbing things. I thought, and think, the word is funny, but it doesn't seem to be defined in many (any?) dictionaries. So, either I've got the spelling wrong, or it's a specialized term. Does anyone else know about this word?
December 9, 2006